Life Changing Experiences

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
The conversation I witnessed Garfield having with Mr. Smith has been on my mind all day long. I managed to find bus fair to take the bus up to my house and collect all my stuff and my hidden money stash. There was $375 there, which is good. I actually have some of my own money now.
But I still can’t help but wonder what this apparent ‘mission’ was. It had been nagging me ever since. And who could ‘she’ be that he said wouldn’t appreciate it? Argh! I’m putting too much thought into it. It’s not good for me. There’s still two hours before Garfield gets home. Maybe his diary would reveal some insight as to what this mission could be? I got out the box again and dug through all the music CDs and got to the diary. It should be one of the most recent entries. I flipped open to the last couple of pages, and found possibly what I’m looking for.
Dear Diary
I got a call today. But, not just any call. This call came from America. America! I have suspicions that my real parents are in America. Life gets harder and harder every day here for dad and I. I wish mother were still alive. Anyway, I don’t know why they called me specifically or even how they tracked me, but I got offered to go the greatest country ever! More importantly, I’ll actually have a chance to look for my parents. Sure, going there is a temporary thing, but I’ve never been this happy in my life! Oh, right. What he did talk to me about was something he described as a great disturbance, and said he believed that I could take care of it. I don’t know how… but he said it would be very beneficial for a lot people. He called it a mission and said I’d be something like a spy. I always did find spy stuff cool. Well, he didn’t tell me exactly what I needed to do, but he said there would be free hospitality for me – and a guest, if I had one, but I don’t. He said I could stay there as long as I needed to get this mission done and my flights would be paid for there and back. Me and dad went over this a bunch of times. He didn’t want me to go, but I really wanted to go. Eventually, I talked him into letting me go. So my flight is in four days. I’m very excited because I get to go off in the world to fend for myself. It’s an exciting challenge. I also get to look for my real parents while in America. And the last thing is take care of this disturbance. I don’t know what it is, but I agreed that I’d do whatever it took to care of it. Oh, I have to sleep now because I’m waking up early tomorrow to go to my school and arrange all this stuff that’s happening. Good night, diary.
So, he really does have a mission, and in a way could be looked at as a spy. But how does it link to Mr. Smith? Am I missing something here? I put the diary down and went to sit on the balcony. I fingered the pack of cigarettes in my hand, contemplating on having one. Damn it, why does Gar have to have such an affect on me? Am I really that easily manipulated by cute guys…? Argh! I threw the pack of smokes off the balcony, now suddenly angry. Angry at myself for letting me get so easily manipulated. I’m afraid if he asked me to do something, it’d be very hard to say no to him. Unless it’s something stupid, like not going to school today. The door’s opening. Is he home early? Uh-oh! The diary is still out! I rushed to put it back and the box, making as little noise as possible. Thankfully, I got it in and laid down on his bed, put the blanket over me, pretending to sleep.
“Rae? You here?” I heard his voice from the door. I heard him walking around a bit. He came in the bedroom. He put his hand on me and started shaking me. “Rae, wake up please!” I groaned, pretending I was sleeping, and rolled over and faced him.
“What? I was sleeping.”
“Sorry. But I think you should know something…” He sat down on the bed and his eyes were wandering around the room, refusing to meet contact with mine. “Uh… it’s hard for me to tell you…” I took his hand in mine and squeezed it to the best of my ability with the bandages on it, letting him know it’s okay. He turned his head away and closed his eyes tight. Whatever it is, it must be big.
“You can tell me. Anything…”
“Okay… promise not to get mad. But, I have to go back to Africa…”
“When?” Well, I’m not surprised at all since I’ve heard what he and Mr. Smith have talked about.
“Uhh… I… really don’t know. But I don’t want to leave,” his hand squeezed tighter on mine, making it hurt just a little. I could tell he wasn’t trying to cry. “I just found out today.”
“I’m sorry, Gar… but do you know which day you are leaving?”
“I-I don’t know for sure… but… but after I finish doing something… I… I have to go back…” his voice was very shaky. He was on the edge of crying. He helped me last night…
“Gar, look at me.” He turned his head and his eyes were glistening. “Do you absolutelyhave to go back?”
“I think so… I haven’t tried to talk about it…”
“Who do we have to talk about it with?”
