Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Pleasant visitor

Tyanne’s POV:

“Are you sure you want to leave? We’re all still here, Anne-bear,” Hermione sat by the bed and asked.

“I don’t want see them do it,” I held back my tears as I thought about what would happen over the next two days.

It has been 12 days, and there was still no response from Wyatt. There were no sign of strong heartbeats or any indication that he does not want us to pull the plug. At a certain time, I hated him so much, for not trying at all. Whatever the doctor said about conversing, it was all bull.

“How do you know they even will? He may just wake up,” Hermione tried to smile but it was failing terribly.

“And he may not. If he does, I’ll catch the first plane back. But I’m not certain of what’s to happen, I think it’ll be best if I go back for now.” I said, while biting on my lip. With a tugging feeling in my chest, I grabbed a few clothes by its hangers and stuffed it in my suitcase.

“Is this what you really want?” She looked at me intensively.

“Yes, please help me pack and stop persuading me to stay,” I begged with my eyes, and continued with stuffing.

I’d decided, it would be best for me to head home, in Coasta Verde. I wouldn’t know how I was going to explain this to mom and dad, but I guess I’ll come up with an excuse when situation calls.
I didn’t want to stay here and see them put Wyatt down. It was far too awful. I would never be able to live through that.

I slid to Wyatt’s medical ward silently, hoping for the last time, that perhaps, he may have some reaction. That perhaps his heart would just work a little harder, to make me stay, to stay alive.
However, when I walked in, all I see was a motionless Wyatt as always, and Magdalia sitting beside him.

“Tyanne,” Magdalia greeted. She didn’t even try to smile because tears were already brimmed in her eyes.

“Magdalia, I’m really sorry,” I whispered, as I came up to her and settled down beside. The machine above Wyatt clearly shows that he wasn’t responding and I felt the last of my faith slip away.

“No, you shouldn’t be. I should be apologizing. We never had expected things to be like this. In the first place, I’m sorry we’d even bribed your parents like this, you must feel hatred for us, don’t you?” She said bitterly.

“No, no. I don’t. We all didn’t expect for things to be this way,”

“Wyatt used to be such a quiet and anti-social boy, his father and I was always worrying when he chose to ignore everyone in his school. He’d rather sit by the window on his own, than communicate with anyone. Roy thought it would be best for him, if we arranged someone to be his life-long companion because he wasn’t keen or interested in girls.” Magdalia tried to laugh it off but I knew, it wasn’t easy to do so, thinking of her son before and looking at him so lifeless right now.

“Why want a human girl?” I probed.

“Wyatt’s a special kid; I doubt a female of his own species would do,” She giggled a little.

As I held onto Wyatt’s hand, I just cried my heart out for the next hour, with Magdalia beside me, holding me in her embrace. I didn’t know how we’re going to deal with it; I don’t know how she does it. But it was driving me crazy the longer I stay here to await any response within the next two days.

Hence, within four hours, I was back in Coasta Verde, with my parents staring wide eye at me.

When there was no phone call on the night before the day that was set to put Wyatt down, I lost all faith.
I didn’t know how I was going to get over all of this. I didn’t know what I was going to do once all of this becomes over. I didn’t understand why such a thing was to happen.
Was I just going back to how life used to be? How am I going to, when I knew so much happened? How was I to just simply forget all of this happened, when I felt so much for him?

“Baby, you’ll get over it.” Mommy cooed and stroked my hair.

But I knew I wasn’t.

Wyatt’s POV:

I woke up into a dark room and felt strange. I don’t quite understand, but it was as if it was dire for me to get out of this pit hole. There was a light right in front of me, and I tried so hard to run towards it.
The way there was long and as hard as I tried, I just could not reach it. My legs were not fast enough, and my body seemed too light to be making any impact. I was like air, stagnant air in this matter of fact.

But that feeling was soon replaced by a suffocating feeling. I felt horrid and my body seemed to be inflamed. At that, a new light suddenly appeared right in front of me. I could easily walk right in plus, there was a friendly face that was smiling at me on the other side. It seemed so easy, yet all together, so wrong.

A bolt of pain then hit my body and I knew I had to get out of here fast. The light far away shone brightly, brighter than the one right here. Yet the one in front of me, seemed so easy.

“Wyatt!” A familiar voice suddenly called out.

At that, I headed for the light at the far end. With all my might and will, I sprinted towards it.

Tyanne’s POV:

It was hell; the way my body was reacting to this emptiness. I didn’t know how to deal with it. Mommy held me and snuggled in my bed tight. She didn’t know what to do with me. I didn’t know what to do with myself.
The more I thought, the harder I cried. I could not even go to sleep!
It was worse than anything I felt before. Were departures this tough? Was it suppose to hurt so bad, you wish you could die too?

“Baby, there’s a young man at the door, whom I think you’d like to meet. He said he’s looking for you.” Daddy suddenly came in, and said, with an astonished expression on his face, “He looks really wrecked though, like some car ran over him.”

“Blake, is he safe?” Mommy asked, with a strong tinge of wary in her voice.

“I know when a guy is sincere and safe, Lola,” Daddy replied, and I knew he was right. Daddy is always a good judge of people. Hence I knew this meant something.
Shakily, I got off my bed and tried my hardest to wipe away my tears. With ease, I made my way to the hallway and right towards the opened door.

When I got there, I got the shock of my life and almost slopped onto the floor.

Copyrighted © just-smile, November 2009
All Rights Reserved
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The title sucks because I was absolutely clueless.
OH, AND SHOUTOUT TO ALL READERS, THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT THE END. The story only ends when I say it is and there would definitely be a sequel.
I would most probably leave the honeymoon in the sequel but the wedding is definitely going to come out soon (:

Now that I got that clarified, I hope all you guys enjoyed this chapter. Pretty much a filler, but it has to be sequenced and published nevertheless.

Do comment and tell me about your views, or what you'd like to see in the sequel.

Love, Sara.