Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

20 questions

Wyatt's POV :

"Well, you are really awesome to be able to have escaped that and saved Tyanne." Hermoine laughed, as Lorraine went on about how the bike riding was just a huge mistake. And it was.

Eadric was over at our place for dinner. He was residing too, seeing how Mom and Dad were grateful and that he was on some backpack tour. They thought letting him stay for awhile with proper people would be good.

"It was a pleasure. I like to be a hero to a beautiful heroine at times." Eadric laughed, and looked at Tyanne with such pleasure in his eyes, it was irritating me.

"So, where do you come from?" Mom asked, in curiosity.

"I was born around here. I moved to England when I was six, and then when I was 10, I was all over the place. I'm into a lot of traveling."

"What about school? Parents?"

"I don't go to school. I have other plans in mind. My parents … are also on backpack tours, like I am. We don't meet up often. We're quite distant, you might say."

"Feel at home. It's a pleasure to have one more person residing in the huge house." Dad butted in.

It was getting irritating and annoying. I get it, he saved my fiancee. I thanked him for that. I really do. It's just, well, I would die, to be able to be given a chance, to be Tyanne's hero. It stinks, knowing that your fiancee was saved by someone else. It made me felt, I don't know, useless and part of me, was getting jealous.

Tyanne's POV :

"Well, I'd like to formally thank you once more for saving my ass back there. Did I cause inconvenience on the way? Kin- Mr and Mrs Schader, are really friendly, so if the insist to stay wa-Oh, I'm gibbering non stop, am I?" Crap. This was bad.

"No, carry on."

"You're getting amused, and by that, it means you find me just an entertainer." I fell back against the chair, feeling like a big ass loser.

"No, I don't mean it that way. It's been long since I had a proper conversation with hu- I mean with people. It's come and go most of the time. Life wasn't as normal as this. And this, apparently, feels amazing." Eadric smiled, and did I just blush?! Nope. That's impossible.

"Well, so, how long have you guys been dating? Wyatt seems really protective of you." He asked.

"Um, for less than a month?" I whispered, thinking of the day at the dance.

"And you guys are engaged?!" Eadric almost yelled, shocking me, and I fell of the lay-z-boy.

"Talk about big reaction. It's a long story." I sighed, knowing this was going to take longer than I thought.

"I have time." Eadric smiled.

Kaleb's POV :

Storm coming. I could just sniff it without the lightning and thunder. It's going to be a long night.
Storms were never my thing. Doubt it has anything to do with my kaline side, seeing how every other kaline I know, is dead towards the rumbling storm. It's just, every time there's a storm, my hair would just automatically stand at it's end. I know, I'm a freak.
Out of the blue, the doors knocked, and I felt her out there.

"Hey, K. Can I, stay with you for the night?" Hermione asked, as I opened the door.

"Umm-sure. Yeah, come in." I looked dumb. Definitely.

"It's just, there is a storm coming, I need well, a presence the least I might say. It's creepy." She stammered, and sat on the edge of my bed.

"How did you know there is a storm coming?" I eyed her surprisingly. And I thought I was the werewolf around here.

"Well, it's something I grew up with. Ever since I was young, I'd been afraid of storms that it was a custom for me to look out for it. I could smell the air and just read the winds already." She sighed, and looked out of the window.

"That's something in common." I smiled, but she was too out of sorts to seem to have heard me.
Silence followed, and the wind was getting bad. I made my way to the flapping window panes and shut them tight, when the idea struck me.

"Let's play 20 questions, we got to answer what we had asked too." I smiled, when I found out I finally caught Hermoine's attention. "Me first. How old exactly, are you?"

"What kind of a question is that. You're just wasting you chances. I'm 18, though it is kind of obvious." She laughed.

"Oh, okay, I'm 20. Your turn."

"Hmm, what do you in your spare time?" She asked, feeling interested in this whacked game I thought of out of the blue.

"Run, I guess." I smiled, and awaited her answer.

"Mine is dance." She smiled, with glee. So, Hermoine's a dancer.

"Cool, are you up for warm or cold?" I asked, confusing even myself. Who ask such questions when playing 20 questions? In the first place, what is the actual way of playing it?

"Warm? Kaleb, I really don't quite get your questions." She laughed.

