Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Dustin's POV :

"Lorraine, trust me, nothing will happen. Hermione and Kaleb are already on shore, Tyanne and Wyatt are kissing like no one cares, nothing will happen. It's going to fun."

"No,no,no,no, no." She insisted, and sat on the cliff, like a little girl who wouldn't budge unless she gets what she wants. Too bad she's with Dustin Keith.

"Oh, come on." I said, pulling her by the arm till she was up and smashing into my body. Was it me, or did my heartbeat increase?

"Please don't make me do this." Lorraine begged.

"I'll be here. I'll make sure you're safe." I cooed. I was winning this. That's definite.

"But it's so high from up here. What if we drown? What if the pressure acts up or something like that?"

"I've done this plenty of times, never once, was there any glitches." I smiled. She was more persistent than I thought she would be.

"No. It's not something I'll enjoy, trust me."

"You, trust me." And with that, she was in my arms, and one of my foot was at the edge.

"Let me go, right this instant, Dustin Keith!" She yelled.

"You said it."

We were down. The wind was wonderful. I could see Lorraine's eyes winced, but a smile creeping into her face. It was fantastic.
Finally, the water surrounded us, and we were going down in the soothing water. I loved the sensation. Finally, when I felt a tug and struggle, did I emerge out of the surface, pulling Lorraine with me.

"That was insane." She screamed, hugging me tightly for dear life.

"This too." I blurted, feeling stupid awhile later.

"I'm sorry!" She quickly pulled away and started swimming to shore.

I wished she was still here. Hugging me the way she did. She's starting to have a toll on me before I was even aware.

Wyatt's POV :

"What?!" Tyanne's shrieks were ear piecing.

"What's with the reaction?" I asked, feeling bruised.

We're getting married in a month, according to mom. And frankly speaking , it was a little disturbing, how Tyanne was really not keen about this. I could tell , she was trying her best to postpone the entire wedding , and my heart just sank deep. I wanted badly for her to be happy , yet I wanted as badly for her to officially be mine . I want her as my queen . I want her as the one beside me , when I take over the throne and rule the vampire society . Most importantly , I want her as my wife .
Yet all of it, was just my one-sided opinion . Was this what she wants ? Perhaps not .

"I.. It's nothing. I'm just surprised?" She sighed , and laid back resting on my shoulder .
This princess here , really knows how to contradict. I hated the fact that I clearly know she has gotten hold of my emotions bad, and was the upper hand.

Tyanne's POV :

"Tyanne, you know, if you're uncomfortable with this, we could call it off. Shout pause, or something." Wyatt suddenly whispered.

I didn't know what to response. I was told that the marriage would be a month away. One month. 31 days. That was definitely not what I had in mind. It was as though I had just came to know Wyatt, yet I was to marry him in 31 days?
It wasn't that I didn't want to. It came to my realisation when Wyatt got hurt, how much he meant to me. I would want no one else but him to be my husband. He was the one. I know of it.
It's the fact that I was just 18 and I had known Wyatt for less than a months. It was all too fast, wasn't it?

"No! It's not that." I quickly said, before I hurt Wyatt more than I already did. He seemed so demoralized and upset when my reaction was a little overwhelming about the whole wedding thing.

"You don't have to try to make me feel better, Tyanne, I want to know what you want." He caressed me, his breathe on my neck,"All I want, is for you to be happy."

"All I want, is to be beside you." I smiled, finding my way to his lips.

"You sure, you want to carry on with plans?" He asked, lips still attached.

"Positive." Before I knew it, his tongue was exploring every corner of my mouth, admittedly, I like that.

copyrighted © June 2009, all rights reserved.
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I'm sorry it took long! my internet crashed.
I had this wrote quite sometime already, but was unable to load it on to mibba.

anyways, thanks to all who comment & subscribe :D
i love you guys!
