Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Crazily nuts

Tyanne's POV :

"Princess Tyanne, are you done ?" Laura shouted into the closet .
Laura was my hair & make-up stylist . And boy , is she pushy ! Its only been 5mins and she was screaming for me to hurry!
Due to the constant nagging, I quickly pulled on my gown for the night and stepped out of the closet only to greet a desperate and impatient Laura. She then quickly ushered me to the dresser , and quickly did her magic .

"Voila ." Laura finally said , waking me up from my daze . She pulled me to the full length mirror and I for the first time today, gotten a good look at myself .

Shock isn't a word that's good enough to describe.I looked out of the world ! The black gown looked totally amazing on me. My hair was curled and it looked pretty . My make-up was bold and daring . My lips were a bright pink and mascara was a nice long black . My eye shadow were also of a colour that refined my grey eyes .
Laura had also helped me pulled on a blue diamond shower necklace . It was beautiful and I was mind-blowing hot!

"Like what you see ?" Laura asked , grinning through her teeth .

"I love !" I grinned , still shock with how I look .

"Okay, okay ! Princess , you would need to start make your way to the hall !" Laura said , and pulled me to the door .

Laura lead me down a corridor , and finally, I stood in front of large doors that was at least twice my height . I was instructed to wait , and I did as I was told. As I waited, a thousand and one things ran past my mind. I had tried to push it away for a long while, yet right now, I doubt I could any longer.

"You look gorgeous ." I turned around , to see Wyatt inches away from me . His black tux jacket was unbuttoned and underneath it , was a white shirt , with a matching black loose tie . Wyatt's hair was still a mess , but an effort of trying to tame his messy hair could be seen . And somehow , he looked so amazingly hot.

"You don't look half as bad ." I smiled , while trying hard to not burn up. It's kind of embarrassing and I felt wrong to even think of him this way.

"You ready for this? After this,you don't actually have a choice to call this marriage off, as you wish , you know ." He stammered .

Before I could reply or anything , the huge doors flung open and bright light shined.Frankly speaking, I heaved a sigh of relief,being thankful that I no longer had to be stuck in that pit hole.

"Cling on, I'll make sure everything's fine." Wyatt suddenly said. I looked up to see his genuine eyes that begged for me to trust him. With ease, I slip my arm around his and started to make my way down.
Many people were down the flight of stairs and all attention was on us . I felt my cheecks turn red , as I started to make my way to the stairs . I was afraid I would trip with the long gown sweeping the floor and my 3 inches heels, and embarrass myself in front of everyone. Yet I could also tell,that Wyatt was never going to allow that to happen.

"Let's welcome, Prince Hunter and Princess Tyanne ." The speakers blasted and it was followed by thundering applauses .
With Wyatt's arm around me , he leaded me down the long flight of stairs and finally reached the bottom of it . Thankfully I didn't do anything that would make me feel like digging a hole and stucking my head into it .

We were asorbed by the crowd , and just blend in instantly . Many expensive looking man would too oftenly come up to us , and shake our hands , and congratulate us . Whispers could be heard from the crowd , and stuff like , "She looks like crap " , "I should be in her place " could be heard , coming from girls in skimpy dresses. The guys were also whispering about how smokin' hot I was . All of this just made Wyatt's grip around me tighter as if afraid anyone would take me away . This made me felt fuzzy inside , but I tried my best to surpress the feeling in me .

The ballad started , and Wyatt lead me to the middle of the gigantious hall . He held out his hand in a gentleman way , asking for me to join him in the beautiful ballad . I took it , and he started twirling me around starting the night with our first dance. I followed his lead , and just let him and the music guide me. With every step, Wyatt looked so serious , and sincere . He smiled to me when he noticed I was looking at him , and guided me through the ballad gracefully . All eyes were on us , but I no longer felt pressured . It was as if , Wyatt would make sure , everything will be alright .
After a long while , the ballad finally ended , and everyone else joined in to start dancing to a waltz .

"Come on, we danced enough." Wyatt said , dragging me by the hand and leading me away from the engulfing ball room .

"Where are you bringing me ? Aren't we suppose to be there ?" I asked , surprised though glad that we did not have to stay cooped in that place any longer. I wasn't really the balls and parties kindda person.

"Look up ." He said . I looked up only to find myself at the belcony , with the sky above me , and together with it , were millions of tiny little shining stars . It was just amazing . It was like millions of diamonds hung up on the pitch black sky. They blinked and smiled back at me as a smile was creeping onto my face.

I was asorbed by the wonderful view when all of a sudden , Wyatt pulled me around . Before I could response , his lips crashed into mine . He kissed my upper lip then the lower . I could not resist . I didn't want to either . I kissed him back . Bit by bit , I opened my lips , and allowed his tongue into my mouth . Wyatt pulled me closer to him , as he got more passionate . I could feel his fingers playing with my hair too and slowly , I felt Wyatt pulled away. Call it insane, but I seriously let down all my guard, to an extend I did not know what I wanted any longer.

"Tyanne, you make me go crazily nuts." He whispered.

copyrighted © march 2009 , all rights reserved.
♠ ♠ ♠
is this good ? hope so(:
anyways, i decided to drag th plot a little. so expect th unexpected :D
hahas .

& once again ; my appreciations (:
-comments .

thanks for both ! you guys make my day ! (:
do continue to comment & subscribe ! :D
hmmms, & banners anyone ? hahas !

xoxo ♥ ;