Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Lost for words.

Third Person’s POV:

Hermione stared in horror and the words she wanted to scream hang dangling on her lips. She wanted to reach out, but was too afraid to even go close. She didn’t know what the friend she had known became. She was afraid of him all of a sudden.

Yet above it all, she was also concern, worried, upset and felt painful. She worried for him so much, her insides churned and twisted. She wanted him to feel better, be better in fact, but she didn’t know how.

“Like I said, you should have been more afraid of him, then me.” The guy, known as Dane hissed.

“What the hell are you?” Hermione’s voice quivered.

“A monster,” With a smile on his crooked lips, he sent chills down her spine.
Dane truly was a monster, who lost all of his humanity and vampire nobility. He wasn’t a vampire of value any longer, just a blood-sucking monster, and an empty shell.

Hermione was just desperate. She considered taking the sharp branch on the ground and pierces it through him. She was so close to wanting to kill. Yet she contemplated against it, since it had proven useless. Even the hovering and humongous wolf wasn’t able to take him down, what are her chances then?

“Go to hell,” She hissed with all of her courage but it only enraged him.

“I already am,” He said and in the next second, he was right in front of Hermione.
He pulled her into him, and crashed his lips onto her neck. He loved her smell and her thick blood but was still resisting the temptation. Just as his eyes were about to turn from red to black, he sensed it, and smiled. His attention diverted from Hermione, to the werewolf that had found his way back up.

He chose to pretend he failed to sense him, and just snickered when he tried pathetically to attack him. Kaleb clawed him on the back but it healed as soon as his paw was no longer in contact with Dane’s skin. It only showed how well-fed on human’s blood, Dane was.

Kaleb was losing his focus. He was seeing threes and he could barely stand. The pain in his tail, back and hind legs were almost killing him. He knew how bad he was, but there was no way he was going to just seat back and watch as Dane laid a finger on Hermione. Kaleb tried balancing on his front legs while still trying to figure out what he was going to do to do maximum damage to Dane.

But Dane wasn’t even thinking. With incredulous speed, he charged towards Kaleb and slammed him into the tree and back to the ground. He was amused by Kaleb’s attempts, because it was weaker than he expected.

Kaleb tried to fight on, he wanted to protect Hermione at all cost. He bit Dane weakly, and although it contained the venom to kill vampires, it hardly left a mark because his stance was awful.

As Hermione stared at their combat, she feared. Not of the monster that wanted her blood, but that the monster was going to rid of Kaleb who can’t seem to hold on much longer.

“Please, just let him go.” Her desperation took over and she pleaded.

“And what do I get in return?”

“You wanted me? Now you’ve got it,” She buckled up her courage and spat.

“Whoever said I wanted you? It was him, I was after,” He pointed angrily at Kaleb. With a grudge he was unable to let go.

Tyanne tried hard not to cry, but it wasn’t at all easy. She didn’t understand why he had to keep it from her. It wasn’t a deadly secret. Yet he kept it from her. Did he ever trust her, like she did him?

On the other hand, Eadric was about to blurt out every single detail. He no longer wanted to hide. Just as he wanted to tell her, to come clean, with both hands in the air, surrendering to the girl that seem to have control over his emotions, the amateur vampire came up with claws wide.

With his prominent strength, he did some damage to Eadric’s temple as well as his arm. It was a shock to Eadric himself, for the lust-crazed vampire had powers he never thought was possible. But Eadric knew better than to be in a daze. He quickly pushed Tyanne away, and turned to the vampire. With all of his strength, he punched the vampire and as he exerted all his strength, he stabbed the amateur vampire right in the heart with his hunting knife; his mother had given him some time ago. The vampire snarled its last breath and fell to the floor. Having known better, he light up a match in his pocket and set the vampire aflame. It was over fast, but Eadric felt horrid. He never had been injured in a long while.

As he turned around to get back to Tyanne, she was already sitting on the ground beside Lorraine who was too shock to response. There was no expression on Lorraine’s face for she was too bewildered. Yet on Tyanne’s delicate features, were her anger, hurt and betrayal shown.


“He knows best,” He spat angrily, “This beast here shouldn’t even exist.”

Kaleb saw it as an opportunity, and bit at Dane’s neck. The blood spurts out onto Hermione causing her to scream. She wasn’t sure how much longer she can hold on, feeling that her sanity was on the line.

Dane snarled and screamed in pain, as the venom seeped into his body and envelope his very soul. He lost it. He wondered why he did not sense Kaleb. But then again, he was actually pleased that his meaningless life was going to end soon. He was also glad, that he was taken away by this werewolf he detests. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
As the heat and flames start erupting in his cold body, he sneered at how Kaleb wasn’t holding on either. He was going to come along sooner or later judging by the looks of him. Dane was happy what he had set out to accomplished was a success. And the next thing you know, he was just ashes carried away in the breeze of wind that lifted the sense of dread in the wind.

Although the atmosphere lightened, Hermione just wanted to cry. Her tears finally slide down her cheeks and she ran to the limp body that had phased back into the familiar Kaleb she knows of.

Copyrighted © just-smile, October 2009.
All Rights Reserved.
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Well, this is the first third party point of view I've tried with this story. I do hope it's good and working because I'm having problems depicting the plot with their personal POVs.
Anyways, I do hope that this is good :D

And I would like to dedicate this chapter to all my loyal readers who commented over every chapter. It's really sweet of you. To me, it's such a huge motivation.
And I do hope other readers would surprise me by dropping a comment.

Love, Sara