Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Needing a miracle.

Third Party’s POV:

Tyanne walked briskly into the room and almost busted the door, like she had been doing usually, for a long while now. She quickly glances around, to find the whitewash room serene and calm. There was nothing unusual and she allows herself to heave a sigh of relief. With a few steps, she makes her way to the bed that was in the middle of the medical room.

As she glances at the machine that was beeping steadily, she let out a small smile.
“At least there are no scares and all the machines are running perfectly.” She thought to herself as she looked at the guy that was lying on the cold looking bed.

Fact was, he had been lying there for a month and a half already, and Tyanne was still praying for a miracle.

Most of the bandages on Wyatt’s body had been removed, since the open wounds are healing rather well. However, he was still in slings and attached to various tubes that seemed painful. Machines hollered above noisily, but Tyanne thought of it comforting.

At least he is still alive. It was an indication. With every annoying beep, it tells her that Wyatt’s heart was still fighting and struggling. He wasn’t leaving, not yet, not now, not any time soon.

Four weeks before, after the treacherously long operation, Doctor Amy had come out, for the first time, with a deep, distant and cold expression. She wasn’t at all optimistic about Wyatt’s condition, to the extent she told Tyanne up front, to be prepared for the worse.

However, Tyanne refused to let it go. Somehow, she knew he was fighting hard to survive. Having suffered a bullet shot that almost targeted his heart and had punctured his lungs, Wyatt was actually having difficulties breathing and his heart beat wasn’t normal. In fact, due to the bullet shot that came so close to having injure the heart muscle itself, it was radical and Wyatt was basically living off the machine for the past month. But Wyatt was still fighting, and that’s all that matters.

“Wyatt Hunter, you’re missing out all the good stuff, so hurry and wake up now.” Tyanne said, as she grasped Wyatt’s cold good hand.
One of the external doctors that is around lately, since there are two heavily wounded patients in the house, had told her, that conversing is good for the comatose patient.

“Kaleb is starting to push hard and soon, he will be up on his feet. Hermione seems to me like she’s starting to have a thing for Kaleb too.” She started with a smile. Tyanne comes around often and she would tell Wyatt of everything that happened in the day.

It allows the very small part of conscious left to still be actively involved in thinking and had given Tyanne, a spark of hope that he knows what’s going on, and will be up soon.

“Did I mention that Lorraine and Dustin got caught red-handed, kissing in the pool? Imagine being walked in by the maid.” Tyanne let out a giggle and squeezed on Wyatt’s hand a little.

“Wyatt, please wake up soon, we’d already postponed our wedding date! Didn’t you want to marry me as soon as possible, so you could nail me?” She continued, trying hard not to show any signs of sadness, in front of Wyatt, even though he probably doesn’t even know.

She tries hard to believe, a miracle will happen.

Tyanne’s POV:

“Tyanne, dinner is going to be served soon; would you like to come down now?” Magdalia entered Wyatt’s ward with a warm smile. She strode gracefully and came over to my side. Glancing down at her son who was still lying unconscious on the bed, I could see, she wasn’t having an easy time either.

“Magdalia, Wyatt would be fine, he will come to, trust me on that.” I said, trying to comfort her, but as well as trying to make myself cling onto the little hope I’d left.

“You’re right, and Wyatt is lucky, to have a fiancée like you,” She smiled warmly, and ushered me down with her after planting a kiss on her son’s forehead.

At the table, it was exceptionally quiet today. Royston had an expression on his face, that was hard to read and we all got the subliminal message, and remained serious.

“I know it would not be a right time during dinner, but I really have to discuss this with all of you right now,” Royston suddenly bellowed.

“Roy, must we?” Magdalia asked, as she rests her loving hand on his.

“Yes.” He paused for a while, before clearing his throat.
“The doctors are saying that Wyatt’s heart, its ability to work is decreasing and his depending thoroughly on the machines.”

I bit my lips as Royston paused again. I knew of this and I was avoiding it. I avoided having to hear it so straightforward like this. I didn’t like where this talk was going, one bit.

“The Elders, they have decided, it would be best to let him go, if Wyatt wasn’t to come around in the next two weeks.” Royston finished, and I sank back into my seat, with my focus going wild. I was dazed by the news and my mind was too hysterical to even protest.

“They can’t do that!” To my surprise, Magdalia who was always calm and collected suddenly screamed. I could also see all the rest of them shocked by both the new fact and her reaction.

“Mag, I know it’s hard, but perhaps letting him go, would be easier for him.” Royston continued, clearly in pain as I see tears brimming in his eyes.

“No! Roy, he’s our son! You can’t let him go! You can’t do that! He’s fighting, Roy. Our boy is fighting for his life! We can’t let him go!” Magdalia was in a full blown sob and she was crying so hard. I believed it was the first time I even see her cry.

“Mag, calm down,”

“Don’t call me to calm down! You’re telling me to put my son down, like he’s an animal, and you’re calling me to calm down?”

“You know I don’t want it either, but it may be better than having to put Wyatt through this!” Roy reasoned and I could see him tear too. Before I knew it, something salty touched my lips and I noticed I was sobbing silently too. There was a thug in my chest and it felt so painful all of a sudden. I tried to scream but nothing came out.
Kaleb was looking down and Hermione was just looking at me carefully, with so much worry and sadness in her eyes. Lorraine was just gripping onto Dustin’s hand and they both looked crestfallen too.

“I won’t agree to it! We’re not putting him down!” Magdalia continued to protest.

“Mag, it’s not something we have a say over. The council is waiting for response. But all evidence is saying Wyatt isn’t going to regain conscious. We should put him out of this misery.”

“You can’t put him down! He’s your son! How can you do this to him?” Magdalia was crying hard and she was starting to hammer Roy in the chest with her bare fist, in thorough objection.

“Two weeks grace, we’ll just have to pray that he’ll be up by then and keep faith. Please Mag, try to understand that putting him down, will eventually be better than allowing him to carry on like this. I’m sorry, Mag.” Roy held her in his arms, while she continued letting out big sobs.

The atmosphere was dead silent other than Magdalia’s sobs. The ambience was just deadly and choking. I felt breathing tough and was so close to suffocating.
However amidst it all, I just prayed.

God, please save my fiancé.

Copyrighted © just-smile, November 2009
All Rights Reserved
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I enjoyed coming up with this so much. I really am unsure what I am going to do with Wyatt. I know you guys must be hating me for playing around with his life like this :P But I need to thicken the plot you see.

Well, I hope you guys love this chapter as much as I do.
Do comment and tell me how you feel.

Love, Sara.