
Layla - part six.

I stared at the card in my hand from every angle possible, and traced over the engraved name with my fingertips.

“Mathew Carson...such a plain name, don’t you think?” I asked Layla,

Layla watched in admiration as I flicked the card in-between my fingers. I looking back her, studying as she moved her head in each direction that the card moved.
Then she stared up at the cieling, and my eyes followed hers to watch the ceiling fan move at a calm, pace.

“It’s almost unreal...I wouldn’t name my son that. Give a kid a name that is meaningful. Like yours?” I continued, pointing the card in my hand towards Layla.
She looked back at me with an inquisitive stare in her emerald eyes.

I shoved Mathew’s contact card and my phone into my back pocket.

“’s beautiful. “Lay” is actually representive for the moon in some ancient cultures. Layla...” I repeated it, feeling out the name against my lips.

She smiled, slightly hiccuping in the process, and then fell back onto the bed’s black, silk covers.
I smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. I ramble too much. It’s just I usually don’t have anyone to talk to....”

“I guess you don’t either, since you kind of can’t...” I began, but before I could finish I heard a door slammed open against one of my appartment walls.
Immediately, I paniced and ran over to Layla, taking her up in my arms.

Security guards were supposed to be standing near-by until the move, but I assumed they “went on break” because there’s noway that would’ve been considered unnoticable.

Layla grunted as I shifted her weight into an upright position, quickly.
“Shhhh...” I hushed her, as I walked out of the main bedroom into the hall closet.

Shadows passed by the shutters enlined into the closet door, as two figures walked into the room we were once in.
I held my breath and tried not to pay attention to what was happening.

I knew it was a bad sign when Layla began to whimper.

She never made noise, let alone cried.
Not since she was around her father.

“Shhhh...” I hushed her again, shaking her gently up-and down, desperately trying to not bring our hiding spot into the open.
I looked through the closet panes, attempting to focus on the figures’ apperances.
But all I could make out was the ceiling fan moving, melodolically above their heads.

The ceiling fan seemed to move faster and faster, and as I watched intently, i remembered a minor detail from that night;
I shoved a phone and mathew’s card into my back pocket, earlier.

I moved Layla onto my left hip and began humming in her ear as I pulled my phone and card out from my back pocket.

I texted him to make less noise, hoping not to get their attention.
Just as I hit send, the closet door flew open and I dropped the phone on the floor in shock, as Layla let out an eardrum-shattering cry.