Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twenty-four.

I sat on the fountain in front of the student Curis Center, waiting to meet Claire.
“Where do you think she is?” I asked Zach, digging through my person for a peice of gum.
“I don’t know, but if she doesn’t get here soon, I’m leaving. That girl over there is giving me the creeps. She’s looking at me as if she’s about to take some of my hair and make a voodoo doll of me.” Zach said, shaking slightly and picking up a newspaper from the ground.
“What girl?” I asked, looking around, but before Zach could answer, I saw her. She was wearing black loose jeans with a scarlet-colored shirt, and laced arm-warmers rolled all-the-way up her arms. She looked like a typical goth, wearing all black and sporting chin-length dark brown hair...and glasses.
“That gir-” Zach began, pointing in her direction, but I cut him off.
“That’s Claire, Zach.”

Zach looked back over to the girl, staring at us and then back at me.
“Nuh uhh.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah huhh.” I mocked.
“Then why is she just staring at us like we’re going to spontaneously set on fire, and not coming over here to talk?” He asked, and this time Robin butt in.

“Because she’s a freak, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. After the underwear, drinking, and losing her scholarship event, the girl lost it. She looks like she’s about to cast a spell on you, because she’s probably trying it..” Robin said, and then stuffed the rest of her bagel in her mouth.
“Robin, there’s no nice way to call someone a freak, and the witchcraft thing was just a rumor. She can’t be really like that, I’m sure she’s perfectly normal.” I said, putting a peice of gum in my mouth.
“You know what? You ask her, she’s coming this way.”
“What?” I said, turning my head around to see, but instead of her being next to the tree, she was right next to my face, making me jump slightly at her sudden appearance.
“Holy shiyot.” Zach and I yelled, spontaneously.
Robin laughed.

“I heard you talking about me, from over there.” Claire said eyeing me.
“how-” I began, but she cut me off.
“I have really good hearing, and yes I am into witchcraft...but its not voodoo. Wicca, to be precise. I’m hurt that you think of me so negatively. Do you want my help or not?”

I looked over to Zach, and he stared back with wide eyes.
I turned back to her and slowly nodded my head.
“So, what do you guys plan to do about this Alex-Geno situation?” She asked, situating herself between Zach and I on the seat of the fountain.

I groaned as she pushed us apart...perhaps I was feeling jealousy, but I didn’t like her sitting next to Zach and putting an arm around him, casually. Though I laughed as Zach looked just as uncomfortable as I was.

“You don’t have to worry about Geno. I think he just had a heart attack in our appartment complex.” Robin said, kicking a leaf as she looked down.
“Um...okay.” Claire said, moving closer to Zach. “What about ALex?”
“Off with his head!” Robin yelled, spontaneously.
“I second that.” Zach said, raising a fist into the air.

“We can’t cut off his head, you guys.” I said, poking Robin....since I couldn’t poke Zach because a certain brunette was hanging herself over MY boyfriend.

“No.” Clair began, getting off of the water fountain. Zach let out a sigh of relief as I filled the gap in-between us.
“But we can always find out what room they stay in, all of their classes, and their after school schedules to make their lives a living he.ll. And I’ve already got their rubrics from working in the main office. The two are nearly always together...” She said, but stopped in thought, momentarily.

Robin smiled. “Go on..” She said, pulling her knees up to her chin, looking in anticipation as if this were the most amazing story she’s ever heard. Robin loved revenge more than anything, it was her drive in life.

“Okay. We’ll make a plan for every day of the week, deciding on who is free at the time, someone will always be fuc.king with these guys’ lives. Then, at the end of the week, we’ll throw a party, slipping roofies into their drinks to give them a taste of their own medicine. And record the thing that will ruin their reps on this god-forsaken campus.”

“And what might that be?” Zach asked, leaning forward.
Claire smiled devilishly. “We will let the whole campus know they’re “secret,” that they are gay for eachother.”

Zach looked around, questioningly. “Holy sh.it. They’re gay?” He asked me.
I nearly hit my head. “No, Zach. We’re just telling everyone that. But why this?” I asked Claire.

She smiled evily again. “Because, my dears, Alex confided in me as a friend before he ruined my reputation. We were childhood bestfriends and he des-troyed EVERYTHING!” She nearly screamed at the ending, causing me and Zach to back up, but she straightened herself out and continued.
“And he happened to let me know, along with Geno, that they are homophobes.”

“I just met my girl soulmate.” Robin yelled running up to Claire and giving her a hug. Claire gave an uncomfortable look and then looked over at me inquisitively, asking fro an explanation.
“Yeah, she sometimes does that.”