Sometimes Resisting Is Easier Than Giving In


Alex was at the airport to pick me up. It was just him and no one else. Not even Sebastian was there. When I saw him the strangest thing happened, my eyes started to tear up and then I was running to him. He caught me in his arms and spun me around. I buried my face in his neck and let myself cry from how happy I was.
“Why the tears?” He asked when he set me down.
“I’m just so happy.” I admitted wiped at them embarrassed that he’d noticed.
He pushed his lips to mine as tight as ever. For a moment we were oblivious to those around us and the kissing started to get heated but the Alex pulled back.
“We have plenty of time for that later. Let’s just get some food in you and then go home.”
“Okay.” I said letting my hand slip into his.
We walked to the baggage claim and we watched for my suitcase to come off the plane. Eventually I spotted it and grabbed it. Then we were off to the car that he had rented out for his time here.
We went to lunch but I wasn’t feeling that hungry. I still had that horrible headache that I felt coming after I’d finished all my midterms. Alex picked up tat I wasn’t feeling great when I only ate about half my food.
“What’s the matter?” He asked picking up my hand and staring into my eyes to read them.
“It’s nothing.” I reassured him. “I just have a bad headache.”
“We can go to the store and get something for it if you want. Then we can go home and I’ll let you sleep on me.” He offered.
“Sure. Anything to make it stop.”
“When did it start?”
“After I got on the plane.”
“Maybe it’s just from the altitude.”
“Maybe, or I worked my brain too hard.” I joked.
That seemed to satisfy him. I was okay enough to make jokes so there was nothing that was terribly wrong with me. He got up and went to pay at the register while I waited for him to come back. Then we left and picked some Tylenol up from the store before going home.
There were many greetings and hellos to be had when I arrived. Rian was the first person that I was reunited with. I gave him the biggest hug ever and even kissed his cheek. Then there was Courtney who dragged me to see Zack. He was in the studio so she interrupted his session to bring me to say hi. It was nice to hug Zack again. He gave really tight hugs. I left as soon as possible so that he could get back to recording. Alex took me into the booth with all the recording equipment where their producer was.
“This is Matt Squire.” Alex said. “This is the girl I’ve been annoying you about.”
“Ah, Emmy.” Matt said hugging me.
“Hi Matt! Sorry I just interrupted that.” I gestured towards Zack.
“No problem.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing a lot of you later, but for now I’ve got to go find Jack.”
“Sure. Go see him. He was in the kitchen last time I saw him.”
Alex led me to the kitchen where we found Jack in his boxers dancing around while grabbing various food items. I made Alex stay silent while we watched him just to see how long it would take him to notice us. It was two songs later that he saw us. An embarrassed grin came over him and then the happiness to see me took over.
I was trapped in his arms in seconds and he was squeezing me tighter than he ever had.
“Jack!” I said happily and kissed his cheek.
He did it back to me.
“I missed you. I was so tired of listening to Alex complain about missing you.”
“Well I bet you’re glad I’m here to shut him up now.”
He nodded with a huge smile on his face.
“I have to eat now. Go make out or something.” Jack said shoeing us off.
I walked back to Alex, who was still standing in the doorway. Jack was unaware of us now. I put my arms around Alex’s waist and put my head on his shoulder. All I wanted was to be close to him.
“Ready for a nap?” He guessed.
“Ready to see my bedroom?”
Alex pressed his lips to my neck quickly and then was pulling me and my suitcase off towards the stairs. We went down the stairs, into where Rian slept on a couch, and then through a door.
The room was white with a large bed in it. There was a desk and a lamp. Off to the right was a bathroom. That was going to be annoying soon enough because Rian would have to go though Alex’s room to get to it. I hoped there was a lock on his door or we’d be putting signs up as a warning. Of course Alex had no idea of my intentions yet. He was probably expecting me to still resist him.
First I chose to take a shower alone to get rid of some of the stiffness. Alex lounged on his bed and waited for me. I took one of the Tylenols that Alex had bought in the store and then slipped into the shower. While I was in there I wondered to myself where Sebastian was. I didn’t have to wonder for long because when I got out and went into the bedroom Sebastian was on the bed with Alex. He jumped off the bed and ran to me. I picked him up and kissed him all over his face while he licked me.
“Oh I missed you puppy!” I giggled as he licked my cheek.
I took him to the bed and settled next to Alex. Sebastian wouldn’t leave me alone for ten minutes so I gave him all the attention he demanded. After he’d gotten over the initial excitement of me being there he settled into the corner that he’d claimed as his and I curled up against Alex’s side with my head on his shoulder.
“How’s the head?” He asked kissing the top of it.
“Better. Took some Tylenol.”
For a while all I could do was kiss him and be as close as our bodies would physically allow before I was satisfied and could just lie there with him. I felt my eyes getting heavier and found that the pain was even less when I left my eyes closed. I must have had a migraine.

My first day there was mostly just getting settled and nothing else. The second day Alex had recording and Courtney wanted me to come see Zack’s new place that he was sharing with his buddies. Rian took me to Zack’s house and then stayed to chill for a little.
I still had that horrible headache and forgot to take any meds so it was getting worse. What sucked more was that it was a sunny day and the light made my eyes hurt. After a few hours it was hard to concentrate. Rian and Courtney had gone to pick a few things up from the store. Zack and I were on the couch watching TV.
“What’s the matter?” Zack asked tapping my knee when I didn’t open my eyes.
“I have a horrible headache.” I said rubbing my temples.
