Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Uncanny creatures.

Eadric's POV:

I got out of my room, when I heard numerous voices raised in the corridor.

"Wyatt, you can't stop me! Hermione's out there! I want to go out there to help find her!" Tyanne was starring at Wyatt with anger but what's more, worry in her eyes.

"Tyanne! You have no idea what this is about! It's not your normal teenage rebellious escape! She was taken away!" Wyatt gripped Tyanne by the shoulder and whispered with an edge in his voice. He was afraid that Lorraine and I were able to hear him, but I knew better.

"Tyanne, Wyatt's right. You have to stay. We're facing creatures, that are dangerous. You shouldn't go." Dustin tried to reason, and he was right.
But seeing Tyanne's worries, and Lorraine's crestfallen face, it was hard to take sides.

"Please, I really want to help find her. With one more head, we'll be able to find her faster!" Tyanne continued her attempt to persuade them.

"What's wrong?" I feigned, and went forward to ask them.

"Hermione's missing. She went into the woods, Kaleb's already out there." Tyanne said briefly before reverting her strong determined gaze to Wyatt.

"No, you're staying. We need to find Hermione fast, and I can't look over you. Tyanne, please, just leave it to us, alright?" Wyatt's voice turned soft and his eyes pleaded.

"Well, I could go along. The girls and I will stick together. We'll search the area faster with more of us on the move. You two can stop worrying and go help Kaleb." I volunteered, really wanting to make Tyanne feel better despite the telepathic dream I had.

"Yeah, that can do! Please?" Tyanne begged.

"Alright, but you guys will search around the area nearing the mansion. According to Kaleb, Hermione's somewhere in the woods. We really have to chop it down someday!" Wyatt ruffled his hair in an annoying manner. I could tell he was reluctant when he sent me death glares and I couldn't really blame him.

Tyanne's POV:

As my heart palpitated and banged against my chest, I tried hard not to show it, since Lorraine was here. She doesn't know. Neither does Hermione. Yet she was pulled into this racket which I thought would never happen. I mean, sure as hell, my fiance and his friends are supernatural beings but that doesn't mean they have to be drawn into such shit every so often, right?
Eadric too. He need not be bothered by all of these. Yet he volunteered to come along.

I knew clearly what we're up against. It wasn't one of those normal reckless teenage escape, like Wyatt mentioned. And it wasn't an ordinary kidnap. We were facing some insane vengeance that the guys seem to be prone to be involved in.

"Just stay close, and keep a look out," Eadric said as he took a lead in front. There was no sign of Hermione or anybody else in these woods. All there was, were a few little bunnies and deers. I wondered where the bears went to, and as I kept my guard, for anything else that didn't belong.

"Are there bears in this place?" Lorraine's voice quivered.

"Let's just assume there are none until we meet one," Eadric tried to reassure her, though I doubt it was working as intended.

"You think Hermione left on her own record?" Lorraine continued.

"Doubt so, she may be reckless, but never stupid." I said, with both pressure and fear. I didn't know how I was eventually going to tell them both about this vampire/werewolf madness. And I feared more than ever of these creatures.

As we carried on, there were a few howls and it practically scared the shit out of me. The howl sounded familiar and I didn't want to face what I had most feared.
It was Kaleb's howl. And it sounded painful. Something was wrong and although I had an intuition that Hermione was safe, I wasn't relief yet.

But before I could turn around to face Eadric, I felt a thug and someone was strangling me by the neck.

"What the fu- Eadric!" I choked out. Trying to catch my breath and at the same time be heard.

As he snickered, I felt the cold breath on my neck and as I struggled, the arm that was clobbering me strangled tighter. I felt a set of pointy fangs touch my skin and as I gulped hard, my heart bobbed and was radical. I could almost see my blood being splashed and I wondered if this was it.
Oh god. I was going to be bitten by a vampire. And this time, even Wyatt wasn't going to be able to save me.

Hermione's POV:

If I could open my mouth, I would be screaming aloud. I would be cursing and swearing, but that's where the problem is, I can't. Not that my mouth was sealed with duct tape like all the kidnap scenes shows, but in me was fear I had never known of. I was so shaken that even the pee wasn't able to leak onto my pants!

I had woke up to a totally different place. I wasn't in the comfort of my lime green guest room anymore. But instead on the wet and cold grass of the woods which I guessed was nearing Wyatt's mansion. As I looked around, all I saw, was a tall, big-size guy about 6''2, with long dark blue hair that creeps down his back. With huge red eyes, and whitewash complexion, he send creeps down my back.

