Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Wyatt's POV:

Ever felt like something stabbed you hard, and no matter how you fight it, it won't end? That's how I feel. It was worse than the time I got cut and inflamed by anti-vampire oxidants. Something was burning in me, it was something new, and it sent pain so strong, it could make me curl and wither.

Right in front of me, Eadric's lips crashed into Tyanne's. She's my angel and meant the world to me. She got hold of my emotions, but what I’m seeing, made me felt like she doesn’t give a shit. I thought we had it going. So what's this about?

"Wyatt...” Her weak voice started, when finally she pulled away and noticed my presence. The words were at her mouth, but I didn't hear anything. All that was in my mind was to stop this burning pain in my chest.

"Wyatt, let me explain!"

"Forget it." I scoffed, my insides being torn apart. I tried to put a finger on this feeling, and the only thing I came close to, was betrayal.

“Wyatt, please, it’s not what it looks like,” She continued, her voice almost pleading.

"I believed you! I placed all of my trust in you! I let you in! You were the one, who wanted out!" I yelled at her, with anger I never knew of. I never thought I would ever be so mad at her. Even during our last tiff, where she spewed words that sliced, I was still able to control my anger and tolerate with her behavior. However, this was totally different.

"Wyatt! It's all a mistake-" Tyanne whimpered sadly and I could see her face fell when I glared at her.

"I'll be back only on the wedding. If you choose to call this off, tell my pops it was my fault." I said, feeling like I was ripped from the inside. I didn’t know that words which came out of my mouth could hurt me too.

Tyanne reached out to me, her touch on my hand sent a tingling feeling, but that only made the pain stronger than it already did. Like a child who touched fire, I instantly pulled away.
Her grey eyes then filled with tears threatening to pour out, stared at me, almost as if pleading me to just embrace her. I chose to walk away.

Tyanne's POV:

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and the pain stabbed me over and over again.

I watched as Wyatt pulled his arm away from me, and the intense pain erupted, consuming me so thoroughly. There were just so many emotions going through me and I have no idea what is happening right now.

"Tyanne, Wyatt looked sour. Kaleb’s awake," Hermione rattled on as she walked in, but stopped as soon as she got a good look at me," Anne-bear! Why are you crying?"

All I did was to hug her, and burst into tears. For a split second, I looked up to catch a glimpse of Eadric yet only to regret ever doing so. Pain was written all over his face and his eyes looked sadly at me. The scene burnt me. ©
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Me like this very very much. It's a good one. Do comment and tell me how you feel about it (:
Oh! and do check out my first ever contest : Spread the love, yo

With tonnes of love, Sara