Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne's POV:

“Eadric, what are you doing here?” I asked, in utter awe and bafflement.
He was the guy who shot my fiancé in the chest, just what was he thinking, coming right up and showing himself like that?

As I turned beside me, I see Wyatt tense up. He was all stiff and a low growl almost erupted in him. However, it wasn’t spiteful, but rather, Eadric seem to bring about some kind of distress and displeasure to Wyatt.

“I’m here to warn you,” Eadric said, entirely calm and collected, as if he wasn’t at all afraid even though two vampires and a healthy werewolf are snarling their teeth at him.

“Warn us about what?” Dustin spat, a protective arm around Lorraine and a death glare on Eadric.

“Fatal news that can put the whole vampire society in danger,” Eadric said, this time, being perfectly serious. The intensity in the hallway was instantly brought to a whole new level. Something felt strangely wrong and it sudden was no longer just about us.

“Come on in, I would actually like to hear what you have to say,” Wyatt suddenly said after a long silence, startling me. Yet beneath his calm composure and assuring arm around my waist, I knew that he was more frantic than I am.

I took my first step into the conference room, and honestly, I wasn’t that keen about the coronation after the honey moon any longer. In fact, it was getting scary. I doubt I’d mount up to anything even if I did go through the coronation. It seems like a totally different world that I would not be able to sustain to.

The conference room was larger than any other meeting rooms or offices I’ve been into so far, and I was told it was the largest in this house. But what was disturbing, was that when you step foot in here, it’s like an indication, of something severe was going to happen. And apparently, Eadric brought along just that and soon enough, I felt my insides churn.

I settled down in a big soft red cushion armchair right beside Wyatt who sat at the end of the table. Eadric was opposite me and the rest were going down the rows.
For a few dreadfully long minutes, we sat quiet and solemn in the chairs and stared at one another. The atmosphere was so heavy, it was actually suffocating and I was feeling a little nauseated already.

“Alright, I know we have hard feelings and I’m not exactly on your guest list, but please, must we do this?” Eadric finally broke the silence and groaned, suddenly a kind of familiar feeling erupted in me. It felt like the old Eadric I knew. The one who made me laugh and was carefree. The one I was friends with.

“I came unarmed and you’ve got to admit, given the circumstances, it was either Tyanne or you. Being a vampire, I figured you’d definitely have more chance of survival compared to her. I came today, to warn you about something devastatingly important, so can we get to that?” Eadric then said seriously, like in a debate. He seemed for once, really set against something and it was definitely a first.

“What’s so fatal that you dare bare your head at my front door?” Wyatt’s voice bellowed, clearly not very pleased to be having this so called discussion.

“My father,”

“And what has he got to do with the entire society?” Wyatt snapped and ran his fingers through his brown hair making it look even messier than it was before.

“You never knew of the younger brother your father has, who so happen to be my father, the next in line to take over the throne, if you, the supposing only heir to the throne fail to go through the coronation successfully. Now do you understand where I’m getting?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Wyatt tried to laugh it off, but it failed terribly, leaving him in a trance that even I couldn’t do a thing, because I was just as puzzled and bewildered. The odds were too much of a coincidence and all of this seems so unrealistic and nonsensical.
I never knew Royston had a younger brother, but then again, neither does Wyatt.

“I wish I was, but it had to do with our grandfather’s banishment of my father out of the society, because he saw the bastard my father was becoming. Hence, you never knew. You weren’t supposing to, because he is not suppose to have any connections with the royal family or any vampire for that matter. But that’s all beside the point.”

“After all that, you’re telling me it’s not it?” I blurted, and my mouth hung agape, not knowing which was more incredulous, knowing that Eadric’s Wyatt’s cousin, or the fact that there was something much dire than all of this.

“Well, my father plans to ruin the coronation one way or the other, in fact, he has tried and he’ll keep doing so. Being fifteen years younger than your father, he is in a good position to take over the throne if you fail to do so.” Eadric started.

“Me being here, it was all a conspiracy. It was planned and all the methods and minute accidents, including saving you was his entire plan for me to get closer to the king and prince.” He looks me straight, and continued. In his eyes painted guilt and grieve.

“So now you’re turning tails on him?” Wyatt almost growled and there was an edge in his voice.

“I was blackmailed because he has my mother captive. I want out and I’m telling you this, because he is a violent bastard who kills his wife to get what he wants.” Eadric said through his gritted teeth and I can see the full blown hatred erupting from him.

To say I was confused, disorientated or bewildered was an understatement, because I’m feeling like some missile had just cramp my mind. I was never good at handling too much information in the first place. Eadric went through all that, and all of this, is only the tip of an iceberg, according to him. So what is the full impact?

“If he ever receives the throne, all hell will break loose, and I mean literally. My father does not adapt to the vegetarian diet our grandfather has introduced and promoted, he feeds, on human blood. A true vampire, he is. If he ever gets to the top, he’ll really go all the way and abolish the vegetarian diet. He would unleash our species into the big unravelling world and that would only mean harm to the humans, whom grandfather and your father wanted to protect.” Eadric blabbered, his tone complete agitated.

The entire room turned silent and all that was heard was my heavy breathing. Something weighed down on me all of a sudden and there was such thick dread and war toll feeling in the room it was just so uncomfortable.

“And why would I believe anything you just said?” Wyatt threw the question at Eadric.

“Because if you don’t, you’re betting up your entire kingdom, the lives of the people you hold dear, inclusive of your very own.” Eadric snarled.

Copyrighted © just-smile, November 2009
All Rights Reserved
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I hope this chapter is good. I know I took a long time, but I was really troubled over how I was going to get this done and make my point stated in this very chapter.
Hope you guys like it.

Thank you guys for all the comments, it's really such a motivation and keeps pushing me to get this out. Please continue to comment :D

Love, Sara