Oh, me! Oh my, Ella!

Oh, me! Oh my, Ella! - part nine.

After all the shyness passed oustide of the theater, things went back to “normal.”
Or the way Zach and I see normal, as in throwing popcorn and skittles at people who had funny looking hair, or were simply bald in the theater.

A seven year-old girl turned around making faces at me, so I threw the entire bag of popcorn at her head, in which Zach congratulated me for with a hug…
I could get used to this.

Robin got bored of Geno, and moved closer to the guy sitting on the other side of her who happened to have two packages of twizzlers and sour patch kids. She sent me a text message saying she was in love...Robin’s always “in love” with the individual holding more candy.
Poor Geno.

And do you know what the sad thing is?
The move hadn’t even started yet.

Zach and I were sitting in the very back, and Robin, Geno, and her new “love” were sitting two rows ahead of us.

After, the little girl incident, I snuggled up into Zach’s shoulder, he sighed, closing his eyes as he relaxed.
“Why are we watching a movie, again?” He asked.
I laughed, “Robin’s idea. Even though, it looks like she’s already moved on.” I said, pointing to Robin who was currently eating the other guy’s candy.
Zach didn’t even have to look. “It’s not the guy, it’s the candy. She’ll get back to Geno once she realizes that sour patch kids aren’t as hot looking, even if they do happen to taste good.”
I laughed, and he pulled me farther into him.
“I don’t know I got a sour patch kid that looked like Brad Pit on-” I started, but never finished as someone I didn’t want to see again walked into the theater.

Zach opened his eyes, once he realized something was keeping me at a loss for words, or breath, for that matter.
He followed my gaze to see Bronson sitting down at the lower end of the theater, with Chelsea Myers clinging onto his hand.
“No way...” Zach began, my eyes never leaving the two cheaters. “Chelsea Myers? Elle, you didn’t tell me she was Chelsea Myers.
I nodded my head, still in a trance.

Zach was quiet for a few minutes, so I brought my attention back to him. He had his finger pressed against his cheek, as if he were in deep thought, and a devilish grin played against his lips.
“I have an idea.” He said, getting up and taking my hand. I followed his lead, and lowered my head as I we walked, so Bronson wouldn’t notice us.
Finally we were out of the theater, and Zach stopped walking, looking towards the concessions stands. Nobody was there, because it was the last movie to play for the night.
Zach smiled at me, and I gave him a confused look.
“Wait here.” He said, and then ran behind the consessions counter. After a few minutes, of glancing back to make sure nobody was coming and hearing Zach shuffle through cabinets, I decided to not listen and go peek at what he was doing.
Behind the counter, Zach kneeled putting countless condiment squirt bottles into a garbage bag.

I looked around to make sure no one was around to see him, and then looked back at him, questioningly. He shut the cabinet and threw the bag over his shoulder, and began to walk towards the exit.
“What are you doing?” I whispered, trying to keep up with his pace.
“We...” He said, emphasizing “we. “Are going to have more fun than if we were to watch that movie.”
He stopped, once we reached the parking lots. I looked at him, pleading for him to explain.
He sighed and placed the bag on the pavement. “Where’s Bronson’s car.”

I smiled at him, knowing exactly what we were going to do, and led him over to a midnight blue honda civic.
He grabbed the bag and reached inside of it, handing me a mustard and a ketchup container. “Thank you.” I said, giving him a courtesy, and grabbing the two bottles from him.
I looked down at the car, debating what to do first. Then, looked back at Zach for any ideas.
He leaned against another car and waved his hand in the air. “You first m’lady.”
I squeezed the bottle, at first, trying to form letters, but then I realized that I wanted every inch of his vehicle to be covered in red, yellow, and white. So, I took both hands and poured it out, quickly begining with the front wind-shield.
After finishing my first two bottles, Zach chimed in and in less than thirty minutes his car was completley covered in condiments.
Zach topped the car off with writing “I am an as.shole” on the wind-shield.
I thought it was the perfect topping.

Zach sat on the ground throwing his empty squirt bottles back into the plastic bag, and then looked up to see me smiling minickly back at him.
“What?” He questioned, and then noticed I was holing something behind my back. He jumped up and began to run away from me. I ran after him, holding two bottles in my hand, and squirting them in his direction.

Eventually, I caught up to him and squirt ketchup and mustard all over his new clothes.
“I knew your new look needed something.” I laughed, and he laughed, tackling me to the ground.
“You could’ve just messed my hair up or something.” He said, snatching the bottles and throwing them to the side.
I thought about it for a moment and said. “Nope, not good enough.” before messing with his hair some too.
“There.” I sighed in content.
He smiled down at me, still laying on the ground. “Am I sexy now?” I said, pouting out my lips.
I laughed. “You always are.”

Then, our eyes caught each other’s, once again, and he began to move closer to me, just as before. But this time, we didn’t pull away. Our lips touched. There was no other action, but it was the best kiss I ever had, as we just let them linger against one another and a tingling sensation over came me.

Yes. Our first kiss happened as we laid in the middle of the movie palace parking lot, covered in various condiments. And it was perfect.