Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twenty-five.

The next few days flew by quickly. Who knew that destroying a person’s life made time go by faster. I’d advise to anyone.

Claire was a great help...yet, at the sametime, somewhat creepy.
She was able to get a copy of their key to their room, their class schedules, and numbers to all of their friends, family members, and acquaintances.
How does one do that?
Don’t ask me, it happened so fast. She definetly has the revenge gene that is scarecly evident in few other people such as Robin.

Zach’s job was to mess with Alex during classes, posing as a “visitor.” Robin and I couldn’t do the tasks of putting super glue on his seat or stealing his books, because he knew our faces.

So...we went behind the scenes.
I, of course, was granted the key to Alex and Geno’s dorm room, where I did the dirty deeds of switching thier tooth paste with shaving cream ( and vise versa ), putting ketchup packets in their pillows, eating their food ( okay, that was because I was just hungry ), and of course mixing their shampoos with blue hair dye.

As for Robin, we didn’t want her to move around too much because of being pregnant, so she played dirty via phone.
You remember me saying that we got all of their friends, family members, and acquantances’ contact information?
Yeah...well, in that list were also the many girls that Alex and Geno have hooked up with, which I found in a jar while rumaging through their drawers, along with many other objects, such as playboys and embarassing pictures of them (which I will use later)...
After finding this jar of possibilties, Robin felt obligated to call them all.
To let them know he was gay, of course.
Most believed it.
Oh, how dumb and naive girls are these days. But I was happy to hear that most listened to our lie, after a complete stranger called them up, gossiping.

I also came to the conclusion that this will be how our society will come to an end.

In addition to Robin calling their “hook-up girls,” she also wanted to inform their family members.
Coming out isn’t so easy for a boy who has a dad who used to be in the NFL.

Claire did more than just get all of our underground information, she ran the whole thing. Assigned who would be where, and when.
The other thing she did was slightly odd...she performed “dark magic” against Alex and Geno.

I accidently walked in on her chanting with vanilla scented candels encircling her, and she turned around and glared at me.
I swear her eyes turned red like a demon.

As I already mentioned, she’s creepy, but I’m beginning to like her.
Robin loves her.

Anyways, Alex and Geno seemed to not even catch on that it was us doing all of this.
That was until today.

I was standing near the Curris Center, watching as Alex left it, angrily yelling on his cell phone.
“No, mom. I swear it’s not true. Tell dad, I would never. I know he would disown me.” He said and then paused, momentarily. “No! Gosh, mom. I’ve been with half the girls on this campus.”
“Yes, its enough!” He answered, nearly screaming.

Wow, he was more cocky than I had thought. Half of the girls?
I grimaced thinking how he was planning on me being another one of his half.

“Do you find this amusing, Elle?” A male’s voice said from behind me and I froze, staring blankily ahead of me.
“E-excuse me?” I asked, forcing myself to turn around.
There, standing in front of me was a very tired looking Geno with blue hair.
I had to stop myself from laughing, and covered my mouth so I wouldn’t give it away.
“Um, nice hair?” I said, smiling slightly.
Geno just glared at me.
“I know you’re doing this. You, Robin, and your little boy toy. Tell me, how did you get into our appartment? Do you think that just doing that is going to get to us.” He asked, leaning against the tree.
“I don’t know what your talking about...” I said, looking down at my newly painted nails.
“We’ve done much more than just that.”

For a moment, Geno stared at me as if he wanted nothing more than me to set a flame, but then his expression turned to sad.
I looked back confused.

He began shuffling his feet on the floor, nervously.
“Can you please tell Robin to answer my phone calls?” He nearly begged.
For an instance, I forgot he had raped her, thinking he sounded nothing but sincere...But rape was a harsh reminder of why I wouldn’t cave.

“No, don’t think I can do that.” I replied, crossing my arms against my chest.
Then, Geno began to walk away, understanding the definition of “rejection,” but he stopped after ten feet and turned around.

“I’m sorry.” He said, looking down at the ground.
I looked at him bewildered. “Sorry? Sorry isn’t going to fix what you did.” I was almost ready to scream.
“I know.” He replied. “I just wanted to say it, because I really am. I only did it to prove something to Alex..I was intoxicated, not myself. I-I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess because I’m “the new guy,” I thought it would be the cool thing to do.
But, I’ll let you in on this, I feel horrible and I hope that someday Robin will forgive me.”

I stood there, speachless and deep in thought, looking down at the sidewalk.
“Oh, and Elle?” He asked, and I raised my head up to look at him. “I only saw one girl that night...not five. I lied.” With that said, he walked away.

And I stared back to where Alex was to see him laughing, surrounded by five girls.
This wasn’t even bothering him.

I couldn’t laugh in triumph or smile at thier destruction.
Pulling this didn’t affect Alex at all, and...I didn’t feeling like laughin at Geno’s guilt.

I felt sorry.
Was it possible that I was having some regrets?