Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

For you to fall back on.

"Tyanne, I'm going to just talk to the guys for awhile . You go back first , I'll be back soon ." Wyatt said , and gently kissed my forehead before closing the door of the limo .
Honestly , everything stopped . My heart beat . My breathing . Everything .
I could not get what was going on and what cause the drastic change in Wyatt , but whatever it is . I loved it . I loved the change and I loved where this was going, that I don't even care abidding with the rules.

Wyatt's POV :

"Dude ! What the hell happened back there !?" Kaleb screamed at me, when I walked back in.

"I don't know alright ! Gimme a break !" I said , messed up by the situation too.

"She was bleeding! Her blood seemed to smell good if I accuqired the right thoughts from you.You almost wished you could suck on it !"Dustin said .

"Shut up , Dustin ! Stop making me sound like I'm some asshole !" I tried hard to defend myself.

"And the first aid?" Dustin shot .

"Seriously , not helping. " I eyed the guys ,"I learnt first aid back when I was young . Dad thought I would need to know in the future."

"King Royston's a geat Dad !" Kaleb exclaimed , and I recalled how he wanted to learn to mesmerize the girl that worships the ground he stands on. Sometimes, I really admire this dumb side of Kaleb. It just gets worse everyday.

I rolled my eyes, and settled myself on the couch , still confused about my excellent control over my lust . That's why I was wary of humans. I stay clear only because I was afraid that even a minor papercuts would set me on a craze. I was never good with my lust, so this was all just insane.

"You can't read her mind either, can you ?" Dustin said in astonishment , all of a sudden.

"Hell! Dustin, get out of my mind !" I screamed at him, knowing he was reading my most inner thoughts.

"Dude! You serious ?" Kaleb laughed ,"She got you wrapped Hunter."

"Kaleb, you better shut it or I'll do it personally ." I screamed at him , feeling frustrated .

"Wyatt, relax . Maybe she just blocked you out or something . No big deal right ?" Dustin said , as he threw himself onto the seat beside me.

"Yeah , plus why get so worked up over little Tyanne ."Kaleb smirked .

I knew they were right and I knew it all along . It's just … She is just such an angel . And I could read minds . Anyones . But why can't I read hers ? And her blood? I usually would have jumped on her ! But what happened was out of this world ! I helped her dress her wound for goodness' sake !

I looked down at my hand, which had a few stains of her blood . It smelt good . Really good . There is this pure and innocent thing about her blood . How it has never been polluted and how it smelled so sweet . I could not resist the temptation , and licked the stain of my hand .
It was good . Too good in fact . The sweetness melt my tongue and tingled my throat . I stared blankly amazed that such little blood soothe my painful throat a whole lot and made me feel this way .

But then again , it was her blood . And I was licking it . I felt my stomach churn , and I honestly thought I would puke , like how I would react to milk.
I felt disgusted of myself . Feeling the agony of having to lust for blood . Of all things , why was she a human and I the filthy bloodsucker ?

Normal POV { Tyanne's POV } :

As I sat in the car on the way back, I tried to piece the odd pieces together. Though it was tough to come up with any explanation, it still bothered me alot and I wanted to get to the bottom of everything. From the change to the nice and the smile. And then to the weird. The way they reacted to blood. I honestly think I saw red eyes.

"Tyanne, you sure you're alright?"Deluca asked , breaking my train of thoughts and distracting me.

"Del, I'm fine ! Serious !" I smiled and reply .

"Okay , but scream if it hurts ! I'll fly you to the hospital . Instantly ."Deluca said with a cocky grin .

"You like making a big fuss, don't you?"

"It's my forte." I laughed.

"Is it your forte to make me laugh too?" I asked.

"No, that's my job."

"Oh, so I'm just a job."I said dully,disappointed. I seriously liked Deluca, his humor and is gentleman, the kind of guy who was just an awe. Yet he told me I'm a job …

"A job that I assigned myself willingly."He continued.

Scratch my previous thought! He is sweet too.

"Hey, Tyanne , does Wyatt treat you good ?" Deluca suddenly asked, changing the topic and atmosphere completely.

"Wh-Why ask , out of the blue ?" I eyed , taken aback .

"He seems distant to you. You guys just don't look like you're going to get married soon ."

"Well, obviously since neither of us planned for this." I said . The thoughts of this whole thing happening ran through my mind like a slideshow once again.

"You know, you're the first that don't worship the ground he stands on." Deluca joked.

"Told you I was different ." I smiled .

"Will you be happy?" He shot .

"I-I don't know." I muttered, feeling messed up.

"Tyanne, you deserve much more, you know that ." Deluca said with a tone so serious , that it was unlike him. He was more of the comedian. Wyatt was the serious and solem one.

"Thanks Del, you're amazing." I smiled.

"I'm here if you ever need me, to fall back on." ©
♠ ♠ ♠
i hope this is good (:
thanks to all who commented ! & told me you like the story (:
i really appreciate it & its a real good motivation ! y'guys are really loved
& much thanks & love to my 8 subscribers who recently subscribed ! (:

i'll try my best to produce better chapters :D

i really love you guys !
sara ♥