Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Guy with an attitude problem.

I walked for a long , I'm not sure how many hours and I was getting no where . I just go on and on like the hallway would not end . I thought of perking into the many rooms , but it was just too impossible ! There were a gazillion rooms . How am I to find my way ?!

Just then , I reached the end of the hallway , and was greeted by a huge door . The doors of other rooms were huge ! But this was different . It was larger than that .

"Well , Tyanne , nice job ! You reached the end of the hallway . Now what ?" I mentally reprimanded myself . I stared at the humongous doors . Well , I guess there is only one thing to do .
I knew it was wrong , and I know its rude , but what am a lost girl like me suppose to do ? I knock three times and there was no answer . So I decided to just barge in , like a babarian on the loose .

I walked into the room and it was just marvellous . There was a red couch in the room , leaning against the white walls . A black chandelier hung grandly in the middle of the room . There was large shelves on the side of the room and rows of books laid there .
In the middle of the room , was a black working table . An armchair in the same colour had its back facing me . I strolled in to look around , almost forgetting that it was rude to do so .

"How long do you plan on intruding my work place ?" A low , sexy voice asked from the door . I was shocked and tripped a few steps back before turning around to greet the man at the door . I was blushing in embarrassment and tried to not look at that person . I was so going to be in deep trouble for entering the room .

"Who are you ?" He asked in his so mesmerizing voice once again .

I perked up and was blown away .
Right before my eyes , was a guy so out of the world . No word could describe him . He was greater than "cute" , "sexy" , "handsome" or "hot" . And I was instantly blown out of my mind . Can anyone ever reach that kind of perfection ?
He had green turqoise-ish eyes , messy dirt brown hair , sharp cheek bones and a sharp nose that made his face looked refined !
He was tall , about 6"2 if I was not wrong and he looked fit and tone . He was muscular but not bulky.

"Oh … I'm Tyanne LeTroy , so sorry for intruding . I was kind of lost … " I muttered , after realising I had been in a daze for quite some time .

"Whatever , just get out of my sight ! " He shouted at me and pushed me out of the room .

I was literally pushed out and the doors shut tight behind me leaving me dazed.
Good job Tyanne , a guy just shut you out . I was momentarily left in a shock . No guy had ever done this to me . In fact , I was pretty popular around guys . But whoever that guy was , he shut me out ! Despite him being hot , he sure had an attitude problem!

copyrighted © March 2009 , all rights reserved .
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i hope this is good (: please give me some feedbacks ! & subscribe please ! thanks