"It just popped. I'm up for warm too." I laughed. I am warm.

"Okay… What do you see yourself, 5 years from now?" Hermoine asked.

"I don't really have much of a choice. My future was path for me before I even wanted it to." I whispered, my thoughts trailing to the pack that I had left behind.

"Oh. Family?"

"That's another question, and yes. It's considered as family business. What about you?"

"I'm still working on that." She stuck out my tongue, resulting in me laughing.

"What's the most significant memory of your childhood?" I asked her.

"It has to be snatching candies and channels with my sister." Oh, so Hermoine has a sister. Her house seemed pretty empty the last time I've been there though.

"Mine has to be knowing Wyatt and Dustin." I grinned, remebering how I almost bitten Wyatt's head off. "What about you family? Siblings? Your house seems empty when I was there the last time."

"It was suppose to be my question, and my parents and sister are no longer around. They passed away in a car crash. There was a storm then." Her voice became a quiver and I could see the tears welling. This wasn't good.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure they want you to be happy and smile though." I quickly said, panicking.

"I heard that a lot." Hermoine sighed, and flopped down on my bed.

"I mean it though." I said, making her laugh.

"What about yours?"
Oh, this is bad. Stupid 20 questions.

"I left my family. They disowned me."


"Wes, how many times will it take you to phase properly? It's been almost half a year, and it still pains you to phase! How then, are you going to learn to be an alpha? You hurt yourself and others when you phase into a werewolf! I expect more from an upcoming alpha!"

"Dad… It hurts… Can we please, stop….?" I begged, crouching my body in pain.

It consumes you. As every bone in the body morphes into my kaline form, I feel the pain. It kills me from the inside. The heat, the blood rush, the bones, the tail, the claws. All of it hurts. And here I was, phasing at an unstoppable rate. Everytime I finally phase back into my human form, I was forced to phase back into my werewolf form.

"Until you gain control, I'm not letting this rest! For the past half a year, I had allowed you to gain control with your own will, apparently, your will is just as weak as your physical body is!"

I didn't want to. I didn't want to phase into my werewolf form. I loose myself whenever I did so. The pain consume me and I drop into a rage that I could not gain control over.

"Wes! Now!"

With all the energy left in me, I phased into my werewolf form once more. Everything was a blur. And I felt something different. It was just hot and wet this time round. Then numb.
Next I knew, I fell to the ground, and it lights out.

"Wes, dear, are you okay?" Mom brushed my hair away from my face and asked, "My, you look like a mess. Do you need me to call in the shaman?"

"What happened?"

"You over-exhausted your body. You're bleeding a lot when you phased. Now, just rest. Heal yourself slowly." Mom smiled, and I felt a pang of relief. I loved how Mom was always so reassuring and loving.

"I doubt he can do that. He's a wrecked. I'm not even sure if he's a werewolf! What on earth did I do, to deserve a son like you?" Dad suddenly bellowed.

"Kenneth! Kaleb's your son! I don't allow for such things to be said to him. How could you look at your own son this way!?" Mom flipped. I knew she wasn't happy. She had tried for a long time to be the mediator between me and Dad. It wasn't working though. Both of them started to throw a fit, and the squabbles followed.

"I say as I please. Beatren is more worthy of being the alpha than Kaleb does!"

"Then let him be. I don't want the throne. Dad, I want out." I let my weak voice said.

"Wh- Kaleb, that means you'll become an omega." Mom said in shock.

"Then so be it." I said, firmly. This was definitely more than I could take.

"Omega, leave now." Dad ordered.

"No! Kenneth, no matter what, he is our son! He has alpha blood in him!" Mom pleaded.

"Leave now!"

"Kenneth! Kaleb is unwell now! He can't fend for himself!"

"The minute he gave up being an alpha, he has to leave! Julianne, he is no longer our son. From this minute on, he is an omega!"

[End of flashback]

"Kaleb!" Hermoine shouted, breaking my train of thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You okay? You look pale." She said, her green eyes intense on me.

"Yeah." I think.

copyrighted © June 2009, all rights reserved.
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this seems pretty long (:
its to make up for the slow updates. i'm sorry about it !

well, please do comment and tell me how you feel about the story. & how I can improve on it! thank you!
subscribe too :D
