Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


I could not take it once I thought to this point . I was suppose to have my perfect 18th birthday ! Not this crap ! I just reached adulthood ! I can't get married ! Double that , since I have no clue who the guy is !

"How can you do this to me ?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs .

"Sweetheart , we really didn't want to … " Mom started .

"But you did ! It does NOT change the fact !" Rage ran through me .

"Please Sweetheart , make this easy for the both of us ." Dad plead , but that only made me angrier . All he was thinkin now , is that I don't break both their hearts ? What about mine !? What was I suppose to do ? Why can't I just fall in love normally , and marry my soul mate ?!

"Wow , I'm going to get married , and you're telling me to make it easy for the both of you ?!" I screamed sacastically , my eyes emitting fury so strong .

"Sweetheart , I'm really sorry . I know you must be hating us , but please understand . I'm sure the Schader's would make great in-laws and young man , Wyatt Hunter , would make a great husband ." Dad smiled , though I see through the feign and saw , in the corner of his eyes , pain that was undescribable . Part of me wanted to go over , and hug him , to tell him that I would go according to the plans. Yet the part , the larger one , of me , hated them so much , I couldn't bear all of this .

"I fcuking hate you ." I hissed through my gritted teeth .

"Tyanne Roxy ! Mind your language ." Mom reprimanded , making me boil . She was going to send me off , and she's telling me to mind my language !?

"Please . Spare me the crap ." I scoffed .

"Tyanne Roxy , its final . The Schader's driver would be here tomorrow morning . You'd like to pack your baggages ." Dad said , in a stern voice . That really did it , and I lost it . With anger and hatred , I stomped to up the stairs and to my room .

After shutting the the doors tight behind me , I stared at the room I had been in since 2 . How it had morphed over the years and how it held memories . Tears started rolling down my face as I slid into an awkward position on the floor . It didn't bother me , as I was just too overwhelmed with how much it hurts . It was just so scary , as I would be leaving to some unknown place tomorrow .

I bet I sat there for more than an hour and cried . The tears dried up and I braced myself . I am going to survive , I will .

"Let's hope things would turn out great ." I thought to myself as I pulled out luggages and stuffed my entire closet into 7 humongous luggages , I didn't bother much about what I packed , since only anger and hatred flooded me .

copyright ⓒ March 2009
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sorry this was a filler . would improve on the next chapter (: will get it out soon .