“Uh… Mr. Smith. You know the VP at our school?” I raised my eyebrow, in mock surprise.
“Mr. Smith? He determines when you go back to Africa?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of weird… he called me a while back and we arranged for me to come here.”
“Garfield, what do you have to do before you get back to Africa?” I asked. It’s been bugging me for a while, and I need to know right now what it is before I can help him any further. He sighed.
“I can’t tell you.”
“And… why not?” That’s odd.
“I just can’t,” he said, his voice rising a little bit.
“What, you don’t trust me?” I think I trust him enough. Shouldn’t it be time to repay it?
“Of course I do. It’s just… that… well… I…” he’s stalling. Obviously, he doesn’t trust me…
“So you don’t trust me.”
“What!” he said, letting go of my hand and standing up. “I said I did!” his voice was raising more. Is he actually angry with me…?
“Then how come you won’t tell me?” Ah, my old monotone voice once again. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to use it on Garfield.
“I don’t know.”
“I do. You don’t trust me. Simple as that.”
“Then tell me what you need to do. Or else I won’t be able to help you,” I stated calmly, yet very slowly starting to lose my patience. This argument has been pointless. He seemed to lose all defence he had there, and slumped down.
“If I tell you… will you… promise not to get mad?”
“I’ll be mad if you don’t tell me.” He sat down again beside me and took a deep breath.
“Okay, it wasn’t my idea. I came to America to look for my parents. I have no clue if they’re even in this state or not. But… what I did come here for was… well… Mr. Smith called me one day, and he asked me to come down to America to… to… turn you into a better person.”
“Please Rachel, if you hate me, don’t say it. If you want to leave, then by all means, go right ahead…” I… he… was… sent down here to make me a better person…? I shook my head and smiled a bit.
“I don’t hate you, Gar.” He looked up from having his head in his hands.
“You don’t?” he squeaked out, his voice sounding very high pitched.
“Of course not. But I am disappointed in you for not telling me sooner.”
“I am very sorry!”
“It’s forgivable. I should thank you, really. I realize now that my life was going nowhere being the old Rachel Roth. It’s funny how you come to realization after you’ve been through it. I’m just glad I had someone show me the error of my ways before it was too late. But… wouldn’t your mission be technically completed?”
“Yes, but I told Mr. Smith it wasn’t to have some extra time down here.”
“Oh.” I wonder if he wants extra time to find his parents? Probably. Although… he is helping me as well. Maybe he just also wants to spend time with me? “You told me you were looking for your parents?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s what I really came down here for in the first place. I knew that I’d have to do my mission, but I figured that would be pretty easy. Er, no offence.”
“Don’t worry about it. But, first thing is first. You have to talk to Mr. Smith about staying here permanently.”
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, Rachel. If… if I can’t stay here permanently… would you like… to move… back to Africa with me?” he pointed his fingers together and blushed a little.
“Well, that is a very kind offer, but I’m sure that we’d be able to talk to Mr. Smith about you staying here. Why would you not be able to? Admittedly, we’d need jobs, because I don’t think the school would provide for us for that long.”
“Huh? Oh, we’re going to be roommates. Right?”
“Y-yeah! Of course! I’d love to be roommates with you!” I smiled at how enthusiastic he had become, and now that he got that out of the way, he must feel like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Still, there are some questions… like, how does Mr. Smith relate to it, and how did he know about Garfield? Why did he get someone in Africa to fly down here just to “reform” me? It doesn’t add up. “So, how about at school tomorrow we ask Mr. Smith to let me stay? Oh, and don’t say anything about the ‘mission’. It was meant to be a secret from everyone. Especially you.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not a fool.”
“I know that. I know it very well now.” He smiled at me and took my hand again. He looked directly into my eyes and I into his. I couldn’t tear my gaze away. His face was moving closer to mine… but… no. I jerked my head back and took my hand out of his grasp.
“What are you doing?” He jumped back.
“I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me!” he got up and left. “I’ll be back soon, Rae. I’m going to go out for a bit. I… I need to be alone.” I nodded at him and watched as he put on his jacket and left. He almost kissed me. But… I can’t kiss him. Not at least until we’re in a relationship. But… does that mean he likes me?