Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twenty-six.

I arrived home around 10 a.m., dragging my feet against my appartment’s floors.
I had been guilt-stricken all day, and was dreading the time I would have to return home and make the decision I didn’t want to make.
To go on with our plot of revenge....or forgive Geno for the past.

I hated to think about life, seriously.
Drama exists only to make people’s lives unperfect, and to give me extreme head aches occassionally, trying to think of ways out of the messes I tend to dig myself into.

All of a sudden, a door flew open, and hit the side of the hallway wall violently.
I screamed and fell onto the floor, holding my hands up to my face like a child afraid of a monster.
Though, after a few seconds went by, I moved my hands to my sides, and was able to see Zach standing in the doorway, leaning on its frame.

“Oh, Zach, it’s just you.” I said, relieved, and wrapped my arms around his waist in a tight embrace.
“Just because I’m your boyfriend doesn’t mean I don’t intend to rape and kill you.” He siad, laughing.
I laughed, too.
“Because you do look quite smexy tonight.” He replied, grabbing at my sides to tickle me.
I nearly fell over in laughter.
“St-stop it. I ha-have to tell you something.” I managed to say in-between fits of giggles.

Finally he stopped and grabbed my hand to pull me up to a standing position, and led me to the living room couch.
“What’s up, buttercup?” He asked, nearly diving into the couch. And I laughed as he spread himself across it, posing as if he were advertising for a porn film.

“Um...” I began, taking my attention off of him, so he couldn’t read my eyes when I spoke. “I sorta ran into Geno, today.”
Zach instantly sat up and moved over so I had enough room to sit next to him.
“Tell me more. Did any of our stunts get to him? Does he know it’s us? Tell me!” He said, in anticipation, shaking me as I sat down.
As soon as he stopped shaking me, he laid his head across my lap, staring up towards my face. I guess he wanted me to stop looking at the floor, like I was a nervous little girl, and at his face.

I laughed. “He has blue hair.”
Zach nearly jumped, but remembered that he was laying below my face and would’ve hit me, so he just laughed.
“No way. So, he knows it’s us? What’d he say?”
“He said...” I began, looking away from his eyes. “That he was sorry.”
“Sorry?” Zach almost yelled, but held in his anger, nearly chewing off his bottom lip. “She’s going to need a lot more than just a simple apology. It’s not like he can fix this.”

“I know, Zach.” I said, looking down at him again and running my hands through his hair. “But I think he really is.”
“Elle....” Zach cooed, looking back at me with bright emerald eyes. “Do you really believe him?”

“Yeah.” I said back, as he played with the ends of my hair. “I think he wants to make things right.”

Just then another door flew open, and a tear-stricken Robin ran into the living room.
Zach and I instantly stood up.
“What’s wrong, Robin?” We both asked in unison.

She brushed her hands through her messy long, red strands, as more tears fell down the sides of her porcelain cheeks.
“It hurts.” She said, shakily. “I’m scared.”

“Robin what’s wrong exactly? Come here, sit down.” I said, reaching for her frail hand.
“No!” She screamed backing away to the coat rack, and roughly tearing a black suede jacket from it.

“Robin!” Zach yelled, running up to her. “Just tell us what’s wrong.”
“I-I don’t know...but something is.” She said, throwing her jacket over her shoulders.
Suddenly, she fell back and clutch her hand onto the wall behind her.
“Zach!” I said, so he would try to help her, and just as I called his name, he wrapped his arms around her back to help her balance.

Robin held a hand against her stomach.

“It hurts. I’m scared.” She said once again.
“I think I’m losing the baby.”

I guess now would be a bad time to tell her that the person who made her this way might be in love with her…