
Layla - part four.

“So?” He laughed. “You were drugged you say?”
I laughed too, as I poured the both of us some coffee.
“Yeah. Please don’t lock me up for it, I swear I didn’t mean to drink more than four table spoons.
He laughed again. I couldn’t help but think how much I liked the sound of his laugh. Over the last two hours we had been talking baout the scene I witnessed that morning, but only thirty minutes was dedicated to that subject. The other hour and a half, we’d just talked about each other.
It was kind of nice to have someone who wanted to hear my thoughts, you know?

He glanced back at the bed at Layla. He had been doing that several times during the evening.
“So, I think you’re a really good person, Ms. Donavue. And I’ve made up my mind.”
I put down my coffee quickly, and gave him an inquisitive look.
“Oh, my name’s Gemma,” I said. “And about what?”

“Gemma..I like that.” he said, as if he were tasting my name against his lips, then he shook out of his thoughts. “Um...About Layla. I’m going to talk to the administration and see if she could stay with you. That is, if that is alright with you?”
I looked back to see Layla’s form lying on my bed, and the nights events re-occurred inside my thoughts.
“Wouldn’t it be unsafe for us to stay here? Don’t you think he’ll be back?”
He paused, then shook his head.
“No, I don’t think he’ll be back. He seems lik a coward...But its better to be on the safe side, so I’ll ask for a re-location, also, if it were to make you feel better.”
I nodded my head, picking the cup of coffee back up and holding it between both hands right above my nose, letting the heat hit my face. “Yes, that would. Thank you so much, agent Carson.”
He took a sip from his cup, but then quickly sat it down, shaking his head.
“No. Call me Matthew. Since, let’s face it, we’ve been talking more as friends, than as if I’m an authority.”
I smiled and he got up, pushing his chair into the table and looking at his watch.
“Well, its about time that I should go. My boss has probably been trying to get ahold of me.” he said, handing me his empty coffee mug.
I put his into the sink, and set mine down on the kitchen counter, to turn around and see him staring back at me with his honey-colored eyes.
I glanced down at the floor, shyly, not knowing why he was staring at me. Then, looked back up to meet his eyes again, with a questioning look on my face.

“You’re really beautiful. You know that?” He said, stepping closer to me.
I shook my head, “No, I don’t.”
Just then, he put one hand, gently on the side of my cheek and I gasped as he pushed his lips against my own. His lips seemed to set a spark off inside me.
But just as I began to enjoy the moment, he quickly pulled away.
“Oh, god. I’m so sorry.” He said, shuffling his feet against the floor boards.
I was still lost in the kiss.
“Um..” I said, beginning to break out of my trance. “No, no...It’s completley okay.” I finished, pusing my long auburn hair behind my ears.
“No.” He said, shaking his head, and grabbing the coat he laid on top of the chair he had sat in. “It is not. That was completley unprofessional and out-of-lines. I could get a write-up for this.”

I smiled down towards the ground. “I wouldn’t tell anybody...” I felt his eyes on me, as if he was considering my proposition. I had no idea where that had come from, but something inside of me wanted to see him more often.
I looked up to meet his face, and he nodded towards me, and began walking towards the front door.
I followed.

“So..” he began.
“So..” I mocked, and he laughed.
“Today’s been eventful for you, I guess.”
I laughed this time. “Yes, it has. Usually, everyday’s the same for me. This added a little action to the bore I call a life.”
He smiled as he put his jacket back on, and re-adjusted his badge. Then, he reached into his coat pocket to pull out a small card.
“Call me, if you have any problems or there’s anything else you feel the need to tell me. Or...” he began, as he walked into the hallway and I held the door open, slightly to see him as he spoke.
“Or what?” I inquired.
“Or...” he smiled. “You could just call to have some more coffee, at a place that is actually designated for making it.”
I gasped. “Are you saying my coffee isn’t good enough?”
He laughed. “No, I’m asking you out on a date that doesn’t involve a murder scene, but you are being slightly complicated.”
I laughed, too. “You know what? I might have to take you up on that offer. Murders are exhausting.”
“Great.” He said, excitedly almost running into an open door, as he walked backwards.
I giggled at his clumsiness in the situation. “Bye.” I said, beginning to shut the door.
“Bye!” He yelled back, from down the hallway.
I shut the door, and double-locked it turning around to see Layla now looking at me.
“What?” I asked, walking towards her. “He’s cute.”
She giggled and laid back down.

Yes, today had been quite eventful, for a change…