Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne's POV :

"Wow, that's really something." Eadric sighed and said.

"I know. My life is a mess."

"Is this what you really want? I mean he is a -"

I told Eadric everything. Everything includes Wyatt being a vampire and all. I wasn't sure it was the right thing. But I trusted him. Eadric allowed me to trust him. It was some weird happening. It was reassuring, and I like to talk to Eadric. I needed something like that at times. Someone who, well, isn't really involved?

"I do love him, that's all I know." I smiled, thinking about his messy hair and those turqoish eyes. He must be wondering where I was now and flipping grouchily in bed.

"That's a start. Just do what your heart tells you, I guess." He laughed, while I snickered, "Oh, come on, the wind is nice, I'd take my chances with the storm and go out there for awhile. You want to join in?"

"You're nuts. It's going to rain soon!" I laughed.

"Yes, I am." Eadric smiled cheekily at me,"You in?"

"Hmms- you do need someone to guide you around." I laughed.

"They grow pretty flowers around here." Eadric laughed, as we walked along the path outside.

"That's pretty much how things work around here. Everything is mind blowing," I sighed, and stare up at the clouds, that were pretty threatening.

"I think we'd better head back, you seem to be really bothered by the clouds," Eadric smiled, and dragged me by the arm.
I laughed, while reluctantly allowing Eadric to drag me by, when the water came down with a gush.

"Oh, looks like it really was a bad idea." Eadric said, staring at the rain drops, squinting his eyes.

"Now you say so," I sighed, and just strolled in, seeing how I'm already drenched.

"Now that you're wet, this can be fun," Eadric smiled, and held his hand out,"Can I have this dance?"
It's official, Eadric was nuts. What was this guy thinking? Yet, I had to admit, he was a bundle of fun to around with. I took him by the hand, and we were waltzing around in the rain, laughing till our hearts content. This was definitely something.

Wyatt's POV :

"Wyatt, what the hell are you doing?" Dustin asked, as he came over to the window.
"Oh, god. You're spying on them!?"

"Wha- NO! I'm just looking out for her, that's all." I quickly said in defense.
Here I was, sitting by the window, watching my fiancee waltzing around at my backyard with a guy that does not happen to be me.
Seriously, since when did I let myself stoop like this? It's getting annoying.

"You're jealous." Dustin laughed.

"No, I'm not! I retaliated, though to no much avail.

"I'm just surprised Eadric managed to jump and save Tyanne in time. It's all too, I don't know, weird?" Kaleb said, as he spread out on the floor. Exactly like a dog.

"You make sense, but I guess there is something known as luck which we apparently, don't often have?" Dustin smiled,"And Wyatt, please, the window pane is going to give way if you press against it like this."

"Don't humans come in when it rains?!" I yelled, frustrated. She was out there longer than she ever needs to be, and I was feeling more confused by the minute.

copyrighted © June 2009 , all rights reserved.
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Okay, next chapter would be out too by today :D
I linked the pictures of the characters on the summary page (: do take a look :D
The are the closest to my imagination (:

Once more, thanks all who commented & made my day (:
Do continue to comment & subscribe !
