Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twelve.

It amazed me how my simple green marbled floor tiles could be so beautiful when the fan blade spun, casting shadows throughout them.

That’s what I had been doing the last four hours. Watching my tear drops hit the shadowed floor tiles.
My goal was to make a lake in the middle of my appartment by the end of the night, that I would drown in, because I deserved it.

I walked over to my room, to take a look at my selection of comfortable clothes to sulk in. And settled on a blue tank top, purple aeropostale sweats, and my zebra striped, fuzzy slippers.
After changing, I dragged my feet along the floor to the kitchen, as I sniffled in memory of Dog attacking my slippers as I walked.
It was the first time I realized that so much had happened in one week, and for some reason I felt like I was already married to Zach and we were going through seperation.

I dug through the cabinets until I finally found the answer to my sadness.
Hot chocolate packets.

I filled a kettle up with water and put it on the stove, then turned around leaning on the island counter to see that day’s newspaper open to the classifieds. Little red circles were jotted all over the paper. In the circle’s were ads for cats that were for sale…
That is when realization hit me. Zach was planning to get me a new “Dog.”

I nearly cried at how caring he was towards me...He was trying to get me a himalayn persian replica of the deceased animal I loved. And what do I do?
I decided to be a bad girlfriend...no, even worse, a bad best friend.

I looked over to the side of the paper to see the red pen that he marked the paper with, and took it in my hands, as I wrote something onto the top of the paper.

Just then, someone walked through the door, causing me to jump and drop the pen.
The kettle went of, screaching loud enough to make anyone’s ears bleed, and I turned around lifting it off of the stove and to another burner.
“Hey.” Robin said, completing her daily ritual of removing tons of clothing layers.
“Hey.” I replied, turning of the stove and pouring some hot water into a cup.
“Oo. Hot chocolate.” She said excitedly, running over to the stove to make some herself, but somewhere between getting a cup and picking up a packet she stopped, and watched as I mixed my drink.

“Elle?” She questioned, putting her hand on the small of my back. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” I said, putting the spoon down and walking into the living room.
I sat on the couch and turned it onto hbo, as Robin made her hot chocolate.
Then, she came and sat beside me as I flipped through all the romance flicks.
I swear, hbo can read your mind. They really like to show the thing you don’t want to see, just to see you pissed off.
What I really wanted to see at the moment was a gorey horror/drama flick where a young girl kills her ex, a boy named Alex, and the person who ran over her innocent cat, then, runs of into the sunset holding the hand of the person she loves...did I just say “love?”

“Uh oh.” Robin said from beside me. “You’re going through your hbo phase, something is REALLY wrong. You know you’re a bad liar.” She stated and took a sip of her hot chocolate.
I ignored her, and kept flipping channels.
She sighed in frustration. “So...Where’s Zach?”
I shrugged my shoulders and lifted my mug to my lips with my non-busy hand.

“Ah..” Robin said, as if she just solved a murder. “You and Zach are fighting. Tell me details.” She jumped up closer to me on the couch but I moved further away.
“Don’t feel like it.” I said, finally turning the t.v. off and turning towards Robin.
She got off the couch and walked away with her hot chocolate in her hands. “At least I got you to admit it.” She called out and walked into her room.

I sighed, putting my mug back on the coffee table and laid down. Staring at the fan blades again and wondering if life really could happen like it did in fairytales. I’ve had all the drama and action needed for the clause, now, I think I deserve a happy ending.

As I thought about cinderella and snow white, I also couldn’t help but put my the people I knew into a disney princess story.
Alex and Bronson are the evil henchmen.
Chelsea is the wicked witch.
Robin was my helper, like the mice in cinderella.
And Zach....used to be my prince.

I held out my hand in front of my face to see the shadows cross over it, as the fan blades spun.
And just then, the front door opened and closed once again.

I heard them walk inside the kitchen and some papers move. Then the sound stopped, it almost seemed as if the person stopped breathing. They walked out of the kitchen towards mine and Robin’s bedroom, and then I heard a creeking noice, as the person opened up one of the doors.

He closed it, after waiting a few minutes and walked back into the kitchen, playing with the newspaper once again.

I decided it was time to stop being a coward, and I raised my head over the couch to see Zach looking at the small red paragraph I had inscripted earlier on the newspaper.
“Hey...” I said, and then turned back around, making sure I didn’t see his face.
But he, almost immediantly walked over to the living, and stood right in front of where I was sitting, forcing me to look at him.
He knelt down in front of me on his knees, holding the newspaper in his hands.

“I’m sorry.” He began to read off. “I love you, as a best friend and more...and I didn’t want to hurt you by telling you what happened, though, I should’ve.” He said, not finishing the rest.

He looked at me, quizically. “You wrote this?” He asked putting down the paper.
I nodded.
He licked his lips, in thought. “I want to hear you say the rest.”

I threw him a worried glance, pleading with him to not make me. I really didn’t want to say it.
“Don’t give me that look. Say it.” He said.

“Today, at school,” I began, looking into his sad green eyes. “I met a boy named Alex, and he kissed me. I didn’t kiss him, I swear!” I pleaded, and paused for a second.
“But I still feel guilty because it happened and I told him he was good-looking. I’m sorry. Though, I don’t want to be with him, I want to be with you.” I finished, tears staining my cheeks as I let them fall down, freely.

Zach was quiet again, and then he handed me the paper.
“Read the second sentence again.” I looked at him, questioning his motives.
“I didn’t kiss him, I swear?” I questioned, looking up at him.
“No.” He said, “from the top.”
I looked back down on the paper, skimming for the second sentence. “I love you.”

“I love you.” Zach repeated, looking into my eyes. “And that mean’s that I won’t lie to you, ever.” He said, looking down at the floor.

“I’m sorry...” I said, once again.
He looked back up at me, nodding his head. “I know.” He sighed.
I held out my pink, and he stared at it in confusion. “I pinky swear that I will never ever ever ever ever...” I started, and then regained my breath. “Lie to you again.”

He smiled back at me, and wrapped his pinky around mine.
“And if I break, which I won’t..” I began. “You have permission to feed me to the sharks.”

He laughed as I laid back down on the couch, glancing up at him.
“I wouldn’t do that.” He said. “But perhaps, I would defile your sticker collection.”
I gasped. “You wouldn’t?”

He laughed and then held out his pinky. “Swear on your glittery stickers’ lives.”
I put my finger against my cheek, as if I was in thought. Then, wrapped my pinky around his, once again.
“It’s a deal.” I said as he sat on the other end of the couch and scooted in to fix himself between me and the couch.

I fell asleep that night to Zach playing with my hair, dreaming of how the next day would be.
Little did I know that it would be chaotic.