Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Wyatt's POV :

"It's just a common cold, Wyatt,"Doctor Amy sighed, while I brood over Tyanne. She was pale and her lips were dry. See what I mean when human's should get inside when it rains?
You guessed it, Tyanne caught the bug, due to prolong exposure to wet weather, and was burning this morning scaring the shit out of me. 104F was no joke!

"She's burning at 108F, you sure it isn't some fatal viral infection?" I asked, while she sighed. What am I to do with her?

"I'm fine." Her voice croaked, making it sound less reliable, also making me more worried.

"No, you're not. And stop talking! You're not allowed to talk!" I demanded. Her voice sounded like a frog and she said she was fine. How the hell does she wants me to believe that?

"Wyatt, relax, I'll get better in a few days," She smiled, though I was still doubting it.

Last night, she returned back to the room dripping wet, with a cheeky smile. It really was ironic and I wish I could just make her get better soon.

"I'll get you chicken stew, meanwhile, you get some shut eye, or think how not to fall sick ever again," I said, while tucking her in,"You're like a big kid."

"That's why you love me, right? 'Cause you're a big kid yourself." She croaked, and grinned.

Yeah, I guess she was right. That's what I love about her.

"Wyatt? What's with this?" Mom laughed, as she walked into the kitchen.

"Chicken stew? Tyanne's got a cold, I thought chicken stew would help." I smiled, while carefully dicing the carrots.

"And may I know where on earth did you know that chicken stew would make one feel better?" Mom asked in shocked,"You'd never caught a cold in your life!"

"Mom, instead of mockering at my debut attempt, you can actually give me a hand." I sighed.

"Is that a cut?" Mom asked, as she poked at my finger.

"Mom, that's not important!"

"I wonder where you get these genes of yours. Your father was never half as sweet as you are. Have you boiled the chicken?" Mom laughed

"Don't you just dump it in?" I stared. Since when was chicken stew this complex?

Tyanne's POV :

It was horrible. My head felt like there was this dark obnoxious cloud in it, accompanied by drums and Chinese dongs. My nose was blocked and breathing was getting tiring. Did I mention I sounded like a frog and it was amusing to Wyatt? Worse of all, I was bored. Really bored.

"How are you feeling?" Eadric asked, as he made his way in from the door.

"I officially would stay clear of rain and wet weather."

"I brought jello." He smiled, placing the green wobbly thing on my bedside table,"And I'm really sorry. If I didn't insist-"

"It had nothing to do with you," I smiled, hoping I look reliable this time round.

"Not really convincing, but I'll take it. Would magazines and stacko work?"

"Better than nothing."

For an hour, I feed on jello and played stacko. I ended up loosing 99% of our games, and that allowed Eadric to bloat. He sure was egoistic, but he was nice enough to come up with a rule where the looser gets to have a mouth of jello. Though it was kind of dumb, but I had fun. He told me jokes that made me laugh like a duck, and helped make me feel more comfortable.

"Okay, get your rest, I played with you for an hour already." He laughed, while keeping the blocks back in the box.

"Awww, fine." I sighed, since Eadric gave me the no arguements look.

"Get well soon, princess," He smiled while tucking me in.

If I wasn't wrong, I dreamt of jello. And Eadric.

Wyatt's POV :

I entered the room, to find her asleep under the covers. There was a bowl of half eaten jello, and stacko blocks beside it. I guess someone else beat me to it.
Placing the bowl of chicken stew down beside all the stuff, I sat beside her and placed a cold damp towel on her forehead. Her lips turn into a small smile, and I could help but chuckle, and wished that I could hack into that mind of hers. What was she dreaming of right now?
Does it include me?
♠ ♠ ♠
hmms, this is pretty much a filler too, i guess.
hope it's good :D
do comment & subscribe!