There were no words spoken and although I was not tied or immobilized, the look in his eyes that dared me to run, made me loose my gut right that instant. It was as though his eye warned me about my doom if I ever attempted to escape.

Was this a kidnap case? If so, why was I kidnapped? It definitely wasn't due to ransoming my family since I didn't have one. Perhaps to ask a ransom from Wyatt.
But when I stared at my kidnapper, I eliminated all of my opinions. This wasn't normal. I could almost taste the horror and danger I'm in. I felt like I'm in one of those wickedly insane scenarios, something like Saw movies perhaps?

"He's here…"His slicing voice finally said in a menacing tone. I was about to ask who, but he only turned to me, and for the first time looked me straight in the eye. Just at that moment, I felt a little of me had died inside.
Cold, distant, lost, murderous, lustful red eyes. That almost seemed inhuman.
I was certain they were not contacts. I know how the rims of colored contacts look like from the back of my head. And there were no contact rims in his deadly eyes.

It was then, I heard a loud and low growl. As menacing as it was, there seem to be familiarity in the inhumanly growl.

The next thing I knew, a wolf, if you can even call that one seeing how humongous it seem, smashed through the thick impenetrable woods and appeared right in front of us, with it's teeth bared and a low growl in it's throat.

This time, I screamed. With all of my strength, I screamed. Although I was certain sound waves won't scare the creature away, but that's the one thing I can do. I tried to back away, by pulling myself back on the damp grass. I felt the piercing branches cut my palm as I applied as much force as possible to drag myself away.

I called out to my kidnapper, seeing how this no longer is a situation whereby I should just leave without him and let this evil man die. But all that I saw, was his snickering face.
To my horror, just when I got to safe distance away from the wolf, that man almost, if I wasn't wrong, flew to where I was and dragged me against the cold damp ground, back to where I previously was.

"You know better than to run away, dear dear,Hermione," His icy voice sliced the deadly atmosphere, though not making things any better.

"Are you crazy!? There's a wolf, if you can even call that monster that! And you don't want to run!?" I yelled, tears seeping through the brinks of my eyes as I thought how if we did not escape, my life was going to end so tragically.

"Oh, Hermione, you should never be afraid of this monster, no, you should have been more afraid of me," He laughed as he eyed the wolf that was just growling.

"You're nuts!" The words escaped my mouth. But that was as far as it got.
With a hard shove, I was flying across the ground, only stopping a few feet away. I felt the intense pain that grasped my body and the wolf snarled. It was different this time, it was deadly. Far more deadly than before.
Yet the one thing I hadn't understand was, it was as if the wolf is howling and growling, for me…

With whatever strength I have, I tried to get myself to move. To move away from the wolf and the man.
The man then flew to where I was again, and grabbed me by my hair. As I let out a shriek, the wolf howl so painfully too.

I didn't know anything anymore. What is this about anyway? My kidnapper seemed so inhuman, with his strength, speed and uncanny sense of fearless towards death and the wolf seemed so unnaturally strange.
I couldn't grasp any other concepts other than the fact that their both dangerous.

As I tousled and tried to break free from his grab, I suddenly feel something hover over me, and the next I know, the wolf had the man under him. With a fierce scowl, the wolf sprawled his large claws and dragged it across the man's chest. As blood spurt all over the place, I found myself shaking so terribly.

Right after, the wolf start making his way towards me. With such intensity, it looked at me with it's surprisingly familiar green eyes. For the first time I took a good look at the creature right in front of me. It was a good 6''8, hovering high above me. It's brown fur shined and there were flecks of white under the majestic built. There was something about it that looks so devastatingly familiar. It looked at me sadly and reached it's white and brown paw towards me, yet only to make me jump. As it whined somewhat sadly, and looked me deep in the eyes, did it finally seem to click (well, somewhat if it was suppose to in the first place).


Copyrighted © just-smile, September 2009
All Rights Reserved.
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Okay, so I couldn't keep myself away from the laptop long enough. Exams just started, but I'm pretty confident, so I'm up here, with a new chapter for you guys :D
I am pretty please with this one and I really like how the plot is thickening :D
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I do.

Thanks all, for the wonderful comments and though I did not reply them, please do continue to do so :D
