Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know , I woke up in my room , with Wyatt sitting beside me on the bed , and staring at me . It felt awkward, yet somehow, it set off a tingle in me. Double that,when a million questions were in my head.

"You really sleep like a log ." He laughed , noticing that I woked up ,"It's past dinner ."

"Wh-Past dinner ?" I yelled , in embarrassement . If it was past dinner , Wyatt had been looking at me sleep since dinner?! Oh boy .

"Yeah . I'll get the maids to prepare something for you ."

"Its alright ! I'm not hungry ." I said , before Wyatt could get out of bed.

"You sure?"

"Positive ." I smiled .

"Okay , how's your hand ?" He asked , lifting my hand up and examining it . While doing so , Wyatt successfully made me blush badly, and it seriously was not a good sign.

"You guys really like to make a big fuss out of nothing ." I said , trying to slip my hand away , but it was useless against his steel grip .

"Its not everyday I see a girl end up in a bloody situation while meeting my friends ." He smirked irritatingly but at the same time , irresistably .

"Wyatt , you could have just spelt the words out , no need to beat around the bush ." I rolled my eyes at him. Wyatt was getting on my nerves . He was like a hottie who acts like a big kid !

"Yeahs, Tyanne , you are a klutz ." He grinned irritatingly .

"It's in your blood to be mean , isn't it ? By the way , how did I end up in the room , I thought I was in the car ?" I asked , remembering not having walked a long way to my room .

"Deluca carried you up ." Wyatt said in a low voice , almost growling , like he did earlier in the day . Why on earth did he do so anyways?

"Oh , I better go thank him ." I smiled and crawled out of bed, eager to find Deluca. He was really alot of fun.

"Not now ,Tyanne ."

"Why not ?" I shot , in confusement .

"Just get back in bed ." He said .
Then before I know it , Wyatt grabbed my arm and yanked me back in bed .

"What th-Wyatt , what are you doing ?" I screamed as Wyatt pulled me into a hug . Adrenaline rushed up to my head and I was getting redder by the second . What does this boy plan on doing?

"You can find your chauffer tomorrow !" He demanded .

"Deluca's not just a chauffer." I stated, blood stil rushing to my face.

"What's with you and the chauffer ?" Wyatt hissed.

"Wh-Can you just treat Deluca with a little respect ? " I yelled . Wyatt really had attitude problems. Sure he could be nice , but he really does have crazed moodswings . A moment he was nice, now he was dissing Deluca like no one's business. What's wrong with him ?

"Why are you being so nice to him ?" He yelled at me , scarying the hell out of me once more . He never fails to do that , and it was getting irritating.

"He is my friend! Stop yelling at me! And let me go !" I screamed back, mad at how he was screaming at me. No one does that to me!

"Tyanne, I just don't like that guy, something isn't right about him." Wyatt murmured, his eyes distant. There was something about them that I can't put a finger to, yet they kept me wondering. After awhile, his grip around me released, and he backed away, surprising me a little.

"Too bad, unlike you, Deluca is nice. I like him, and I don't think anything is wrong. Is this all you want to talk about ?"

"I wanted to tell you that there would be a ball the day after tomorrow . My parents planned to announce that you are my fiancee on the ball ."

"Oh … " I said . I knew the day would come , when I have to marry this hottie who has a huge attitude problem . But I didn't expect it so soon . I thought the least they would give me a little more time. Yet all was happening so soon, none of me wanted it to be this way and I wasn't looking forward.

copyrighted © march 2009 , all rights reserved.
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