Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Gut feelings

Eadric's POV:

"When are you gonna stop fooling around? My patience is short lived." His menacing voice made me shiver.


"You wimp, you're falling for the girl!" He yelled at me with his powerful voice.

"I'm n-"

"Don't let weak and meaningless human girls foil your plans. Think about what you've been working for. What you have done all your life. This is the moment."

"This was never about me! It was about you." I debarked only to regret awhile after.

"Foolish child! I've worked so hard so that you can take back the place that rightfully belong to you! That mad brother of mine, his heart will be his downfall, don't you ever forget that!"

"But what we're doing it's-"

"Don't ever forget who you are! You do as I say!" He roared at me.

"I don't want in anymore!" I spat, though certain, he wasn't going to let it rest.

"Well, I guess it slipped your mind that I have in my hands the one person in this world who matters to you," He sneered and the next I heard, were her shrill screams.

The next I knew, I was up in my bed, sweat breaking out profusely. I found myself shaking, in a manner I never did before.
That scream.

Kaleb's POV:

I sat up in bed and wondered what the letter meant. It was a warning. No doubt
But what on earth was brewing?
And why do I have this nibbling feeling that something bad was about to happen?
It was a gut feeling.

As I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep, I only saw the scene of that day, and then it finally clicked.


It's been a long time. I've been doing good. What about you?
The stars tells tales of an upcoming war.
But besides that, I'm back.

It was him. And something tells me, this was going to turn out complicated.

Tyanne's POV:

That night, I dream of something that crept me thoroughly.
In the dream, I was in the woods alone. There was a haze that practically blocked a lot of things coming my way. As I ventured deeper, I saw Eadric with blood in his hands. Beside him, was Wyatt. He stared at me with red lusting eyes. As he moved nearer to me, his fangs showed prominently, and as he was about to sink them into my neck, there was a sharp yelp and Wyatt disappeared.

I tried to not be bothered by it when I woke up with a cheery Wyatt smiling beside me. Yet in his eyes, I sensed something amiss. Those turquoise blue eyes of his that never lied, told me something was wrong.

"Wyatt, what's wrong?" I finally asked as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"I'm more worried about you! You seemed to be having a hard time through your sleep last night," Wyatt sighed and pulled me into his arms. He was topless and I could feel his warm and tense skin.
I was almost shock, since the dream I pushed to the back of my head was resurfacing.
Obviously I wasn't going to tell him he bit me and then disappeared, so I stuttered when I tried to deny.

"It's nothing, now, what is it?" I quickly changed the subject.

Just then, Dustin burst into the room, only to stare awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but it's important," Dustin stuttered before regaining his composure," Hermione's missing!"

"This, is what's wrong." Wyatt's voice turned cold.

Copyrighted © just-smile, September 2009
All Rights Reserved.
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I know this chapter is really short and a little messed up, but well, here you go and I'm crossing my fingers hoping you guys like it. Hope you guys will stay happy till I get back a couple of weeks later. (:
Exams are on my way so updates will be slow.
Anyways, thanks for all the comments! From my loyal readers to the recently new readers who commented, I really do appreciate it :D Do continue to comment!

Love, Sara. XOXO