“I think it’s from how hard I studied before finals and how hard I pushed myself. My brain is catching up and it’s mad.”
“You know, I could fix that with some sort of illegal ways.” He hinted.
“You have some?” I asked knowing what he meant.
If pot would help me I would smoke it. My head hurt and I wanted anything that would make it go away.
“It’s stronger than Tylenol.”
“Give it to me.” I said. “Please.”
“He’s not here and he doesn’t make decisions for me.”
“Give me a second.” Zack said getting up and heading for his room.
I sat on the couch with my legs folded under me waiting for him. I rubbed my temples thinking that would make a difference but it really did nothing for me.
Zack was back and told me to follow him into the back yard. I really didn’t want to because of the sun; mercifully he picked a shady spot under a tree.
He lit up a joint and gave it to me. Then he lit one for himself. I sat there staring at it for a moment while Zack took a drag off his. I watched the way he closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Then I decided I was going for it. I put the tiny thing to my lips and breathed in. Right away I was coughing and trying to get air. Zack was laughing at me.
“Never done this?” He asked.
I shook my head no though coughs.
“You can’t take that much that fast.”
“Okay.” I rasped.
“Just a little bit at a time until you’re used to it.”
I listened to him and was more gentle about it the next drag. I made it though with only a single cough. Zack seemed proud of me.
After a few minutes I could feel the headache melting into the background and then away all together.
“Thanks.” I said exhaling smoke.
“Nothing I wouldn’t do for a friend with a headache.”
“Do you let Courtney do this?” I asked him.
“Not often. I mean it’s not like I do it often, but no she doesn’t really.”
“You protecting her?”
“Just asking. I saw how you kept her from drinking much at Alex’s party.”
“Well yea, she was sixteen then. Now she’s seventeen but it’s not much different.”
“How was her birthday? It sucks that I missed it but good that you got to spend it with her.”
“It was amazing. I’m sure she’d do a better job at describing it.” He took a drag. “But I could do a better job at the nitty gritty details of what happened when everyone was gone.”
“Nah, I don’t need to hear that part.”
“It was good.”
Rian and Courtney found us in the backyard still smoking. She seemed a bit upset about it but I figured it was just because we’d left her out of it. Rian was laughing about something that I didn’t quite understand because of my foggy state of mind. There was something about Alex that made him laugh. I didn’t understand.
Zack and I came inside when we were finished. I was feeling hungry and Zack was too. We went into the kitchen to find something to eat when the doorbell rang. Rian offered to get it and Zack let him.
Courtney was laughing like Rian was before and I looked at her puzzled.
“You’ll get it in a second.” She promised me.
Alex walked around the corner.
“Baby!” I said getting up and hugging him.
“What is that smell?” He asked me.
“Zack helped me with my headache.” I said.
“Oh, did he?”
Then it clicked in my mind. They were laughing because Alex was coming and I was high. They were waiting for his reaction. Alex looked over to Zack who just waved at him while stuffing food into his mouth.
“What’s up man?”
“You got my girlfriend high?”
There was an edge to his voice. I think he was angry but I wasn’t sure. My mind was too clouded.
“Relax, she was in pain. I just helped her out a bit.”
“Over the counter meds could have helped her as well.”
He still sounded kind of mad.
“Alex, I feel so much better. Don’t worry. Zack was only helping.”
“I need to get you home.” He said to me.
“Okay, I’m tired.” I said leaning against him.
He put his arm around me to support me and Courtney followed him out. She was saying something to him that sounded like an apology but my eyelids were heavy.
Alex put me in the car and put my seat belt on. He said goodbye to Courtney and then I didn’t remember him ever starting the car. I just knew that we were home before I thought it was possible.
Alex supported me as we walked into the house. Jack was there when we came in.
“What’s up wit her?” Jack asked.
“Zack decided to help her headache out by letting her smoke with him.”
“No way? She’s high right now? Emmy!” Jack was trying to get my attention.
“I’m hungry.” I said going in the direction that I thought was the kitchen.
Alex spun me around and headed the opposite way. Jack followed with a smile.
“I’m hungry Alex. Where are we going? It feels like my stomach is going to eat me.”
“We’re going to the kitchen.”
“No, it’s that way.” I said pointing behind me.
Then we were in the kitchen.
“See I told you.” I said breaking from his arm and sitting at the counter.
Alex grabbed a few things and then made Jack pick me up. I was carried into Alex’s room and set down on the bed. Jack sat next to me. Alex went to shut the blinds and then put food down on the other side of me. I picked up a box of crackers and started eating them.
“Thanks baby.” I said chewing.
“Mmhm.” He grumbled taking a seat a few inches away from me.
“Are you made at me? Jack is he mad at me?”
“No, I don’t think he’s mad at you Emm. Just Zack.”
“Why? Zack made me feel better.”
“I’m not made at you.”
“Then why do you seem mad?” I asked stroking his face.
“Just eat.”
“Okay.” I said taking a few more crackers out of the box.
I offered him one but he turned his head and just stared at the wall. I knew he was mad but I couldn’t really figure out what he was mad about. So I offered food to Jack and talked to him about whatever he was talking about. He thought I was hilarious. Soon Alex was laughing at me too.
An hour later I was getting tired and leaning on Alex. He muttered something about how I smelled. I offered to go take a shower but he kept me lying against him. So I stayed where I was and let myself fall asleep.
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Mmmm so how do you feel about Emmeline's drug use? It's a one time thing here. I swear. She was just desperate to get rid of that headache! Awe isn't protective little Alex cute?