Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.

Day before

Third Party’s POV:

“Oh, please, stop!” Lorraine sank back into the beanbag and burst into a duck like laughter, while Hermione carried on with her story; one about Tyanne and her upcoming wedding.

“Why, I just started. After they kiss, they’ll go to their room and started making out. It got intense, but oh-oh, Wyatt forgotten all about the condoms. You guys end up having unprotected sex. At that, Tyanne will then feel something grow in her.” Hermione continued while drawing drastic pictures with her hand motions, making Lorraine laugh even harder and Tyanne to make a face.

“Shuddup, Lorraine, you do know you’ll grow the same thing as I will. And Hermione, you’ll just end up with a hairy monkey baby.” Popping a nacho in her mouth and having a scowl on her face, Tyanne said in her defense.

“You’re childish. And where did you even get the psyched idea I’ll have monkey babies?” Hermione retorted before sucking her lips.

“Guys, this is mindless. Tyanne, are your parents on the flight here already?” Lorraine asked, while switching off the television that was left neglected with the remote. Tyanne nodded before throwing herself back onto Hermione’s bed with a loud sigh. Thousands of emotions run in her and when it all comes down, it was just a blur.

Tomorrow is her big day. She was going to get married. There are a million things in her head and a hundred worries to worry about. If she wasn’t so caught up in them, she would actually laugh at what her frets were. It was dumb but her anxiousness stretch so far that even something along the lines of ‘I’m going to trip and fall flat on my face’ bothered her.

“Oh, doll, you seriously need to relax. Here.” Lorraine sighed and crawled over, onto the bed, with a bottle of wine in her hand for Tyanne.

“It’s tomorrow.” Tyanne said aloud, although it seems mostly to herself. The fact daunts on her and as she poured the wine down into her mouth and gulps it down, she felt pressure and was disturbed by it, wondering if every bride-to-be feels like this.

“You’ll be basking in full marriage glory. Lighten up, Lorraine will join you soon enough.” Hermione joked, making Tyanne giggle for awhile.

“Yeah, I guess, but that’s beside the point!” Lorraine thought for a moment, before protesting, “Anne-bear, you’ll be beautiful and happy. I’m sure of it. Plus, imagine it when you two go for the honeymoon.”

“Don’t even start on that! How on earth am I ever going to get it over with?” Tyanne shot up and gulped a mouthful of wine. That’s exactly where the problem was. It scared her to no end, what might happen after the wedding. As Lorraine and Hermione digested what she said, it hit them, what was the fret about all along.

“Oh boy, you’re worried about making love to Wyatt?” Hermione mouthed out, wide-eyed while Lorraine let out a sceptic smile that showed as much confusion as was on Hermione’s face.

“No! Well, not technically...” Tyanne tried denying but found it pointless soon after. It was no use to try hiding anything from her girlfriends and years of friendship taught her that.

“You’re worried about that?” Lorraine looks at Tyanne, completely amused. It was a first, and all along, they thought she was worried about the wedding itself. Turns out, Tyanne has been worried about all the stuff after the wedding like honeymoon and coronation, inclusive of the hot fiery sex that comes along when they set out to their honeymoon.

“Well, yeah. It is my first time, you know! I can’t imagine what’s to happen.” It scared her. She was going to have it with a vampire; a really hot one at that. What if it doesn’t turn out like she wants it to? She thinks it was bad for her to have not lost her virginity, but worst, that she was going to lose it to someone she wants it to be perfect to.

“Oh, goodness, Anne-bear, you don’t have to worry about that.” Lorraine coaxed.

“And why should I not? Not only is it my first time ever, I’m going to share it with a vampire! Not that I mind the whole vampire thing, but it just makes the whole idea even scarier! Then there’s the part where after all that, I’m officially his. When that happens, I’m going through with the whole coronation, take charge of the society. Kill me Lorraine, please!” Tyanne blabbered, real concern and worry splashed across her face, like a mural.

“Oh, come on, sex with a vampire, is pretty good.” Lorraine blurts, and when she did realised what she had just said, it was a little too late. Embarrassment washed up and showed itself on her face as she turns beetroot.

“How’d you know?” Tyanne shot up, wide-eyed, “Oh, you haven’t.”

