Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part sixteen.

The weeks passes by quickly, Zach and I spent the days trying to cater to any of Robin’s needs. We didn’t even sneak a kiss, fearing that it would hurt Robin’s feelings.

Now, I was drving into my student parking spot on the campus. I picked up my psychology and calculus book, and my lap top bag out from the trunk of my car.
But nearly dropped it all as I slammed the trunk close, and saw two people I didn’t want to see walking together to the mess hall.

Geno and Alex were walking side by side.

“Oh my gosh.” I mouthed, hiding behind my bright yellow ford focus.
The egotistical as.shole who tried to ruin my relationship, and rapist knew eachother.
And quite well, it seemed as they laughed and nudged eachother as they walked.

I fumbled in my pocket to find my cell phone. 7:05, it read.
I had 25 minutes to get to class...or follow them and see what mr.rapist had to say about the party, and possibly be late.

Of course I decided to follow. I could miss one class, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime spy oppurtunity. I ran behind the cars in the parking lot, ducking my head to not be noticed. Some of the people from the other side of the school grounds were giving me weird looks, but they just brushed it off and finished walking to their classes.
I stopped and looked past the cars to see Geno and Alex walk into the caffeteria.
Alex stepped in last, and looked behind him as if he felt my eyes on his back.
I pushed myself against the red chevy pickup, hoping he didn’t see me. Finally, I heard a door close.

After Alex walked inside, I counted to fifteen and then, walked up to the building peering inside of its windows. The two had just paid for their meals and took their places at the buffet line.
I waited for them to take their seats, then, walked inside of the building to pay for two drinks.

A red head walked by talking to her friend about some gossip magazine.
I followed closely to them, still not wanting to be seen. “Oh my god, Lindsay.” The red-head’s friend began as I walked beside her and her blonde friend, as they passed by the table where Alex and Geno were sitting. She was talking about some guy being in the “hot” list in seventeen magazine. I really didn’t care. My eyes were glued onto the manipulators the whole time.

“Can I see?” I asked the red-head, as she walked.
“Yeah, sure. Page 37.” She said, handing it to me and then walking off into another direction with her friend. I brought the magazine to my face, covering as I walked to the table behin Alex.

I sighed as I sat down. I must say though, the adrinaline’s amazing during these situations. I felt like I was in mission impossible.

“Dude, last night was great.” I heard Geno say. I stopped smiling from my accomplishment of reaching the table, and leaned closer, trying to hear more clearly.

Alex laughed. “So, I’ve heard.” He said with a mouthful of food.
“Lindsay was amazing in bed, never thought she would be that good...” Geno said, and I became slighlty confused. Who was Lindsay?

Alex chuckled and I heard him wipe his mouth. “Dude, how many girls did you get with that night?” He asked, as a waitress came to my table, holding the two cokes I had bought. “Here’s your drink, El-” She said, but I cut her off, putting my hand around her mouth. “Shh.” I said pulling her down to sit at the table with me.

But it was too late. Alex and Geno already heard my name being shouted out.
[censored] my nickname for only consisting of one syllable.

“Elle?” Alex questioned, turning around in his seat and peering over the orange booth.
I pushed the waitress out of the seat and she walked away, angrily.

Alex smiled up at me with that same inquisitive smile he gave me that one Friday afternoon. I was beyond angry at that point, thinking of all the techniques Zach had told me in order to kill someone and get away with it.

“It’s nice to see you.” He said, still holding that stupid smile on his lips.
I began tapping my foot against the floor, harshly.
“This is that girl I told you about.” He said to Geno. “The one who’s a great kisser.”
I turned beat red, and so did Geno as his eyes went wide in realization of me being the same girl from the library where he first met Robin.
Alex looked over at Geno, curiously, as I walked over to my stall picking up my drinks.

“Hey Geno.” A familar voice called out from behind me, and I turned around to see the red-head from earlier. That’s when it hit me.
Lindsay was the same “Lindsay” Geno was talking about from the other night at the party. I don’t know what was worse, that he raped my best friend, or that he raped my best friend and then didn’t think nothing of it.

“Oh, hey Lindsay.” Alex greeted. “You and Elle should join us and have a little double-get-together.”
But before he had finished, I already walked over to their booth and poured ice-cold coca cola on the top of both Alex and Geno’s heads.

Everyone in the caffeteria paused to see what the commotion was about in the east wing. Geno and Alex both stayed still, letting it drip down their faces with their mouths hanging open in shock. Lindsay stayed quiet but glanced at me, curious of my actions.

I walked back to my seat, picking up the seventeen magazine.
“Here” I said, handing it back to Lindsay. “And your guy, Geno slept with four other girls than yourself, Saturday night. Ask him about ‘Robin’?” And with that said, I grabbed my books and began to walk to my first class.

Robin may have wanted to play nice....But I was going to take this battle into my own hands.