Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Eadric's POV:

"What the fu-Eadric!" Tyanne suddenly burst out screaming, and as I swiftly turn around, I saw her being strangled, by a vampire.
As I moved forward, with intention of combat, he stared at me with a grin. With red lusting eyes and fangs revealed, he was about to bite into Tyanne.

"What the hell?" Lorraine exclaimed, with horror that I had underestimated. She fell to her feet and was completely of no help.

"Get away from her." Looking straight in that amateur vampire's eyes, I ordered. But he was too lost for redemption. With a low growl, he licked Tyanne's neck, and that as what made me snapped.

I made time stop.

With my trained speed, I was beside Tyanne's assaulter in the blink of an eye. I managed to pull him away, just in time before my energy is diverted. Seemingly with too much ease, he broke the time frame, like a well-fed vampire usually does.

"I was faster, so stay away!" He screeched and I was a hundred percent certain that this vampire was considered the 'lust-crazed'. Without a soul, without a heart, without the mind, all this vampire in front of me is, is a murderous empty shell.

"I'll repeat one more time, get away," The words seeped through my gritted teeth.
As soon as I finished, he was 10 feet away from the scene.

I would have gone after him and punch him into pulp, for even laying hands on Tyanne, but I could not, because Tyanne was behind me, with her blue-Gray eyes tearing and grabbing my arm with an expression that pains me to see.

Hermione’s POV:

I waited for a response from its sad eyes that tells tales. Yet before I could reach out, it was skidding halfway across the ground.

I stared in horror at the man who did all this damaged. The wolf had clawed him but he looks perfectly normal. I felt the insanity crept in, as he walked steadily towards me with a smirk on his irritable face. Then as soon as it flew away, the wolf was back with the man under him again. It snarled, clawed and bit the man but he only continued to fight on with power kicks and punches.
After awhile, it was clear that the wolf was at a disadvantage seeing how its stance had weakened and it could barely get up on its hind legs. For some weird reason, I worried for the wolf.

And I finally knew clearly why I did, when the wolf was thrown across the ground and ended up buried under a pile of thin tree trunks. Gasping, I ran up to it.
Only to prove my assumptions right, under those piles of thin trunks, was Kaleb with his matted hair and bloody face.

There were several emotions on his face, but mainly the one that showed his pain and death. He was wincing and semi-conscious and the expression showed how close he is to that one thing I fear that may happen, death.

Copyrighted © just-smile, October 2009
All Rights Reserved.
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Okay, so this is a little short, but it's just to get by. I promise I'll update soon! Hope you guys liked it (:
Do continue to comment!

Love, Sara