Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part twenty-eight.

I walked in the room on the balls of my feet, anticipating for the worst.

The lights were dark in the room and I was dumbfounded how they kept it so dark in the middle of the day.
I felt against the cold walls for a light switch, and when finally finding it, I flipped it on.

In that instance I fell to the floor with my hands over my head to hear a blood-curling scream.

“Who the hell turned on the lights? I said “no lights!” I heard Robin yell as I peeked through the fingers, covering my face.
I heard snickering coming from behind me, and turned around to glare at a very amused-looking Geno, mouthing for him to go away.

“Well?” Robin questioned, as I pushed Geno back into the hallway, and slammed the door.
“It is I, who has doneth evil against you.” I spoke out, raising my hands as if she were a cop about to beat me with a stick. “Sorry?” I added, wincing in preparation for if she wanted to hurl any given object at me.

“Oh, Elle?” She said calmly, not even looking up to see me. “Can you grab me the scissors over there on the sink counter?”

“Yeah sure....wait. Why-”
That’s when I finally took a look around the room, stopping in my tracks and in midsentence.

The room was all white; everything. There was no television or monitors that could be seen. Everything was covered in a plain white sheet, including the window that had taped covers over them.

I walked over to the window to look at who ever had done this’ work.
Behind the white sheet was black spray-painted cardboard.

I turned back around to see Robin staring at me curiously with a grin on her face.
She was strapped onto the bed; hands, feet and torso all wrapped in white ropes at different sections of the bed, wearing a long white hospital robe that went along with the themed decour of the room we were in.
Her red hair fell and tangled in every direction against her pillow.

“Wh-?” I began again, but stopped as I noticed the scratches that clashed against the pure-colored walls.

“Yes?” Robin asked in a menacing tone.
I licked my lips. “Can you tell me why this room looks like its a home for the insane? My god,
Robin it looks like they tried to kill you or vice versa.”
Robin laughed.
“Nice to know murder’s funny now and days...” I stated, laughing as well.

“Well....it can be, when you think about it. Movies emphasize all that jazz. “Murder’s funny. Go out and kill someone, kids.”....Our society’s going to hell.”

I laughed.
“So...what happened?” I asked, tracing down the claw-engraved walls with my fingertips.
She shrugged. “They wanted to give me a shot...”

I smirked as soon as she said this.
“Shut up.” She cut me off, in annoyance.
“Is Wobin afwaid of a wittle shot.”
“I said “shut up.” She demanded, glaring maliciously at me.
I just smiled wider.

“Scissors.” She demanded, again.
I stayed in place, looking at her sympathetically. “You know that when Zach finds out about this, he’s going to have a field day, right? And he’s going to bother you for months..”
“Scissors.” She nearly growled.
“Okay, okay, Ms. I’m-afraid-of-something-as-miniscule-as-getting a shot.”
“Just get the dam scissors!” She yelled, and I ran over to the sink counter to grab the scissors and not test her anger anymore.
Ropes can only hold her back for so long.

I walked back over to her, and she quickly attempted to grab the scissors from me, making them fall onto the floor.

“How about I do it?” I asked, generously.
“Okay...” I said, stepping back.
She attempted to cut the ropes around her wrist once more, letting it fall onto the ground yet again.

She turned her head up to me, revealing her bright green eyes that depicted sadness.
“I take it back. Please help?” She asked, sweetly.
I picked up the scissors next to the bed and began cutting at the ropes, carefully.
“Of course, dear.”

Once Robin had both of her arms free and torso, she pushed the remaining ropes around her feet off of her.
“I’m so glad you came. They said they’d leave my like this for however long I needed it, to calm down.” She sighed, as she moved her legs across the bed to touch the floor barefoot.

I nodded. “I don’t think they were just bluffing.”
She shook her head and laughed. “No...they pretty much hate me, right now. I sorta made two of their nurses bleed.”
“Come again?
“Well, I bit the first one, and the second one, I stabbed with a syringe...”
I laughed.
“Well, don’t you have a story to tell to everyone when you get back?”
She nodded, letting her long red hair fall loosely over her eyes.

“I think I should talk to Geno a bit more about this situation...”

I stared at her inquisitively, trying to understand what made Robin even consider doing such a thing. She was pretty much set on not talking to him at all; denying her child to even be his.

I sighed, and started to play with the ends of my dark brown hair.
“Funny that you mention him...”

Robin turned towards me, signaling me to continue with what I was saying, but before I could even say another word, Zach bursted into the room with a taco stuffed into his mouth, and a bag of food hanging at his fingertips.

“Hey, did you know Geno’s out in the hallway? What a coincidence...” Zach stated after swallowing his food, shaking his head slightly at the irony of the situation.

Robin, looked over to Zach and then back to me.
“So that’s the “funny thing”...?” She questioned and I nodded my head, solemnly.
With that said, she quickly left the room.

Zach smiled, stuffing the last bite of his taco into his mouth.
“Hey, love”

I smiled back.

He was beyond cute, with a mouth messily full of food, and dimples glowing at the ends of his cheekbones from his cheeky smile.
“Hey.” I greeted back, as I walked up to him and gave him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Hmmmm.” He sighed, happily. “If I get greeted like this everytime I get taco bell, then I think I’ll get taco bell everyday. What do you say?”
I laughed. “I think that would get old...I just felt like doing that.”

Zach leaned against the wall casually, letting his black hair fall slightly over his bright blue eyes, giving me a puppy-dog expression.

“I’m sorry?” I questioned. “If you want taco bell everyday, be my guest.”
He laughed. “No....that’s not what I want.”
I turned my head slightly, giving him a confused glance.
“Then, what might it be that you want?”

He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could even get out a syllable, we heard Robin yell out from the hallway.