Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part seventeen.

I walked into the front door and laid my keys on the kitchen counter, but in a matter of seconds the silence of the room was broken as someone called out my name.
“Elle..” Robin sang, standing at the kitchen entrance, with a phone cord wrapped around the finger. “Guess who I just got off the phone with?”
“Whoopie Goldberg? Oh my god, did you tell her that I idolize her and have a statue I made of her out of gum she chewed in my closet?”

Robin looked at me as if I was the oddest person in the planet.
“I mean.” I started, looking down at the ground. “I was just kidding. No statue at all. Nope.”
She rolled her eyes. “Okay, if you say so. But actually, Geno called.”

This is when I run for the door.

But before I could run anywhere, Robin held me back, placing both hands on my shoulders.
“I know what you did.” She said into my ear.
“Look, Robin. I’m sorry but-” I began to explain myself, but Robin caught me off with a hug.
“I’m so proud of you!” She said, nearly sounding like she was in tears.

“Proud?” I questioned, as she pulled away, fakily wiping her eyes.
“Yep. You finally learned how to plot revenge. All of these years that I’ve been trying to subliminally influence you, and you go and do it all by yourself.”
“Um. Thank you?” I questioned again. “I thought you didn’t want to get revenge against Geno...”

“Well, I didn’t...but I’m content that you did.” She said, and I laughed.
“I don’t understand your logic, but if you say so...want to watch a slasher movie with me? I’m kind of in the mood to see something where someone gets there tongue ripped out, so I can replace their face with Alex’s.”

Robin touched her heart as if I just said the sweetest thing she’s ever heard.
“I’m so proud. And I will replace the person they decapitate with Geno.”

I fell asleep that night on the couch, with Robin and I laying on eachother’s shoulders.
It wasn’t till 8 a.m that robin left my side and I woke up to the sound of a…

cat meowing?