Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Will you marry me?

Tyanne’s POV:

“You look really weird in Daddy’s clothes,” I let out a little giggle as Wyatt stepped out of my bathroom, in a somewhat baggy blue collared shirt and long slacks that daddy owns from a long time ago.

“Would you rather I smell bad?” He rolled his eyes and smirked, before shakily making his way over.

“How are you?”

“I’m still dealing. You know, I plugged out every single tube connected to my body just to be here with you?” He cockily said, but a smile soon appeared on his face and he settled himself slowly beside me on the bed.

“Did I tell you how much I love you?” I said, as I snuggled cozily beside him, careful that I don’t hurt him.

“Yeah, and did I tell you how sorry I am, for biting you?” He looked sadly into my eyes. There was so much grief in his very soul that made me feel wrenched. Wyatt doesn’t deserve to be like this. Instantly, my first reaction was to sit up straight to kiss him right on his forehead.

“Gosh, it was such a long time ago. Nice experience I must say," I joked, trying hard to lighten up the tension that was brewing.

"It's no joke, Tyanne. You could have been so hurt, if no one stopped me," Wyatt's voice contained so much regret that it was painful to hear.

"And I forgive you; you had it bad already," I smiled reassuringly and Wyatt just broke down and kissed me, "Did I tell you that I missed you all this while?”

“I know; I heard you everyday till the last two.” He replied, while starting to play with my hair, like he always does.

“I couldn’t bear having see them do what they were planning,”

“Putting me down?” He tilted his head, to look me in the face.

“Yeah...” I winced at even the thought of that idea.

“Hey, I’m here now, it’s all that matters,” He cooed and kissed me lightly again on the tip of my nose, causing sparks to explode within me. It was like falling for Wyatt all over again.

“Uh-huh, and nothing in this world can take you away from me, vice versa,” I announced proudly.

“Not even Eadric?” Wyatt suddenly asked, shocking me a little.

“Yeah, not even him,” I thought about it and said firmly.

Eadric Arrow was out of my life for good, the minute he chose to attack Wyatt. He had packed and left the night after the combat and he did not even say goodbye.
He was such a friend and it’s almost like he was this important person in my life. All we lacked, was the intensity; the kind that I felt for Wyatt.
However, when he decided to not tell me about his little secret and then kiss me and soon after attack my fiancé, I knew I was over and done with him.

“Tyanne, I saw it that time, it didn’t seem like nothing,” Wyatt then sat up straight and cupped my face in his hands, “I don’t want you to be marrying me, just because you were put into this situation,”

“Wyatt,” I started.

“Shh...Tyanne, I want you to know for yourself whom you truly love, before making any decisions,” He placed a finger on my lips and interrupted.

“And I’m sure it’s you. I never ever felt like this, I don’t think I can do without you,” I whispered with a smile.

“Are you really sure?” I stared at Wyatt in awe at the point of time.

“Do you doubt yourself?” The words spilled out and I bit my lips, while he just kept silent.

“You should know I was never one with the confidence in the first place, just a real coward with an arrogant front,” Wyatt then started, “Do you still want someone like me?”

“I won’t trade you for anything,” I kissed him.

“Wyatt Hunter, you know, for someone who has been comatose for a month, you sure didn’t lose your strength at all!” I yelled, as I throbbed a little by the motion, as I’m in Wyatt’s arms.

As soon as I was up from our little shut-eye on my bed, Wyatt had insisted we get out, claiming he had enough of staying in. So here I was, blindfolded, in Wyatt’s arms, heading somewhere, which Wyatt prefers to keep a surprise despite knowing I didn’t favor them much. Come to think of it, how did Wyatt even know this place? It was my hometown, not his. Yet here he is planning a surprise?

“Doll, I’m a vampire,” He whispered in my ear, sending a nice kind of chill down my spine.

“Can’t you let me down?” I whined.

“Fine, but only because, we’re here,” He snickered, as he let me down slowly. Steadily, he motioned me to take a few steps forward.
Excitement and anxiousness broiled in me, waiting to explode soon. I didn’t know what he was planning, but I knew we were at the beach. I could easily smell the sea air surrounding me. With every step, I could tell the terrain below me was sandy.

“Can I remove my blindfold now?”

There was no response, and before I knew it, a pair of hands was around the blindfold and when it was lifted off, all that greeted me, was the sun setting.
The horizon was painted an abstract warm orange, red, pink and yellow. The top of the sky was becoming dark and the stars were starting to show themselves. It was a mesmerizing and awing moment.
I turned around to look at Wyatt, only to see him on his knees with a smile on his lips.
In his hands, was a small opened red boxing. Lying flawlessly on the red cushion was a white gold band ring, swirled around a single diamond.

“Tyanne, will you marry me?” The words left his mouth and my heart almost collapsed. I was beyond insane. Was it happening? This is exactly how I wanted my proposal.
And here it was, on the beach of my hometown, my amazingly hot one ass of a vampire fiancée was proposing.

“I know the circumstances are crazy and we hardly even dated, I know I only know you for awhile, but I know this is what I want. I know it’s you.” Wyatt started to stammer, when I wasn’t giving him a reply. At that, I nodded. Almost instantly, Wyatt beamed like a kid who gotten his candy. With such grace, he slids the ring into my left ring finger and got up. Wyatt then cupped my face in his hands and kissed the top of my forehead, then the bridge of my nose, moving down, he kisses my nose, and then my upper lip, before reaching to my mouth.

“I love you so much,” Wyatt whispered as he carried me bridal style once more, to a picnic mat set nearby, where we settled and enjoyed Wyatt-made picnic till the moon came out to greet us too.

Copyrighted © just-smile, November 2009
All Rights Reserved
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As promised (: Thanks for all of you who had commented (:
I hope you guys love it. This is a classical proposal, so if I let you guys down, I'm really sorry. I just didn't feel like, after everything, Wyatt would have that much of energy to do something big. Anyways, the next chapter is on it's way. Give me a little push and pressure; by commenting(:

Love, Sara