Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twenty.

I was walking to my english 105 class, when I heard giggles coming from behind me.
I stopped in my tracks and turned around, curiously.

Four girls stood there with a flyer in each hand, covering their mouths as they laughed at whatever was on the page. It reminded me of high school to see them bunched up in the hall, gossiping.
I shook my head and turned back around, heading for my class.

But something was different about today.
Usually, I was ignored by the majority of the student body but today all of their eyes were on me when I passed.

Was there something in my teeth?

My hands quickly shot up to my mouth, and I covered my teeth as I ran my tongue along them.
“Hey [censored].” A girl called out from my side.
I stopped in place, and turned to glare at her. “Um, excuse me?”
“What? Don’t speak english?” She asked. “I said “hey...sl-ut.” She said dragging out the sentence for dramatic effect.
I put both hands on my hips.
“Okay. What are we now? In fifth grade? You don’t even know me to label me with such accusations. Now go back over to wasting your life away through the use of various designer drugs, or whatever you kids think is cool now and days, and leave what’s left of intellegent people in the world like me alone.” I finished, smiling triumphantly.

She just laughed.
I glared again, and balled my hands into fists at my sides.

Maybe if I stare at her hard enough, her head will explode.

“I’m not throwing accusations in your face.” The ever-so-cocky brunette replied. “Here’s proof.”
Then she pushed one of the flyers I saw earlier into my hands. My mouth dropped at what I saw.
There it was. A horrible, yet believable, photo-shopped addition to my body passed amongst the students at Murray State University. My face was cut out and put into the body of a nude super model, and the paper read “Will give sex for tuition.”
Clever, except they decided to leave their signature at the bottom corner of the paper.

Alex Greindling.

That boy had balls, and he was going to need crutches after I was done removing them.