Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne's POV :

The light shone in , and I could feel the heat of the morning rays shine through the window . I fluttered my eyes , and was greeted by bright sunlight . Upon doing so , I think I mentally sceamed .

Beside me , was Wyatt , I was hugging him and he was doing the same . He was still fast asleep and he looked peaceful . There was a small smile on his lips and they looked kissable .
Wait ! Did I just think that ? Scratch that ! I'm not suppose to feel this way ! He was my arranged fiance for goodness sake ! I was suppose to be mad at this whole damm thing .

"Wait a sec ! Wyatt slept beside you the entire night !" I screamed to myself, after realising the situation.

My face started feeling hot , and my heart pumped frantically . Before I knew it , I started screaming out loud , and I kicked around . Which caused Wyatt to roll out of the bed and land on the floor with a loud thud .

"What the … !?" Wyatt sat up and stared at me .


"I was too tired last night …" He replied awkwardly , while rubbing his side that had hit the floor hard.

"That doesn't mean you could crawl up beside me !" I said , still trying hard to calm down .

"I'm sorry … " He said , sounding sincere ,"Plus , you kicked me out of bed … Can you just stop shouting , and we call it truce ?" He looked at me hopeful that I won't be mad .

Normally , I would have made a fuss . But then upon seeing Wyatt's apologetic face , it was hard to stay mad . Who could resist ? Double that when he gave me the puppy eye look a few seconds ago . I just can't resisit them .

"Fine … " I mumbled , still feeling awkward .

"Do you want to follow me to meet my friends today ?" Wyatt asked out of the blue, when we were in the closet , fishing for an attire .

"I can ?" I asked , surprised that Wyatt asked me along .
Didn't he just showed me a hell load of attitude yesterday ? Look who went for a personality makeover .

"Are you coming or not ?" He shot impatiently .
I take back my words he was still the same Wyatt .

"Sure … " I thought over and said . Beat staying here alone . Though it was a huge place , I would rather go some place with him .

I quickly ran to the closet and pulled out a white chiffon dress with a black waist belt and went to the bathroom before Wyatt did . I slipped off my clothes and quickly washed myself up . Only after 45 mins did I reveal myself in the dress with my hair tied in a loose bun , with some of my hair falling at the side .

"You just need to do something to your hair ,and stayed in there for 45 mins . Didn't you ?" Wyatt asked , as he laid on the bed , looking bored out .

"I can't help it . It's a girl thing ." I smiled apologetically , not even sure why I was trying to apologise to Wyatt when I did no wrong . Maybe he looked piss , and I felt guilty ? Nope , definitely not cause of that .

"I don't like your hair this way !" Wyatt suddenly jumped up and said .

"Wh … " I stuttered . But before I could complete my sentence , Wyatt pulled my elastic band and my hair flowed down my back till it reached my hip .

"You look prettier with your hair down ."He smiled , satisfied with what he see and made his way into the bathroom leaving me dazed .
What the hell did he just do ?

He said I looked prettier with my hair down . Was that a compliment or an insult ? Either which , he noticed ? That was new .

I shook the many pieces of thoughts out of my head and made my way back to the closet to dig for my black pumps .
Finally after a long while, did I find it and went out of the closet . Wyatt was standing by the door , waiting for me . He was in a black polo tee and jeans . Casual but it does not mean he didn't look hot. In fact , he did . A lot . And it was pissing me off, how a guy I barely knew constantly makes me think to myself like this. I wasn't even suppose to think about him !

"You still have not answered my question . Why do girls need such an awfully long time to get ready?" He shot .

"Cause we want to look good for you guys . We sacrifice our time so you do not have to see a un-presentable face ." I said , as I flutter my lashes with mascara and having done so , slide light lip gloss across my lips .

"Okay , I'm ready !" I said , and skipped to the door where Wyatt was , excited I was about to go out.

"Finally ," He said , and pulled me out of the room by my arm .

The car pulled up in front of another great looking mansion , and the doors of the limo opened .

I suggested Deluca drove us and Wyatt just went along with it . Along the way , I talked to Deluca alot , and we joked a lot too . While Wyatt sat and stared out of the window keeping mum all the way . I had to admit , being with Deluca was really fun . A lot of fun . But apparently , Wyatt don't seem to feel the same .

"We're here ," Deluca said , as he helped me out of the limo .

"Thank you . For a chauffer , you really are a lot of fun , you know that Deluca ." I smiled .

"Its an honour . Being able to chauffer you is one of the best thing thing that happened ." He smirked , and kiss the hand he was holding to . It cause me to giggle at his joke , yet from where I was standing , I could hear a growl coming from Wyatt .

"Get going , you don't want to make him mad ." Deluca said , and ushered me to go .

I did as I was told and skipped to the door where Wyatt was . The doors opened and a maid welcomed us . And no surprise , as we walked in I notice how large this place is . It was as big as Wyatt's mansion .

"You know Deluca really well ?" Wyatt suddenly shot when we were walking .

"I just know him . But he really is easy to get along ."I smiled , thinking how much fun Deluca was. He was really a sweet chap.

Wyatt kept silent , and continued walking . I just kept mummed like he did , and followed closely .

He finally stop in his tracks when we reached the yard and stood before a basketball court where two guys around Wyatt's age was shooting hoops and dunking .

"Dude ! What took you ?" One of the guys saw Wyatt and shouted across .

"Long story ." Wyatt said and smiled . I looked at Wyatt's expression and awed . He smiled . Like , he smiled ! Wow . And here I thought this hottie didn't know how to do that !

"Are you joining us or what ? Oh , who is this babe ?" The guy shot , when he noticed me .

"It's Tyanne ." Wyatt smiled.
He did it again . And he said my name . First time since I met him . Strangely , I started feeling fuzzy , and my heart pumped in a way it should not have.

"You're a beauty ! Hi . I'm Kaleb ." The guy introduced himself .

"And I'm Dustin,"The other guy smiled .

"Hey , if things between you and Hunter don't work out , do consider me , okay ?"Kaleb smirked , and I knew instantly he was joking .

"Kaleb , don't you dare !" Wyatt suddenly said .

"I was just reassuring her ." Kaleb joked , but sounded hurt .

"She's my finacee , so lay off !" Wyatt took me by surprise and I could hear him growl like he did a few minutes before when we were outside .
It was weird , and it made my heart pumped faster . Wyatt Hunter had just called his friend to lay off and claimed that I was his fiancee !
I didn't know which was more surprising , him anknowledging me as his fiancee or calling his friend to lay off of me .

Just what's with the change ?

copyrighted © March 2009 , all rights reserved.
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well , im hoping the story is good (:
& i really want to take this chance to thank my 11 subscribers .
i really appreciate you guys !
to all my other readers ; please comment & feedback . i really do want to know how you feel about the story and curious on where I could improve on (:
& please subscribe too ! (: thanks a bunch of bananas !

love sara ♥