Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Blood bite

Tyanne’s POV:

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"He leaped out of the darn balcony, must be the woods. You screwed him up, big time."Dustin scoffed, and he was right. I screwed the situation.

"Listen, if you're just going to give Tyanne a lashing, save it." Hermione hissed.

“Look, I’m not blaming you or anything, but Wyatt, he never opened up to anyone before. We were the closest he has, only because I could hack under this entire facade he puts on.” Dustin snarled, “Wyatt gave his all for you. He trusted you for once. He loved you so much it was getting bored when I read his mind, because all I see is you. He doesn’t deserve this.”

"That’s why I have to find him and make it right.” I said, and walked out into the woods behind Dustin's medium size suburban house.

Wyatt's POV:

"Get out of my sight in three seconds." I snarled. He'd better be gone within then before I rip him apart limb by limb.

"What does Tyanne mean to you?" He asked, in a tone that was so irking to me.
Instantly, I went up and deliver a punch, but my hand went limp and I didn't manage. My knuckles were screaming for me to stop, yet the anger was building up in me. Who was he to ask me what Tyanne meant to me! He had kissed my fiancée, that bloody asshole.

"You can't even defend yourself if we were to be in a combat!" He said flatly," I don't even see why I bother to want to fight for Tyanne with you. You're not worthy of her."
Before I knew it, I punched him right in the chest, and he flew right into the cliff, with a thundering smash. Even I myself was surprised at the strength I exerted after what I had done to myself.

"Who are you to tell me I'm not worthy of her? You bastard!" I marched towards him, before kicking him hard.

"This is all you've got?" Eadric asked, and before I knew it, I was skidding on the ground till my shoulder hit a tree trunk. Pain was something I was still getting used to. I felt my entire arm go limp, as I tried to stand up. Having done so, I delivered a week punch into his face once more.

"What does Tyanne really mean to you?" He grabbed me by my neck and yelled.

I tried to catch my breath; to remain focus as our blood fuzzed my mind with lust. Another strange yet familiar smell aroused in the air. I was hungry. My thirst was strong right now, and I could really do without the distractions, while I’m fighting this bloody bastard.

"Let him go!" I heard a familiar voice. As I turned around, I was shock at the thought that consumed me.

Tyanne's POV:

"Let him go!" I yelled at Eadric.
Whatever he is doing, I didn't like it a bit. His lips was bleeding, his face a little dent, and he was looking quite a mess, but not as much as Wyatt is.
Instantly, he dropped Wyatt to the ground, and stared at me in disbelief.

"Tyanne, what are you doing here?" Eadric asked with shock.
However before I could answer him, Wyatt had kicked him in the chest and sent him into a cliff I never knew off, despite being in these woods a couple of times.
Their combat went on, as I watched hopelessly. Wyatt looked like he was the underdog, and his right arm was in a weird position. I noticed how his knuckles were bleeding and the skin was scraped badly. All he was trying to do was to hurt Eadric with his leg, and it appeared pretty useless, seeing how Eadric was faster.

"Stop it!" I yelled at the both of them, thought my feeble attempt was pretty much useless.

They could have killed each other if I didn’t jump in. So that’s what I do. As I stood in front of Wyatt, his bloody fist flew weakly across my face, but I knew it would still have done some damage if it managed to hit Eadric.

"Tyanne Roxy! What are you doing?! That was dangerous!" Eadric grabbed my arm and screamed at me as he swirled me around.
Least I want to see is the both of them hurt. I didn’t know how else to make it happen, so I didn’t bother how dumb my resorts were.

"Stop it, alright.” I hissed right in his face and turned over to Wyatt, only to see at the corner of his dark red eyes, were tears threatening to fall. He seemed so sad and pained. Never had I seen Wyatt so upset, let alone cry. I wanted badly to do something.

But it was then, he weakly pulled me to him, with his left arm and it was followed by pain. Hot, damp liquid was sliding down the side of my collarbone, and that's when I noticed what he done.
Wyatt bit me.

Wyatt's POV:

Fire consumed my throat. It scorched and burnt. And I only wish for someone to put it out.
As I sank my teeth into the soft skin, blood started to ooze out. I gulped down mouthfuls of it and it soothes my throat. I wanted more, hence I continued. I never had experienced this kind of satisfaction, it was overwhelming. I didn’t want to stop.

"What the fuck? Wyatt!" I heard a voice called out vaguely, though I wasn't sure whose.

"Don't get near; you don't want him to hurt Tyanne even more than he already did." It sounded important, but not as important as the fire burning in me.
I needed badly, to quench my thirst. To put out that thing was biting on every nerve in my body.

"Wyatt-That's enough." A soft and weak voice called out.


"Wyatt!" The voice finally screamed.
That's when I finally notice what the hell is going on. Instantly, I pulled away, only to see Tyanne's neck bleeding and tears brimming in her eyes as she bit onto her lip. She looked pale and definitely loosing it.

The next I remembered, was a pain in my shoulder. I was grabbed by the shoulder, with a grip so strong, it hurt. But it was nothing compared to what my chest was feeling.
Worst of all, I felt my throat burning once again. At this point, all I needed was to feed this thirst in me.

"You son of a bitch!"A felt a punch in my face, and then I flopped to the ground.

"Asshole! You can fucking kill her! Why'd you do that?" Eadric, I believe, screamed and I felt my whole body breaking apart slowly. I felt pain from everywhere, every single cell as my body craved for more of the delicious blood.

"Stop-" Tyanne's weak voice cried, in desperation. I wanted so badly to just go over to her, hold her, and claim her mine. I didn't care if she kissed Eadric once, or twice. It didn't matter now. I just want to hold her in my arms. Yet a realization came to me, I was going to kill her if I was anywhere near her. She got hurt because of me. I bit her.

As the fact sunk in, I wanted to just allow the fire to burn me, to consume me thoroughly, leaving nothing else.

"Kill me-Fast." I whispered, before I heard a trigger pulled and felt something sliced through my chest.

Copyrighted © just-smile, October 2009
All Rights Reserved
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Well, sorry for the wait. Had fun writing this. Hope you guys had fun reading it.
I made it to the big 50s. Hopefully I will end this soon (:
Do give me your feedback and comments.

With tonnes of loves and kisses;