Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Long night.

Tyanne’s POV:

It was finally all over, when Wyatt came by. Hermione was right beside him and the wave of relief did some good to my wrecked stance. However, judging from her expression not all was good. I soon knew why, when Dustin followed behind with a bloody, fragile and broken Kaleb in his arms.

No words were spoken as we rushed back to the mansion to call for Doctor Amy. Along with a few orthopedists and another few doctors and nurses, they started to get to work with Kaleb.
Hermione wasn’t all that bad like she had looked, just some abrasions but nothing was broken.

Even after that, no words were spoken. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I was in a daze. Yeah, that’s right, I was in a daze so bad, yet comforting, and I wished I would stay this way. I didn’t want to face off with anything, or in this case, what happened in the woods, and whatever Eadric had kept a secret.

As we sat outside, at the west hall’s lounge, waiting for Doctor Amy to come right out to announce and shower us with relief that Kaleb was alright, we were all still silent.
Wyatt was holding me, knowing something was wrong, but either he gave me space or was too worried for Kaleb to let it slip, there were no words spoken.
Dustin too was beside Lorraine who was still in her faze and bewildered state. He didn’t say a thing, but was glancing to check in on Lorraine every once in awhile.
As for Hermione, no one or thing else at the moment would bother her. Her eyes were glued to the white doors of the equipment room.
Eadric sat at the corner seat, looking intensively at me, pleading and hoping. But I turned away. I wasn’t ready.

I didn’t know how I would be. I didn’t even felt like talking to him anymore. Just what came out of his mouth was true? How much of it was real? He didn’t even bother telling me the one thing that was gravely important, so how on earth would all the other things he said make sense anymore?

“Just because I kept quiet, didn’t mean I don’t want an explanation,” Lorraine suddenly said, surprising all of us. It came as such a shock that most of us stared wide eyed.

“I want one too,” I thought, but then decided, they were right, they deserved one.

“Now’s not a good time,” Wyatt tried, as he tightened his grip around my shoulders.

“I can’t think of a better time,” Lorraine said firmly, and it was really starting to scare me now. This was definitely different from the Lorraine I knew.

“You guys already know this whole marriage was some sort of arranged thing. I’m not sure if my parents knew, but Wyatt’s a half blooded vampire. If you need me to repeat, Wyatt is a half blooded vampire,” I said as Lorraine stared wide eye and Hermione just turned emotionless.

“My Dad’s a vampire where else my Mom’s the human, if that makes any sense.” Wyatt said in an almost guilty voice that made me felt wrenched. He need not feel guilty towards my friends, I should be. Yet he tried to take up the burden for me.

“If you guys want to know more, Dustin’s a vampire. And Hermione should have figured out, Kaleb is a werewolf. I’m not sure who else in this house is a vampire, but as far as I know, anyone might be,” I finished, eyeing Eadric, directing my words at him, but he just looked away with a pained expression.

As I finally caught up with my thoughts, I wondered if perhaps I took it to a next level. I made these amazing people I came to love sound dangerous. I had fired the pistol towards Wyatt, Dustin and Kaleb. The guilt start pouring in and I felt like just banging the wall and die.

“Is there anything else we should know?” Lorraine hissed angrily, making me shudder.

“I’m a vampire too.” Eadric looked at me squarely in the eyes and announced, making Dustin and Wyatt jump with shock. So, here’s the part where I would be saying, he is such a sly that he even surprised Dustin and Wyatt. However, Lorraine and Hermione seemed unfazed.

“Tyanne, I really admire you for you are marrying a vampire, keeping all that under wraps, endangering not only me but all of us and not even letting it out. You really are one hell of a friend, Tyanne Roxy LeTroy.” She snapped and stomped away, leaving me speechless and in disbelief.

Wyatt’s POV:

There seemed to be something bothering Tyanne all the while, since we met up in the woods. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, and I allowed it to slip, thinking she needs time. Plus, with Kaleb badly injured, I wasn’t sure that was first priority.

As Lorraine demanded for an explanation, I could sense her words firing and I knew something was upsetting her. I tried to be there for her, yet she seemed so torn. Then I finally knew why, when Eadric claimed he was a vampire. I swear, Dustin must be feeling as bizarre as I am.

There were no trace, no scent, no venom, no blood and no lust. Nothing at all, left a mark or hint that Eadric was a vampire. The scary part, is not having known he was one, but the fact he was able to hide his existence.

“Tyanne, I really admire you for you are marrying a vampire, keeping all that under wraps, endangering not only me but all of us and not even letting it out. You really are one hell of a friend, Tyanne Roxy LeTroy.” Lorraine then snapped and stomped away to all of our astonishment. This was definitely unlike the quiet and shy Lorraine that I knew.
Dustin followed behind, seeking for a chance for explanations and apologises. While Eadric looked deeply into Tyanne’s eyes, but chose to go off on his own too.

