Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Kaleb's POV :

"Hermoine, you do know, that I can easily hurt you, right?"

"Give it a shot," She laughed, as she jumped on me, in a koala style from the back. I got to admit, it was nice. Real nice. I could actually feel her heartbeat and feel her warmth.

But that was all besides the point, she was eyeing my cookie jar. The one I have in the corner of my room, and I was positive, that she was drooling when her eyes set on them the moment she stepped into my room after the pool party which wasn't exactly perfect. Yeah, so there you have it, both of us are currently jostling for MY cookie jar.

"Aww, come on, this is no fun and the cookie is screaming to be with me, can I just have one, please?" Hermoine pouted, and I couldn't help but smile and gave in.

"You should have just said please right from the start." I laughed and opened the jar. Hermoine's eyes gleamed with eagerness and anticipation. Reaching in, I suddenly felt that Hermoine was going to pounce on me. Turning back with a grin, I grabbed her before she could do whatever she had planned in mind. Sometimes, I wished I could just tell Hermoine that I'm a werewolf, so she'll know what she's getting into, trying to counter me like these. Then again, I would scare her so much, she wouldn't even come close anymore.

"Let me go!" She laughed and struggled to break free from my iron grasp , but to no avail.

"I thought we came to terms you'll wait for the cookie? I even opened it! Gosh, Hermoine, patience?" I smirked with delight at her feeble attempt to do anything to me. This girl was packed, but she sure still is a girl whom is delicate and petite.

"Let go!" She continued to struggle.

Till she pushed me off balance, and I felt my back heading for the floor with a thump. Blinking a few times, did I realize, there were a pair of soft lips on mine.

Eadric's POV :

"He was such an asshole! He said such hurtful things to me!" Her tears streamed down as she sat by the fountain. This little girl, she really is in such a fix. I had overheard her conversation and it was quite clear Tyanne was the one who was actually contradicting and spewing all that awful stuff.

"He made me say so many things that I regret now! He made me say so much things to hurt him!" I didn't know what to say other than to listen to her. Tyanne seemed to be so sad.

"I hurt him, Eadric. I hurt Wyatt badly." She sobbed now. In the silence, her sobs were relatively loud. I felt wrenched not being able to do anything. Why did she care if he was hurt when she herself was so struck by the things she can't forgive herself for? Wyatt was pretty much an ass the way he talked to her just now, yet Tyanne was just guilt-striken that she yelled and hurt him? I couldn't understand.

"I'm horrible!"

"No, you're not." I finally snapped. I didn't know what that was about. I didn't know how to cheer her up either. But I didn't want her to feel more miserable than she already is. Tyanne stared at me with her teary eyes and I felt wrenched all over again.

"Eadric, I don't like fighting with him…" She choked out in between sobs. All I could do, was hold her in my arms, hoping that it would provide the least bit of comfort.

Tyanne's POV :

I was a mess. I knew that. And I was grateful for Eadric's comforting arms at such times.

"Princess, I'm totally cool with a drenched shirt, but you'll dehydrate if this continues," Eadric's voice suddenly broke in and I couldn't help but giggle. He was doing is best to cheer me and this humorous side of him was aiding me to smile.

"Shuddup," I jokingly nudge him in the chest and sat up to straighten myself.

"There's the smile, you're so much prettier with that smile of yours." He chuckled.

"Thank you, well, now that we both know that I can't go back in cause I was the one who stomped out, what do you suggest?" I finally said, clear-headed.

"I don't mind staying here all night," Eadric laughed.

"That's one of the reasons why you are on my top 10 fave person list," I smiled," Alright, enough about me, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Tell me about your life and your travels!"

"Well, there's Mom and Dad in my life. Dad's a powerful and strict man, we don't exactly see eye to eye. He can be real cruel. He trains me to be a real tough person through cruel methods. Where else Mom is the exact opposite. My parents divorced when I was 10. I live with Dad most of the time, till I started to travel around when I was 16." Eadric summarized simply, and caught me off guard by how he was just opening up and telling me about all this stuff about his parents.

"Hmms, now that you covered the parental section, what about girls in your life?"

"Tyanne, there are no girls in my life." Eadric said, simply and upfront.

"You're lying." I could not help but giggle.

I woke up to the sunlight glimmering on my face, and I sat up confused for a minute or two. Turning around, I noticed I was in Eadric's room, only problem was, he was no where to be seen. As I tumbled out of bed, I happened to catch from the corner of my eye, a note on the bedside table.

A lady never stays out with a guy outside and falls asleep. Big mistake, little girl. Don't worry, I'm no big bad wolf. Brought you in and I went out. I'm in the forest exploring right now. Staying put ain't my thing.
Well, make up with Wyatt already. Tyanne's more beautiful with a smile on her face, permanent.
With Love,
Eadric S.

Copyrighted © just-smile, August 2009.
All rights reserved.
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I hope this is good ! Used quite a lot of brain-juice, while trying to congest this chapter out :D

Thanks to all who commented :D I'm sorry for not replying to all your comments and updating sooner. But I do check in daily and it's such pleasure to see your comments :D
THANK YOU GUYS! This chapter goes out to you :D

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Love, Sara.