Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part four.

The next morning, it wasn’t the sound of my alarm that I woke up to but the sound of the theme song for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I groaned and glanced to the left of my bed at my alarm clock.
7:03 A.M.
I stretched my right arm as far as I could, to reach the cell phone laying next to my clock. Finally grasping it into my hands, I pulled it back and began dialing a familiar number, then, listened to it ring.

On the third ring, someone picked up, and the TMNT theme song came to a stop.
“Hello?” Zach answered on the other line.
“Keep it off.” I replied.
“What?” He asked, now confused.
“The television. Keep it off. Who watches re-runs of their favorite childhood cartoon, at 7 A.M on a Saturday? And, you just so happen to be a bit too old for this, you think?”
“Elle?” Zach questioned.
“No.” I replied. “It’s Kevin Bacon.:
“Well, Kevin Bacon, do you care to explain to me why you called me instead of walking a nineteen foot distance out of your bedroom, and talking in person?”
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m too famous to walk. Who does that now and days?” I questioned back, while glancing down at my coral-painted finger nails.
“I do. And since your famous as.s is too lazy to walk to the living room, I have to object to your request.” With that said, he hung up the phone and turned the cartoon back on, raising the volume to where it shook the walls.

“Ughh.” I groaned and reached back over to the dresser to put my phone back in place.
This time, it seemed out of reach and I tried my best, but ended up landing roughly on the floor.

I crawled the whole way over to the living room.
Zach seemed amused to see me struggling to reach my destination.
I stood up, crossed my arms, and gave him the meanest glare I could interpret.
“Hand over the remote.” I demanded.
He smirked at me, while sitting indian style on our couch. “Come on, Elle. Sit with me.”
“No.” I replied.
He frowned. “And why’s that?”
“Because that couch brings up bad memories.”
“Bad memories?”
“Yeah.” I began, shuffling my feet against the floor. “You’ll do that eye-thing again and stuff...”
“What eye-thing?” He smiled and scooted closer to me.
“When you stared at me and...” I began. “Just give me the remote.” I said, putting one hand on my hip and holding the other one out for him to place the remote in.
“Nope.” he replied, re-directing his attention to the television set.
I looked around me, looking for any possible place that Zach could’ve hidden it, before I came, and then, my eyes fell on its location.
“Zachary Chase, I see you everyday, practically, more than I even want to, and I know for a fact that your junk is not in the shape of a rectangle.”

His smirk grew.
“You’ve been looking?”
I blushed. “N-no..psh.” I replied quickly, and once again crossed my hands over my chest. “Please, don’t tell me that you put the remote in your pants?”
He smiled even more at my question.
“Ding ding ding. We have a winner.” He announced. “What chya gonna do about it, lovey?”

Then, without another second’s hesitation, I jumped ontop of him wrestling him to his death....except I was losing.
He laughed at me and pinned me down against the couch.
“Did you really think it was going to be that easy?” He asked as I struggled.
“Yep.” I replied and bit down on his hand. He let go of me instantly.

Just then, the doorbell rang.
Zach and I glared at eachother in a death tone. “I’ll get it,” We both yelled in unison, running over to the door. He tripped me, once he caught up. And then, I jumped on his back. The fighting continued for awhile, we didn’t even know that Robin had already answered the door with a bagel in hand.

She gasped and Zach let me up off the ground, where he had me pinned.
I ran to Robin as I saw one of our neighbors standing next to her in deep conversation. I’d seen her before because when Zach and I got bored, sometimes we’d spy into our neighbors’ windows. Ms. Conwell was a very strange lady. She had 17 dogs and talked constantly about how much she hated cats. Also, Zach swears he saw her take off a wig, before, and that she is truly bald.

“Hey, Ms. Conwell.” I greeted.
She only nodded and I couldn’t help but notice the fakely-placed tears in her eyes.
“What’s up?” Zach asked, now at my side.
“I think I need to handle this myself.” Robin said placing a hand on Ms. Conwell’s shoulder and gently pushing her into the direction to the exit.

As soon as Ms. Conwell left, Robin grabbed my hand and began to lead me over to the couch.
Once there, we both sat down and Zach was left in the corner, standing by himself. She turned of the television. “Elle, you’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.” She began.
“What you mean? I’m sure it can’t be worse than the humiliation I went through yesterday.” I laughed.
“No,” she said, looking at me seriously. “It’s worse.”
I looked over towards Zach, standing in the corner. He looked just as confused as I was.
I laughed, again.“Robin, you sound like someone died.”
She looked down towards the ground and the room grew so silent, I couldn’t even hear their breaths.

She looked over to Zach and then back at me.
“Did someone?” I asked, shakily.

“Elle, Ms. Conwell just informed me that Dog was ran over today outside our apparment complex.”
I looked around the living room, searching franctically for my cat.
“What?” I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.
Robin just remained staring at our shag carpet, and then looked over to Zach. He nodded, and she got up, leaving the living room.
Tears ran down my cheeks.
“What did she say, Zach?” I asked him, pleading with my eyes for him to say it wasn’t true.
“Elle, don’t look at me like that.” He said walking over to the couch and sitting next to me. “You heard what she said.”

Now I felt terrible for tempting him with the rocky road.
I pulled Zach into a tight embrace, wanting to release the pain somehow. “Do you think cats get rocky road in heaven?” I asked him, while he stroked my hair.
He looked down at me to see if I was kidding, then once he realized I was not he answered. “Yeah, Elle, I’m sure they get more rocky road than they’d ever need.”
I smiled up at him.
“Hey, I’m sure he’s with your dad even, right now.” He added on.
“My dad was allergic to cats, Zach.” I said, frowning.
“Oh.” He said, still amused with untangling my long strands of hair.
“Do you think cats can talk in heaven?” I asked, looking up towards his face.
He smiled. “Of course I do, Elle. You’ll see him again.”
I smiled, too, and snuggled up agianst him, closing my eyes.

“Hey, Zach.” I said, looking up to see he had closed his eyes too.
“Mmmm?” He mumbled.
“Thank you for answering my stupid questions and dealing with the drama that I call a life.” I said and then closed my eyes once again. But before falling asleep, I could’ve sworn I felt somebody kiss the top of my head.