“Well, we got carried away, and second base just went further.” Lorraine decided to come clean, with a wry lopsided smile, hoping she wasn’t going to get any of that pressing she avoided.

“How’d it feel like?” Lorraine stare at Tyanne with pure disbelief, as the words spilled out of her mouth and her eyes shone with curiosity. If no one knew better, they’d thought Tyanne grew three-heads from the look on her face.

“What kind of question is that?” Hermione yelped, as the conversation drove right straight into R rated.

“Well, I’m curious. I’d like to know something, for once. At least be mentally prepared about what I’m in for, right?” Tyanne sighed and retorted. She was thrown into this marriage; fallen in love with this supernatural being, and pulled into whatever mess that comes along with it. She just wanted to be in control of at least her first time.

“Well, it was good, I guess. There was real strong passion and desire. I think vampires are naturally sensual and sexual creatures,” Lorraine started, but sucked her lips when she noticed what came out from her. Heat rose to her cheeks as she recalled the last time Dustin made love to her; which was a couple of nights ago. “Urgh, Tyanne, just, don’t worry alright. And I think this conversation has to stop, because I’m not going to be that kind of girl who shares her sex life with her girlfriends despite how much I love you guys.”

“Thank goodness! Bless you, Lorraine.” Hermione heaved a sigh of relief, since she felt so out of place, like a fish out of water.

“Well, thank you for thrusting me back into the sea with big white sharks!” Tyanne sarcastically remarked.

“What big white sharks?” Just then, the doors to Hermione’s room opened, and Wyatt’s head popped in by a fraction, scarring the shit out of the girls, as they shrieked in astonishment and shock.

“And since when were you out there?” Tyanne yelled, almost bewildered and flabbergasted.

“Since ‘Well, thank you for thrusting me back into the sea with big white sharks’” Wyatt said with an arched eyebrow, puzzled at the conversation he overheard, “What’s going on?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Tyanne quickly said before the girls said something else. With a wry smile, Lorraine and Hermione stared at her but seeing her pleading eyes, they let it passed.

“What are you doing here anyway; you’re not supposed to see the bride until the wedding. Bad omen!” Lorraine shooed Wyatt before he could say another word, closing the doors despite his pouting yet protesting face.

“Thank god, my wife doesn’t believe in all that bad omen stuff.” Wyatt smiled, as he sees Tyanne walking out and onto the balcony. He had woke up early to have his fiancé taken away from him, and placed in the guest room, with the explanation of it being bad omen to spend the day before the wedding with his bride-to-be. Honestly to him, it was just pretty crappy because he has to spend time away from her, as the rest of the gang planned bachelor and bachelorette small scale parties.

“Well, you ought to be thankful, and I’m not your wife yet.” Tyanne smiled coyly.

“Oh, I am thankful, for you are my wife, in about 8 more hours or so.”

“What if I run away?” Tyanne teased.

“You wouldn’t,” Wyatt smirked confidently.

“Well, seeing how hot my fiancé is, perhaps not, but then again you’ll never be sure.” Tyanne joked back.

“Tyanne, are you flirting with me?” Wyatt grinned lopsidedly as Tyanne smiled flirtatiously and joked.

“So what if I am?” She challenged. And at that, Wyatt slid cupped his hand around her face and kissed her right on the lips. It wasn’t a quick peck but it wasn’t rushed and heated either. It was just slow and reassuring.

“This is what you get for flirting with me,” Wyatt whispered, as he pulled apart for a split second, before kissing her again.

It was way past midnight and everyone was asleep, yet they just didn’t want to let this night pass yet. Neither of them is willingly to just stop teasing, coying nor kissing. Nervousness bubbled in Tyanne and anxiousness in Wyatt. Like a kid who was going to some carnival for the first time the next day, the both of them are all jittery. Tomorrow is it. ©
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I know this is a terrible filler, but jumping forward would be too much of a gap to accomplish. I'll be posting the wedding by the next couple of days. So please, just bear with me. I hope this isn't too late of a Christmas treat. After all, there are 12 days of x'mas or something like that right? Do hope you guys are not mad and will continue to gimme beautiful, aspiring comments.

A belated merry x'mas to all (:

Love, Sara