Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


"I was enjoying being with you… To bad you're bethroted to Hunter." He smirked , with a tint of evil in his voice .

"What are you planning? Why are you doing this?" My voice quivered.

"Are you acting dumb, or just too gullible? Tyanne, Tyanne. You really don't know what Hunter is, don't you?" Deluca raised his voice, causing me to jump,"Your prince is the reason my parents died !Worst of all, he isn't even worth it! He's just a pesky spoiled problemetic kid!"

"What?" I stammered , with fear.

Before Deluca could answer me, the doors of the room burst opened. Bright light shone in , piercing my eyes . Only when I got used to the lighting, did I see Wyatt's face . A tint of fear came over me . But more than that , I was relieved . Relieved that Wyatt was here . Relieved to see he him again. I don't know why, but it feels as though nothing was going to go wrong.

"Tyanne!" Wyatt's voice ringed as he walked towards me, brushing my temple with his hand.

For a moment there, nothing else mattered. I forgotten everything, and I wasn't the least worried.
How did I regret, when I forgotten Deluca's presence.
In mere miliseconds, I saw Deluca over Wyatt. With a metal rod in his hand,he had hit Wyatt with a loud "bham". The hatred in his eyes were prominent. Right after, I saw the pain displayed on Wyatt's face as he slowly lost his stance.

"I don't even think you're worth torturing!" Deluca scoffed.

The next I knew, Deluca punched Wyatt in the chest, and they engaged in a comabt. Hopeless, all I wanted, was just for it to stop. What was this about anyway? It all just seem mindless, and I just didn't want to continue to watch.

Deluca's fangs had grown out and his eyes murkier than before . The sight of him was a disgust . My vision was fogged up by my tears , but I could make out Deluca making his way towards me . His bloody fingers trickled down from my temples to my cheecks and then my jaws . He leaned in and his fingers ran down to my neck .

Fear engulfed me . My breathing stopped and I could feel my body trembling badly . I was fearing so much , I couldn't even cry . I didn't know why, but I had a feeling this man over here, was no longer Deluca. He was going to get what he wants at no cost. Not sparing anyone.

"Don't you dare hurt her !" Wyatt yelled , and pulled Deluca away from me .Wyatt's fangs could be visible . His eyes had also turned from greenish-blue to red , but it was different from Deluca's . His eyes shown strength , and yet pain at the same time . He then delivered a punch in Deluca's face.
From the looks of things, Wyatt was stumbling , and his focus looked wild . Deluca must have figured that before I even did. He kicked Wyatt hard in his chest once more, causing Wyatt to spat out blood.

I tried hard to call out but nothing came out of my mouth . Tears choked my voice , and all that I could produce was sobs. How useless can I get? Yet none of it matters, when I saw the guy who I slowly find myself falling deep for, beaten up ruthlessly.

"You think I'm the monster?" Deluca sneered,"Ever thought what you are, Hunter?"

"What the hell are you planning?"

"Return you what you deserve!" I got none of that, it was like a puzzle I can never fit together.

"I'm going to let you see the pain of loosing dear Tyanne." He smirked, and I could feel the blood rushing to my head. What did he mean loose me? What's going to happen now? Isn't it messier than it already is?

"I'm never, I repeat never going to let anything happen to Tyanne!" Wyatt yelled at him, and with full speed, was in an instant beside Deluca.
Wincing, not planning to know the outcome, I slowly opened my eyes only to see Deluca on the floor, motionless.

"Tyanne," Wyatt whispered, as I felt myself being lifted.
Although I was jerking badly due to Wyatt's weak stance, but I felt safe. He was carrying me in bridal style. Yet I knew, he was pushing himself beyond his limits.

"You're safe now,Tyanne." Wyatt laid his soft yet bloody lips on my forehead.

copyrighted © April 2009 , All rights reserved.
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sorry it took a long time.
& if this ain't good, my sincere apologies. i'm not good at writing combat scenarios. working on that.

anyways, thanks to all who commented. & i'm going to miss one of my subsciber tonnes.
well, continue to comment and subscribe !
thanks alot.
