Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part seven.

“What about this?” Robin asked, holding up a very miniscule piece of clothing in my face.
“Is that a skirt?” I aksed, pulling at the ends of the jean farbric.
She nodded. “What’s you think it was?”
“A wash cloth.”

She laughed and hung the “skirt” back on the rack. Okay, maybe I’m getting too old and going into my “those darn teenagers” stage, but all I could do was look at all the “clothing” racks in disgust at Abercrombie.
I picked up a tight blue and white striped sweater and a longer faded denim skirt, to try on and settle on an outfit so Robin wouldn’t kill me.

“Are you trying to give Zach the impression that I like to put out, because that’s what I’m picking up on...”
She laughed as I walked into the dressing room.
“Elle, the boy’s known you since the second grade. He’s seen you in barbie panties, when you decided it was your life’s ambition to be “undwear girl.”
I laughed, pulling the sweater over my head.
“Okay...but this is different.”
I felt Robin lean against the dressing room door. “You know, Elle...You haven’t really complained much about going on this “date” with Zach. Is someone FINALLY admitting their undying love?”
I paused, as I began to button up the skirt.
“N-no.” I stuttered. “I just felt it was the perfect chance to prove you wrong.”
“MMhm.” She replied moving herself away from the door just as I opened it to reveal my masterpiece.
She smiled. “Zachary is so going to love this.”
I tried to hit her, but just as I did she moved away heading towards the shoe department. “Here. Try these.” she said, handing me a pair of black flats.
I nodded in approval. The outfit was simple, yet pretty for the occassion.

“Okay, are you done?” I asked Robin.
She looked over my appearance, and after a minute’s consideration, nodded for me to know I looked great.
I ran over to the register to pay, and jumped on the clerk’s desk.
The clerk jumped up at my spontaneous movements, and then squinted her eyes at me, in disapproval. I was used to it by now. Guys would consider this cute, but the girl clerks were always not co pleased by my crude actions.
“My I help you, ma’am?” She asked me, still glaring back and forth at Robin and myself.
“Yep, scan me.” I said, holding out my arms so she could get to the price tags.
At first, she seemed confused, then after a minute’s observation, she caught on.
“Why didn’t you take the clothes off in the dressing room?” She asked, dumbfounded.
“Because I have to be somewhere in thirty minutes.” I replied, mocking her tone.
She glared at me, but still reached under the counter to grab her portable scanning device. It took her a few minutes to find all the tags, but she managed.

“Okay,” she began in an angered voice. “Will that be all for you?”
Robin and I both nodded, as I dug into my pockets for a credit card.
“That would be 108 dollars.” I handed her my credit card, willingly, but a pain struck my heart from the dramatic loss of money I’d just endured.
Robin had to punch in the pin and grab my credit card for me, because I temporarily went into shock.
“Come on, Elle, we have to get you to macy’s.” She said, pushing me out the door and towards macy’s.

I shook my head, and came back to reality.
“Robin, why are we going to macy’s?” I asked, curiously.
“You’ll see.” She said, grabbing my hand and racing her way over to the store. Once inside, she jumped on a bar stool sat infront of the make up stands.
“Come her.” She said, patting down on a stool seat next to her. I obeyed.
She grabbed a comb and began to brush out my long, dark brown hair. I winced as the strands detangled.
Then, she applied a coral-pink lip gloss to my lips and a matching blush onto my cheek bones. I scrunched up my nose as she tickled me with various brushes.
She laughed.
“Beautiful, Elle.” She said, handing me a metal framed mirror.
I glanced in the mirror and held out my tongue. I must say, she actually did a decent job.
“The lip gloss is so sticky.” I said, smacking my lips together, and watching Robin apply make-up to herself, this time.

She laughed as she finished, and put the brushes back where they came from.
“Ready?” She asked, even though it really didn’t matter what I’d say, because she was already pulling me out of the store.
“Yeah, I guess...” I said, glancing back at the make-up counter.

“Robin, can I ask you a question?” I asked.
She nodded her head, still pulling me through the mall, to towards the mall’s exit.
“Were you supposed to use that make-up?”
She looked back at my face, and laughed. “Nope.”
I smiled. “We’re bad.” I said, laughing, and poking her in the ribs.