Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part thirteen.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust my vision to the bright sunlight passing through the blinded window in our living room.
I looked beside me to see Zach sleeping, leaning his head on the arm of the couch.
I smiled, but while doing so, I managed to fall of the edge of the couch.

“Uggh.” I moaned, my face now against the carpet.
My head felt like a ton of bricks and I had a nagging pain in the pit of my stomache.
“Elle?” I heard Zach say from on the couch.
“Did I do that?”
I shook my head against the royal blue rug. “Nope.”

Zach knelt do beside me, “Do you want me to help you up?” He asked.
I shook my head again.
He sighed and walked into the kitchen. “Do you feel okay?” He yelled back at me.
“Don’t yell.” I said, clutching my head.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He said, and I heard his footsteps travel to the back of our appartment.

Just as I shut my eyes once again, I felt pair of hands wrap around my stomach.
“No, not the stomach!” I yelled, and I heard Zach grunt, as I walked towards my face, holding out a hand.
I sighed in pain, then took his hand to lift me up.

Once, I got up I immediantly went back to the couch. Standing was an absolute “no” today. My stomach felt as bad as the time Zach forced me to drink the “orange” koolaid that I later found out to be water mixed with a cheese packet from a macorani kit.
That was the worst day of my life.

I stared at him with hazey eyes, watching him move back and forth through out the appartment. Gosh, he was fast....maybe someone drugged me, he seemed to be moving like flash.
“Here.” He said, forcing a thermometer into my mouth.
“Where hwas thwis been?” I slurred with the object still in my mouth.
He walked away. That was getting really f.ucking annoying.
“Put it under your tongue, and push the blue button.” He called out. I pulled the unknown object that looked like a minature surf board out of my mouth...then, finally, decided to do as
he said.

It beeped, and I clutched onto my ears, just as Zach came running back into the living room to pull it out.
“102.3...” He read to himself. “My gob, Elle, I think you’ve over-worked yourself yesterday.”
I nodded and fell back on the couch, let my body hang in a mangled position.
Zach laughed.

“Here,” He said, handing me two pink pills and a glass of water that he laid on the coffee table earlier. “Take this. I’m going to go to Panera and get you some soup.”
I shook my head at his proposition but he cut me off.
“And you will take the pills, and eat the soup. Or I will feed your stickers to the kitten I got you, yesterday.”

I shook my head again, but then stopped, forcing myself to look up at him.
“You got me a kitten?” I asked.
He nodded, smiling. “Not like it’s a secret.” He said. “You already saw the newspaper ads.”
I laughed, remembering the night before. “Oh yeah...” I said. “Can I see her or him...?”
He paused as if he was in thought. “No.”
I gave him the best glare I could configure. “And why’s that?” I asked.
“Because you have to eat your soup and take your pills first.” And with that said, he walked out of the appartment.
I groaned loudly, falling back to let my head hit the soft pillow underneath me.

Being sick s-u-c-k-s.
And so do men.