Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne's POV :

The tears streamed down my face as I recalled all the harsh words that came out from both our mouths. I could not help but just sob harder when I even think about him. Dumbass. Why did he have to so - urgh-I can't even find the word.


"Finally coming back?" Wyatt said in a cold and slicing tone once I stepped into the room. I had totally forgotten that my beloved fiance wasn't there at the pool party since Eadric's so-called, drowning accident. Panged with guilt, I rushed back only to find him in the bed, pale and color-less.

"I'm sorry- I forgotten and all-" Stuttering, as I tried to catch my breath.

"Where were you?" He asked, his voice questioning.

"Pool party, didn't you see the note I left you?"

"Tyanne, the pool party ended around evening. It's midnight," He continued to probe, making me feel unease.

"Eadric drowned, I helped calmed him down and stuff-"

"You were with him all along?" Wyatt asked in shock.

"Yeah, he was feeling low, so I was with him," What's the big deal now?
"Eadric has a pretty rough past, it's catching up on him, I just ant badly for him to feel better-"

"You're going on and on about Eadric." Wyatt's cold and toneless voice interrupted.

"Well, I just happen to be around him nowadays, it comes like these-"

"Tyanne! I don't want to hear anything about Eadric, okay!" He yelled at me, shocking me but more than that, I was angered. What was wrong with Wyatt?

"Wh- Eadric's becoming a friend. A friend whom I can confide in! A guy friend whom I did not have since I was put into this shit. Just what the hell is wrong with you?!" I snapped, only noticing the words that came out a moment too late. I could see the pure shock cum anger depicted on Wyatt's face and I felt all wrenched once more.

"Nothing is wrong with me! It's you who's been spending way too much time with him! You even caught a bloody bug because of him!"

"You're just jealous, Wyatt."

"Don't tell me I'm jealous! That is not the point. You spend days with him, completely unguarded, completely unaware and you totally forgets about everyone else!"

"Why are you so uptight all of a sudden?!"

"I just don't like the jerk!"

"Wyatt Hunter, you are always paranoid!"

"Paranoid? You think that's what I am? I'm right, Tyanne!" He screamed at me. I noticed how it was true. Wyatt's vampire instincts were freakishly accurate. Yet I wasn't in the right stte of mind to contemplate with that. Just what is wrong with him? He asked me where I've been. I told him and he screams at me? He wasn't really jealous, was he?

"You are, and you know it! Why are you so bladey insecure?" I sneered, only regretting when I saw Wyatt's eyes flash a shot of pain and anger.

"Oh, so now, I'm insecure? Then what's Eadric, huh?" He glared.

"You know what, Eadric ain't that childish like you are, Wyatt Hunter. I'm glad he isn't. I already have a childish fiance that I'm forced to marry, I don't need another childish friend to be mixing around with!" With that, I stomped out, slamming the door not even waiting for Wyatt's response. Before I knew it, I couldn't hold onto the strong stance anymore. I broke down as I stepped into the yard once more.

[End of flashback]

Wyatt's POV :

I blew it. Yet why was she so -urgh. I didn't like the atmosphere and now that our first argument was over, and she was out of the room, I knew I wasn't going to get any shut eye. Coughing a little, I straddled to the windowsill and stared at the lonely moon all by itself. There were no stars and I felt sorry for myself.
Then they caught my eye. Eadric and Tyanne were by the fountain. My angel was in his embrace.

copyrighted © July 2009 , all rights reserved.
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I had fun writing this chapter (: Hope you guys like it :)

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