I could feel Tyanne’s disappointment, and I wanted to make things better. However, it all seems useless from the way Tyanne’s eyes water when she sees him departure. And though I hate my guts and did promise that I’ll stop my insane racket, I just can’t help but feel a part of me, sting, with jealousy.

Wyatt Hunter, just what the hell went wrong with me?

Hermione’s POV:

Tyanne said her piece, causing the often quiet Lorraine to stomp off angrily. Dustin left right behind her, so did Eadric whom also graced us with his own revelation. I must say, my day had been really dramatic.
Then again, I don’t really care. I was planning to holler at Tyanne but it’s definitely not the time right now. As I tried to count the angels that I then send to protect Kaleb, I just made myself worry even further. The wait was too long and the unknown was just too dark.

A few hours after the wait, Tyanne came beside me and embraced me with one of her teddy bear hugs. To be honest, it was definitely reassuring and I knew instantly no matter how big one hell of a secret she kept, I still couldn’t be mad at her.

“I’m sorry, Hermione, I really am,” She whispered meekly.

“Tyanne, I really just like to deal with one thing at a time now. I kind of expected that. I encountered one vampire in the woods. Saw stuff with my own eyes, and I know why you were perfectly fine with your fiancée being a vamp. Right now, I’m just worried for K.” I heard my voice say, though I felt myself still in a stance.

I didn’t know why I was this worried. My affections and concern for Kaleb suddenly felt a little scary and I was taken aback by my feelings. Then again, he got injured while trying to save me. He gotten injured badly, it’s only normal I care double, right?

“Hey, there is no need to worry, you can bet on that. That mutt had been through a hell lot of crap when he was young. This, he will get by in a breeze.” Wyatt smiled, and assured me, yet it was pretty useless because the guilt, terror cum fear in me was just too overwhelming. It’s like some emotion bloat.

As I slipped out of sleep once again, around five the next morning, I see Wyatt and Tyanne snoozing lightly on the couch. Dustin came back around three, saying Lorraine needs time to cool off. Mrs Schader also came by around four with mugs of hot chocolate to wait with us.
It was then, Doctor Amy walked out of the well-equipped room. Fatigue was painted all over her face and it was really tough to read the expressions on her face. I couldn’t tell if it was good, or bad. So all I could do was run up to her, in hope for the results.

“He’s a tough cookie.” She said expressionless.

“Please, tell me he’s alright.” I muffled, almost too audible.

“He was brought in wrecked, I must say. What the hell happened?” Doctor Amy continued on, leaving my question unanswered, and my heart palpitating even faster.

“Amy, I think you better stop keeping our dear girl here waiting in suspense. How’s Kaleb?” Mrs Schader reassuringly put her arm around me and said.

“Well, Kaleb sprained his neck, cracked three ribs that bruised his lungs but, together with all the cuts on his body, that are the least of our worries. What we’re more concerned about, is waist down. He severed a deep blow to his vertebrates as well as damaged most of his leg bones.” At that, I could have almost broke down and plopped right on the floor. Mrs Schader held me tightly securing me, though I could see her worried expressions too.

“We did a lot of restructuring during the long hours. Trying to place the fractured bones together through surgery, replacing shattered bones with mechanisms. It would not take long for his fractured legs to heal, however due to his damaged vertebrate; it would definitely take some time for him to recover from paraplegia.”

“Kaleb’s paralyze?” My words spewed out, my tears at the brink of my eyes.

“At the rate he is healing, it won’t be prolonging, but definitely a month or two before he fully recovers.”

Doctor Amy then motions us into the room. As I neared the bed, I was clearly shaking. Kaleb’s face was bruised. He looked like a mummy with a neck brace, bandages all over, and bulky leg casts. But still, the serene look on his face made me heaved a sigh of relief and I actually felt something so heavy in me being lifted off and thrown away.

“He’s on a lot of Morphine and anesthetics. We’re preventing the pain. Kaleb should be awake soon.” Doctor Amy said and dragged Mrs Schader out of the room, leaving me in the cold whitewash room.

As I slid into the soft yellow chair beside his bed, careful not to pull on any of Kaleb’s tubes and wires, I held onto his left hand. The machines showed his steady heartbeat and it was definitely comforting. But then again, why was my emotions still so stirred?

Copyrighted © just-smile, October 2009
All Rights Reserved.
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Okay, so this chapter is a little dull. But I need to explain what happened to Kaleb. I promise a full blown chapter the next update!

Thanks for all who commented! Do continue to flood comments and I really will get updating sooner! (Since my exams are far behind me; THREE CHEERS) & Can I request for banners? This story really lacks one. And since I'm so far off and quite a number of you are regular readers, I thought a banner would be nice? Pretty please?

Love, Sara