He Loves Me, He Loves You Not.

Chapter 1

Ugh alarm clocks were devised by the devil. i swear it. they are just there to wake you up from a perfect slumber and ruin a perfect dream.

Well Let me introduce myself. My name is Annabelle Belcher. Some call me B.B bust most call me Belle. I'm in high school yay... not. Well let me describe myself. I'm 5'2". Blond hair down to my "back dimples" and i have blue/green eyes. seriously they change colors its really cool. any who. I'm short with the hour glass body every girl kills for.

Anyways back to waking up. I'm not a morning person. at all. and to get up for school does not make it better. I go to Bainbridge High. I live with my Dad Matt and my twin brother Axel. We love picking on each other but at the end of the day were pretty much best friends and have each other's backs. Each of us have our own car. I drive a Mustang Cobra. Black with red racing stripes. He drives a Scion Tc. Although we go to the same school we do not carpool. He has football practice and soccer doesn't start for awhile so my practice is only warm ups.

So I'm not going to bore you with my morning routine. i took a shower got dressed and headed to school.

Well i might want to explain my style. I wear what i feel like at the moment. I usually wear jeans since its usually always raining or snowing so I'm not crazy like a lot of girls at my school and wear what they call a sad excuse for a skirt. Saying that they probably should have showed up in their underwear.

Well i got to school and parked next to my brother. yeah it's like an unspoken rule at our school being the only twins in the entire school we always park next to each other. I guess you could say I'm popular not as popular as the queen bitch Ashley Lamport. Gag me seriously. This girl puts Hookers to shame when to comes to how many guys she sleeps with and how little of clothes she wears and how much make up she wears.

I personally aspire to be a make-up artist. I don't wear a lot of make up personally but when it comes to every prom, any dance, wedding, pretty much anything that includes make up around my town i seem to be the number one hook up. that's how i make my own money, i don't use daddy's money. well not often i like to be independent.

As i walk in the doors i see Lancey sprinting down the halls towards me screaming and having a huge gleam on her face.

"B.B.! Omg you will never guess what. The hottest guy just like came here. He is so your type and perfect for you!" She pretty much made me deaf.

"Omg Lancey you and your hormones i swear if you didn't have Gabel you'd be a lost puppy!"

She has been dating Gabel since freshman year.

"I know but I'm just trying to hook my sister up. You haven't been with a guy since well you know who." I hate when she brings him up.

Him is referring to Henry William We Dated the end up Sophomore year till the middle of Jr. year. I ended it because i walked in on him having sex with Ashley. Since then well i lost my faith in guys. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't forgive easily. One mistake and bye bye.

Anyways i wonder if this guy is the perfect type for me as she says he is.... Well i guess i have to see. Lancey heard he was in our homeroom. Well here goes nothing....
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