Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne’s POV:

I woke up to bright sunlight. When I finally set things straight, I noticed I was back in my room and it was already three in the afternoon.
Wyatt left a note by the foot of my bed-side table, saying he was at a last minute meeting. Indicating that all was fine now, and Kaleb’s doing well though still under the large amount of Morphine and Anesthetics. That was definitely relieving.

I managed to calm myself down and pick up the pieces, yet only to be more than ever to be affected by the fact Eadric lied. He didn’t say anything otherwise, but by not telling me, that was bad enough.

After a quick shower to refresh myself and set things straight, I went out into the yard and wondered about the past day’s occurrence. Perhaps, all went wrong the moment I came here. Then again, it was Mom and Dad’s arrangements. Do they know, when they signed their name on the contract? Will they ever know? Will Wyatt and I pull through this? Magdalia and Royston seemed to be able to. Was their relationship as complex? Urgh.
Then there’s the shit about Eadric. I don’t even know who the heck he really is anymore.

And then speaking of the devil, he was right there, looking torn and I was so close to caving in.

“How’s Kaleb?” He asked meekly when he saw me.

“Fine, I’ll be going to check on him,” I said and turned around, ready to dash back in.

“Tyanne, will you hear me out?” He got hold of my arm and pleaded.

“Will explanations work? It still remains a fact, what you did. Leave me alone,” I said with all of my will-power fighting to not cave in and tear.

“Just hear me out, okay?”

“No,” I continued to fight back.

“Tyanne, I just happen to be born a darn vampire. Does it matter so much, to what we have between us?” Eadric’s grab on my arm becoming tighter, as I struggled.

“Eadric, that’s not the problem. The problem was that you weren’t truthful to me. What was our relationship based on? I don’t even know your last name. That’s what’s happening between us. Friends don’t keep things from one another!” I snapped and said it square into his face.

“I have my reasons okay! I was caught between things.” He continued playing this mental game, and honestly, it drove me crazy as I fight with every will in my cells to not give in. No, I wasn’t planning.

“Well, too bad, I don’t care anymore, Eadric, just leave me alone okay, at least for now,” I begged him, with my face turned away, because I slipped it. I could feel the one tear gliding down my face.

“It’s because I want to be normal. I want to be normal because whatever we had, it was normal. I felt so good beside you, because there’s no pressure.”

“What we had wasn’t normal since the moment you chose to keep it to yourself. Eadric, I told you all I ever was and knew. You kept who you are from me. Which part of that is normal?”

“The lie that I’m not a bloodsucker is. Sure I do lust when I’m so darn close to you, but I want to be normal, for you. Because I like you a whole lot, that’s why I chose to keep it from you. Because I know that once you know I’m just like your fiancé, things between us would turn out different. I did that, because I so darn hell like you.” At that, Eadric spun me around, and crashed his lips onto mine.

Shock ran through me, and I was in such a daze that I would have slapped myself if I was looking at it an outsiders view. As I stared wide eye at his face close up, with Eadric’s lips attached on mine, I could have sworn this was too much for me. He pulled me in as the kiss smoldered deeper.

But what really mattered, was I didn’t pull away. I didn’t know why I didn’t do so. I didn’t know what I was feeling or just what was going on in my head. My eyelids then started to weigh down and I could feel them closing as I allowed myself to slip into the kiss. My lips started following his in motion to my own surprise.

It was only when he pulled away and stared behind me, that I found out he was there.


Copyrighted © just-smile, October 2009
All Rights Reserved.
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This chapter is suppose to be awesome. But personally I think the style I wrote it in is unlike Tyanne. So it is rather below par.
Do hope you guys like it still (:

Do continue to comment :D Means a lot.

Love, Sara.