Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


Tyanne's POV:

“Well, now you finally know, my last name is Schader.” Eadric started, as we paced down the pathway into the yard.

“Don’t remind me, when you say it like that, it get’s creepier,” I finally said, and shuddered at the thought of my fiancé and my ex-best guy friend that I happened to kiss, are cousins. Eadric laughed and continued to stroll at my pace.

“This is all you want to talk about?” I fired, thoroughly bugged by how Eadric came up to Wyatt and I and requested some of my time, to talk.

“Not really,” He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “Look, about last time, I’m really sorry.”

“If that is to be some kind of apology, I’ll accept the heck of it and get over it. Just please, I don’t need all this in my life at this moment of time,” I snapped. I was going to get married in a week! I don’t need my wedding gift to be some upcoming battle that just may cost so many lives, which Eadric came around to tell us about. I don’t need any more drama other than the big, blob of happy tears on my wedding day.

“I know I burdened you with a lot of shit in just one day.”

“I mean it when I say I don’t need anything else,” I paced on, a little too desperate to not carry on with this conversation. I didn’t know how to put it, but ever since the kiss, it was awkward to talk to Eadric, whom use to be someone I talked endlessly to.

“Relax, I just want you to know all that happened, what I felt, it was real.” Eadric started, despite my attempts to stop him, because usually, such talks will only end up messy, if I didn’t recall wrong.

“But I’m not going to kiss you anymore. So, can I just revert to being the chummy friend you know you can dumb everything on?” He looks me straight in the eye and asked.

“You’re asking for it, too easily, don’t you think?” I almost barked, not liking how Eadric just stroll in and out of my life, making a mess of it and then claiming to be innocent once again. I had it.

“So, that’s a no, huh?”

“Look, I’m going to be married in a week,” I started, “I don’t want anything to delay it any further than it already is, alright? I really am grateful that you came to warn us and that you’re going to assist us in this, but I really don’t think I can handle any more than that. If we ever want to be friends again, you got to put that all behind and just let me live through my wedding.”

“I get it, fine; I’m going to just put it all behind, and try to be there for you at your wedding.” Eadric sighed.

“Thank you, I would appreciate it, and you not bringing on any more drama.” I said in an exaggerated tone that only made him laugh.

“All for the best friend,” He teased, making me sigh, seeing how whatever I just said had simply gone down to the drain and it was a thoroughly failed attempt to make Eadric stay just far away till I got through my wedding and coronation.

“You’re not yet the best friend” I gave in and sighed, having no way around Eadric. Eventually I let out a defeated smile, one that I’ve not had when I’m with Eadric.

Wyatt’s POV:

“Why on earth have you not told me?” I barged into the room, only to see a shocked mom and an angered dad.

“What’s this about?” He bellowed, in his almighty voice.

“Does Michaelo Denom Schader ring a bell?” I scowled.

“Honey, how did you find out?” Mom asked, looking thoroughly concern. But I just wasn’t in a good mood to deal with how she felt.

“His son happens to be Eadric Arrow. He came knocking at our front door, with this information. Because you guys chose to not tell me, I actually was hit and only knowing why after having been hit, having only known, from the hitter!” I snarled menacingly at the both of them.

“You didn’t have to know of that scam.” Dad hissed in a displeased tone.

“That scam sent his son to come between me and my fiancée! That scam, was the reason your son was shot in the chest! Don’t you think I should have the right to know?” I fired, totally bewildered at what the hell my father was thinking, having kept something like that from me.

“We just don’t think that it was necessary. We are already after him; I don’t need you trying to be a hero Wyatt. He is a dangerous man, far more dangerous than anyone can imagine. Not something you or your friends can take down!” Dad snapped right back at me, only making me more enraged.

“But you should at least let me know! Dad, all you ever do, is doubt my ability! Can’t you see that you need to give me my space to solve my own problems? I can do just that, you know. You guys can never trust me enough to deal with all I’m thrown at, can you?” Anger boiled in me and I retorted.

“Enough Wyatt,” Mom suddenly hollered, resulting dad and I to be very quiet. Mom was never one to raise her voice, so it definitely left us gobsmacked. “We never once doubt your ability; you were the one who doubted yourself!”

“Wyatt Hunter, you can never work alone in battle. I know that in your mind, you’re already drawing up a plan to snap his neck. But to stand alone, it’s a prior mistake. You lose, the moment you abandon your men! So stop thinking that you alone, can simply knock on Michaelo’s front door and confront him, because you can’t!” Mom flared and lectured me, to my astonishment.

“What is it about him that you claim deadly?”

“He has connections, with all sorts of beings that you never even know exist.” Dad hesitated and bit his lip. It was silent for awhile, before he sighed and told me.

“Wyatt, sometimes, you simply just can’t leap into the unknown, because this is a matter of thousands of lives. Let your father’s men go dig out the skulls in the closet. All you need to do now is be an awesome groom to Tyanne.” Mom said, although it sounded more like an order. Upon that, I thought about my beautiful fiancée and tried hard to recompose myself. Somehow, someway, mom was always right. There is nothing I could do about Michaelo right now. The coronation has to go through smoothly if I ever want to do a thing about him; hence, the wedding should be my priority right now.

Copyrighted © just-smile, December 2009
All Rights Reserved
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I know it's been a long time since I updated and I hope you guys still love me or my story for that matter.
Personally, I felt this chapter was so bad of a filler. I'm really sorry but I was having such a block for this story, that I started writing a new one. I'm considering whether to post it out, or to get the whole thing done first.

Anyways, I promise during this Christmas, I'll be updating a chunk of chapters. Almost like a Christmas treat :D

I really do hope you guys out there still love this story and would flood me with nice comments and not of how bad this was. I would appreciate your comments and use them as motivation :D

Love, Sara