Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


"Girl, you are so dead!" Hermoine finally let go, and looked skeptic. Still, I knew she wasn't going to make a scene or anything.

"I've missed you, Anne-bear." Lorraine smiled and snuggled me even tighter.

"What are you doing here?!" After a long while, did I find my voice, and I screamed.

"Well, it's complex. We were bagged, shipped and delivered." Hermoine scoffed, and I knew there was something amiss.

"Hey, I was just being nice!" Kaleb announced in defense, making me wonder just what the hell is happening exactly.

"Well, you seem to miss them. I thought it would make you happy." Wyatt smiled and honestly, if I wasn't so tightly embraced by Lorraine, I would have jumped on him and let him redeem his kiss coupon right on the spot. "Oh, I'm Wyatt by the way, Tyanne's fiance."

"We infered that much." Lorraine smiled.

"Anna-bear! Your fiance did the arrangements, we're here for the summer!" Hermoine smiled, as she grabbed me and started to do a celebration dance.

Wyatt's POV:

I laughed and slipped out together with Kaleb and Dustin to allow my princess to celebrate her joy.

"You owe us." Kaleb said as we made our way to the east hall,"It was tough to bring Hermoine over!"

"Kaleb can handle big scary vampires and monsters but he can't handle a girl." Dustin scoffed.

"Girls aren't easy to handle, Dustin." Kaleb growled, feeling irritated.

"I double that." I sighed.

"Shut the trap, Hunter. Tyanne's such an loving cookie." Kaleb smirked, and I wished I could punch that grin off his face. He really sounded like he could eat Tyanne up. Be it over-protective, I didn't like it at all, when guy's, even best buds, try to touch my Tyanne.

"She's not a cookie!" I retaliated. She's an angel.

"Fine, spoil sport." Kaleb said.

"Hey, Lorraine is a cutie." Dustin suddenly blurt, making us stop whatever we're doing, and stare at him with shock.

"Holy cow!" Kaleb and I both screamed.

Kaleb's POV :

Holy cow. I guess, it doesn't only apply to Dustin. It's the same to me. Sure, I'm different from Dustin and definitely opposites with Wyatt, but this situation, got me stuck bad.
Dustin was a perfectionist! He never had eyes on any girl, cause he thinks they aren't up to standards! Yet he just said Lorraine is a cutie! As for Wyatt, he never even look at girls! Until Tyanne came along, she caused a major change in that weird fellow.
Anyways, back to the point. Hermoine smiled and laughed as the girls talked and giggled. I didn't want to evesdrop, so I left it as it is.

I couldn't help it, but to be so engrossed in her. Her every move, her every word that she mouthed out and her wonderful face. From her green eyes to her beautiful curves, my eyes were stuck on, whether I wanted it or not. She was different. Very different.

"Kaleb!" My train of thoughts were broken when Wyatt yelled into my ear, making it hurt.

"Ba-What did you do that for?" I screamed.

"You are off." He rolled his eyes.

"Penny of your thoughts?" Dustin eyed me, sending me a shiver. That guy was a creep!

"Its- It's nothing." I quickly denied before Dustin spotted.

"Hermoine?" Too late. Hacked.

"What about Hermoine?" Wyatt shot.

"Oh boy. Oh boy,oh boy. And you guys think it was weird for me to say Lorraine is cute."

"Let me into the sitch!" Wyatt demanded.

"Our kaline friend imprinted." Dustin smirked.

My eyes popped. Mad and crazed. Yet true, I imprinted. On Hermoine.

copyrighted © May 2009, all rights reserved.
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well, this is pretty much a filler too ?
you decided. hope it's good. i'm still trying to think of how the story is going twist, so the chapters may seem weird at a point of time. i'm sorry about that!

well, i seriously love how you guys subscribe and comment and stuff (:
more please? it motivates me :D

anyways, that's all for now.
i love you out there!