Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


I woked up to bright sunlight shining through the curtains only to find myself under Wyatt . His arm wasn't heavy but it was enough to keep me stuck in the position I'm in . His grip was tight and there was no way I could get out of his embrace . I stayed in the position on bed and images of last night ran past my mind like an old movie film .
Wyatt , he kissed me last night and I loved it . He said he liked me . Was that suppose to be a confession ? My head was throbbing badly . I was confused . Very confuse to be exact ! He was giving me the cold shoulder a day before , why the sudden change ? It was just all too sudden , and all is too much for my head .

My train of thoughts were broken when Wyatt's arm moved and embraced me in a tighter hug .
"This way , you can't kick me out of bed ." He smiled and show his pearly white teeth, with two strangely long and pointy ones.

"Let go , Wyatt ." I said , struggling but to no avail to move an inch .

"Can't you just stay in that position for awhile ?"

"You really are pushing your luck ." I smirked , trying hard not to blush .

"Is that too much to ask ?" He looked down at me and asked .

"It starting to be ." Trying to get Wyatt off me, yet he won't budge a single bit.

After awhile, the did Wyatt's grip around me loosen and he sat up on his side of the bed , "Do you want to go to the mall ?"

"Tyanne, did Wyatt just suggested to go to the mall ?" I questioned out in sacasm.

"Do you want to go or not ?" He stared at me and asked .

"Sure I do !" I said while I jump out of bed and skip to the closet before Wyatt changed his mind . I missed my mall trips and I would like to get out. Perhaps a little shopping would clear the dark clouds in my mind.

"Why suggest to come to the mall all of a sudden?" I questioned Wyatt while we stepped into a huge mall . It was gigantious . There were at least 20 storeys and it was grand . Not like anything I've been into before, so obviously, it was meant for the rich and the famous.

"Mum said you would probably want to . Plus you would need something to wear for the ball tomorrow . " He said , grabbing my free hand and lead me towards the esclator .

"And I thought you were thoughtful." I mouthed , trying hard not to trip while walking at a scary pace in my golden buckle pumps . This boy is not only crazy, he was fast. It's tough to keep along with him AND his moods.

"There won't be time to call in the designers , so you would have to make decisions on your own .
Mum thinks it would be good if I could offer suggestions ."

"Designers ?" I stared at him , feeling my eyes popping . They had designers to design dresses for them . Never had I imagined that. And here I used to think that being able to afford branded clothes was a privillege.

"Yeahs , she's the one that will be designing your wedding gown ." He said, walking down the coridoor and stopping outside a large boutique. He pushed the doors opened , and revealed a manhattan setting store , so huge that I went hysterical .

"All the best you can find." Wyatt looked at my amazed face and smiled. Why did I have a feeling he was enjoying himself to see my awed expression?

"Where the hell am I ?" I shot , somewhat vaguely .

"Dephys' . Go and find something , and we can go somewhere else ." He said, urging me to hurry up with shopping .

I felt like I was in paradise . I didn't know where to start as I was in a place where dresses range from everywhere! Colours of the dresses blinded me , there were no colour codes whatsoever . It was just racks and racks of beautiful dresses .

I randomly pulled out a handful of dresses and made my way into the fitting room . I looked at the dresses and saw a dark red halter that looks really pretty .
It is a V cut halter that runs to the top of my belly-button with a silver trimming at the chest and it runs all the way down to the floor . The back was revealing and it shown the whole of my back .
I tried it on , and made my way out to ask for Wyatt's opinions .

In the end, after 2 hours and a lot of fitting , Wyatt was fed up with seeing me look awful in the dresses . When I came out of the fitting room in a blue dripped shoulder gown , he annoyingly barged into the fitting room and look at all the dresses that I have choosen , he then walked out and pulled a really pretty black v-neck halter and called me to try it .
I did as I was told and was amazed at what stared back at me in the mirror . On me , was a beautiful black banded v-neck gown . The band was in silver and the diamonds on it looked pretty as it shimmer against the dark satin dress . The gown clung tight to my body , showing my every curve beautifully and it elegantly showned my bustline . The back of it were laces , so it wasn't so revealing.
I decided to get it straight away before letting Wyatt comment on it . This was it . There was no way I would be deciding on another dress . I loved this !

