Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Dead silence.

Wyatt's POV :

I stared at her angelic face as she started to snooze on my chest . Her breathing was gentle , and she let out cute little snores , hardly audible , but in my case , I would like to differ . Her hair fell over her forehead as she shifted a little .

It was amazing that within a night, Tyanne accepted me . She accepted me for me . Both my feelings and identity . The feeling was something I had never in my life experienced before.

And within the night, which she most probably kept me awake, for a 18 year old, she asked hell lot of questions . Some of which kept my mind pondering .

But my train of thoughts were disrupted when I heard a shuffling noise outside . Curiosity got the better of me and I moved out of bed, making sure I didn't wake Tyanne and got to the balcony. Cautiously , I went out to take a look. Only to be greeted by silence . It was quiet . A little too quiet . The silence send shivers down spines and the air felt deadly . But I tried to ignore it . Only to regret it a second later .

Before I could react , from the darkness , something sharp flew past me , stinging me in my right arm. I felt my blood trickling down and my arm hurting badly . I could feel my wound burning . My focus was wild and I was starting to feel the pain running through my body .

"Who the hell are you !? What do you want ?" I screamed into the dark .

Silence greeted me . Nothing responded , and it felt deadlier . I tried hard to make out where the attacker was but the pain was overwhelming . It was him . I knew of it . The attacker who Dad had mentioned . He was here and he is coming for me . And Tyanne .

Upon thinking about her , I rushed back to the room . Only to see the velvet comforter on the floor , and an empty bed .

copyrighted © April 2009, all rights reserved.
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well, i hope this is goood (:
my apologies for the previous one wasn't as good.
& i'm sorry this one took a long time.

please subscribe & feedback & comment ! thanks !

i love all of you !