Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Make-up kiss

Wyatt's POV :

If I could break things, I would. I stayed awake the entire night, hoping that Tyanne was going come back in, and I could perhaps make-up with her. However, the making-up isn't coming, as she didn't bother coming back even in the morning!

There was a kind of silence and awkwardness when I finally see her for breakfast. She was sitting beside Lorraine today, and she wasn't talking to me. Despite the anger, I kind of felt sad.
Eadric seems to act pretty normal. He was still full of jokes that seems to amuse everyone but me. The guys did stare at us with a cautious and questioning glance, Dustin tried to hack into my head, but I managed to block my thoughts just in time.

Tyanne did stare at me a couple of times, when our eyes came in contact, but as sudden as it is, she turned away before I knew it.

She laughed and giggled at every single joke that Eadric cracked, and half of them ain't even funny! The way he looked at her was making my blood boil, and the way she smiled at him was making my stomach flip.

"Hunter, if you ain't going to, may I please, take those bacon?" Kaleb eyed and asked. I couldn't help but want to laugh for the first time this morning. Kaleb was predictable.

"Knock yourself out," I said while handling him my plateful of untouch food.

"Is your bug completely gone?" Dustin asked, as he sipped on his glass of milk which I had completely no idea how he managed to get down.

"Bug? You caught Tyanne's bug?" Kaleb coughed out, with his mouthful of bacon.

"I'm fine," I simply said, though I was feeling as though the world was spinning and mixed together with my emotions.

Tyanne's POV :

I didn't dare to go back to my room after what happened between me and Wyatt last night. Washing my face, I made myself look presentable for breakfast, stalling time while getting ready, so I didn't have to be there early in case Wyatt was early too.

I was thankful for Eadric's jokes and the conversations that the rest of the guys brought up, though I wasn't paying much attention. Yet all of it was better than awkward silence. I didn't feel that I was up to it, to look at Wyatt, let alone strike a conversation.

We did exchange a few weird glances but that was as far as it got.

"Is your bug completely gone?" Dustin asked, as he reached out for his glass of milk. Instantly, my vague attention fell upon him in disbelief. Wyatt caught a bug?

"Bug? You caught Tyanne's bug?" Kaleb asked with his mouthful of bacon from Wyatt's untouched breakfast.

"I'm fine," He simply said. Yet I knew. I knew he wasn't and guilt fell upon me.

"Can we stop this?" Wyatt's voice suddenly broke the silence.

After breakfast, I followed Wyatt silently back into the room. I could clearly see that his stance had weaken, and he wasn't in his best form.
None of us talked and once I was in the room, I quickly slid into the closet to get fresh set of clothes. The bikini from yesterday had dried up long ago, but it was uncomfortable and having slept in this last night, I was determine to wash every single drop of chlorine out of my hair and skin.

Then without notice, I felt a pair of hot yet ever strong and familiar arms sliding around my waist. Wyatt pulled me close to him and laid his head on my bare shoulder. I could feel his temperature but what I felt more, was his heartbeat. There was a rhythmic beating to it but I could feel the fast rush that had suddenly evoked.

"I'm sorry, for all I did and said. It's killing me that you're not beside me last night. I admit, I was jealous of Eadric. I guess I'll just have to suck it. I just wanted badly to be your hero. To be the one you want to talk to. I'll share. Promise. So, will you forgive me?" His voice quivered and it surprised me.
Wyatt had an ego. That I was positive. So, what made him decide to apologise? What made him stop being so egoistic and let down his guard and front like this?

"Tyanne, please say you'll do, so I could just kiss you and we won't be fighting anymore-"

That's exactly what I did. The kiss was something new to both of us. It was a making-up kiss.

Copyrighted © just-smile, August 2009.
All rights reserved.
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YAY. I hope this is good too!
I was actually hoping for more responses from you guys before I update.
It's sad how only a few did. But I really appreciate your comments!
Thank you :D

(I'm currently having a mind block, so the next update will be slower; that, I apologize sincerely.)

I've got a new story and unlike this, it was unplanned. COMPLETELY UNPLANNED.
I'm playing by ear to see how it goes. DO CHECK IT OUT & give me your feedback.

Anyways, please comment and subscribe(:
It'll really motivate me.

Love you guys!