"Excuse me , help me wrap this dress up ," Wyatt said ,while pointing to the dress I was holding to the shop asistant ,"and help all of those seperately ." He continued , while pointing to the many dresses on the floor . I stared at Wyatt , stunned . How rich can this guy get !?

"Come on , let's go ." He said , and pulled me by my free hand .

"Wait , what about those ?" I asked , staring at the cashier .

"That's the chauffer and butlers' job ."

"So, where are we heading now ?"

"Would you do fine on your own ? I need to handle certain things. "

"Sure. I would love to shop." I smiled .

" You sure? I won't be back till tomorrow morning , you enojoy and take care , alright ?" Wyatt instructed.

"You're worse than my grandmother! I'll be fine. Go on ahead"I smiled ,as Wyatt kissed me softly on the lips . This wasn't right . I wasn't suppose to be kissing Wyatt but I liked it anyway .

I stared blankly as his back faced me and he walked away slowly . I sort of hated to see it . Seeing him leave . I wanted him around , I didn't want to see him go. That was when I realised how it was just so wrong. Since when was I so dependent on him?
Oh god , just what was wrong with me ?

Wyatt's POV :

"Alright ." She smiled at me beautifully . I loved how she smile . I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips . Honestly, I wasn't even sure since when I was allowed to do so. She seems perfectly fine with it.
I pulled away and walked towards the exit . Flashes of last night surface up in my mind . She didn't seem to talk about it , and I didn't want to . Just to think she would want to leave , its just all to horrible to think . Was it wrong ? To put her in such a situation . She must be doing this for her parents' company . This agreement … it seems like she wasn't planning for all of this. Although she did not spell the words out, I knew part of her, was reluctant. I could not explain anything right now, since I, myself had yet to even put my finger on the situation.

My thoughts were drowned when I feel the sharp pain in my throat . Hell , I hated this! I just yearned for her. Being so close for the entire night, it really does have its impact. By reflexes, I quickly teleported back home to the kitchen , and pulled out a bottle from the refrigerator . Upon contact , the pain soothen and I felt my lust decreasing.

"Prince Wyatt ! Good thing you're back! The council is already here , you better make your way to the meeting room ." Felisa reminded me when she came into the kitchen .

I did as I was told, and teleported to the meeting room, giving the elders quite a scare .

"Wyatt ! Next time, knock before you enter !" Dad screamed at me. Though it didn't really matter. Frankly speaking, I disliked such meetings. It was never my thing.
"Like I was saying , we need to be on our guard ." Dad started ,"According to Elder Gilmore , there would be a vampire who is trying to kill you and Tyanne, Son ."

Upon the words, my wild attention fell onto Dad , and I shot up . Whoever he was , he couldn't kill me that easily . But Tyanne?

"Who the hell is he?!" I yelled, shocking the elders with my rude and abrupt behaviour .

"Calm down ! All we know now , is he stand alone ." Elder Frecklin said .

"How do you expect me to calm down !? My fiancee is being stalked !" I yelled , my senses wild and I felt my heart race . She was out there right now ! Could something happen to her?

"You acting like a wild dog wouldn't help the situation ." Dad scoffed ,"He won't be acting yet .Go get Tyanne , and just remain calm!"

I knew Dad was right . He always was , that's why he is the King . I tried to remain calm like he told me to . I tried to keep my senses , and tried to believe Tyanne was alright . She just had to be ! What was I going to do if anything ever happened to her ?
Yet again, I should have been prepared. Ever since I was a kid, I've been facing kidnaps and murder attempts as I was an important role in the vampire realm. It's part of life to me already. But it was Tyanne we were talking about here. A fall could easily break her !

"By the way, have you told Tyanne about us , being vampires?" Dad shot , just when I was about to dash out of the room and that took me aback . Vampires. I'm a vampire . Was that what I was going to tell her ?

copyrighted © march 2009, all rights reserved.
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i hope this isn't too bad. it was definitely a filler. because i need to get the "in-betweens" clear. sorry if this was below the par.
i would produce better ones in the following chapters to come !

& i would like to thank the 3 users who had subscribed.
really appreciate it ! & those who commented ! such great motivation !

anyways, its kind of late, & there is school tomorrow. so i think i'll update tomorrow if i have th time.
its late night calls time.
love y'guys! xoxo.