Status: Completed

I'm Marrying A Halfblooded Vampire.


King Royston was about to dig in when the doors barge open . I awed at the sight that he was the guy I saw earlier !

"I'm sorry I am late for dinner ." He stammered .

"Where have you been ? You know its rude to barge in during dinner ." Queen Magdalia reprimanded .

"I'm sorry . I won't do so in the future ." He sighed .

"Tyanne , I would like you to meet my son , your fiance , Wyatt Hunter ." King Royston said as he stood up and introduce us . Yet as he spoke , my mind went hysterical . This hottie , is my fiance ! Mine ! I was going nuts . Boy , can I get used to this !

"Wyatt , this is -" King Royston spoked , and pulled me back to reality .

"I know , Tyanne LeTroy, we met a few hours ago ." He said flatly and made his way to the seat beside me . He settled himself comfortably and a maid served him his steak , and at the corner of my eye , I think I saw him whisper to the maid . After seconds , the maid returned with a wine glass containing red liquid that seems to thick to be red wine but I ignored it and continued with my spaghetti .

After a lot of laughing and jokes , we finally finished dinner . King Royston and Queen Magdalia were both fun and loving people , but its a wonder why their son is not . He seemed like an introvert , and was quiet throughout dinner .

"Dinner was enjoyable , I thank you for this Tyanne ." Queen Magdalia smiled ,"Wyatt , bring Tyanne back to the room . She still needs time to adapt around the house . "

"I will ." He replied and both the King and Queen made their way out the room .

I sat and stared blankly , not sure what to do or say till Wyatt stood up abruptly .

"Are you coming or what ?" He shot .

"Oh ! Yeahs … " I said , and stood up .
By the time I straighten my crumpled dress , Wyatt was about to exit the room . Awkwardly , I ran to catch up with him , making sure I don't fall due to wearing my heels .

All of a sudden , I stopped dead in my tracks and bumped hard on a rock surface . I could feel my head spin , and after awhile , I looked up only to find out that it was no wall that I bumped into , but Wyatt .

"What are you doing ?" He questioned , while turning back to eye me .

"Sorry , I just … " I apologised and tried to find a explanation even I did not know of .

"Forget it . Come on ." He said and ushered me to follow him .

We walked a long walk and I bet whatever that I had eaten had long digested . I dazed as I followed Wyatt ( as usual ) . Loads of things ran through my mind and it came to me how my life took a drastic change in mere hours .

When out of the blue , I bumped into Wyatt once more . Three shades of red appeared on my face , and I honestly felt that I could dig a hole and stuff my head in it .

"Are you enjoying it ?" Wyatt eyed me.

"What ?" I looked at him ,still blushing badly , not quite certain what he meant .

"Getting in awkward and sticky situations . You seem to be doing a lot of that ." He said as he opened the door to the room . I followed behind him and look around the room once more .
My luggages had been unpacked and I found my make-up sprawled across the dresser . I bet Felisa or some maid must have helped unpack it together with my clothes and other stuff .

"I'm sorry … I just spaced ." I said , replying to Wyatt's comment .

Then to my surprise , in the blink of an eye , he threw himself on the bed and was chuckling away to my sentence .
Wait a second ! What is he doing on my bed !?

"Wh…Why are you on my bed ?" I questioned in awe.

"We're suppose to share a room . My parents think it would do us good ." He said flatly .

"WHAT ?!" I screamed . I had to share a room with him !? I barely know this guy !

"Do you scream that often ? Think it's possible to avoid ? It really hurts my ear ." He jumped up and said , touching his ear , as though I had really caused his ear drum to break .

" No and Maybe . " I replied in embarrasement ," And you're saying we have to share my room ?"

" Try to stop the screeching . And no . Cause logically , this is my room . So you are actually moving into my room ." He said in a fustrated voice .

"Okay … umms … then you got to take the couch ." I said , sticking my tongue out in a apologetic manner .

" What ? You're kicking me out of my bed ?" He looked at me , surprised .

"Well , you're not going to make a girl sleep on the couch are you ?" I shot in awe .

"Fine , "He said as he made his way from the bed to the love seat ,"I knew this whole thing is just a mess ." He mumbled under his breath but it was audible , and I heard it .

"Looks like he really does not want this . " I thought and made my way to the closet , trying to ignore it.

I yanked the door opened , and walked in . And yes , I'm going to say it once more . This room is huge! I could fit plenty of people here ! It was just beyond desciption . I looked around , and saw that on the hangers were male clothes , all belonging to Wyatt. And I must say , after roughly browsing through , I came to a conclusion that my fiance had good fashion sense .
I walked further in and found my clothes . Hang nicely , according to colour code .
Note to self : Thank whoever who helped unpack .
I chose a light grey vintage tee with prints to go along with shorts that beautifully shown my long legs . Having done so , I made my way to the bathroom , and changed into them . After making sure I looked alright , did I reveal myself from the bathroom .

I walked out , and found Wyatt standing in the room , topless . I started blushing . Hard .
Right in front of me , was a guy that look so hot and is topless . I tried hard to remind myself to breathe and willed my heart to beat at a healthy rate . Though I doubt it did .
Wyatt's abs were clearly visible and he looked even more fit than he already was . His pecs were also visible and no doubt , it made me stop breathing for a good 10 seconds .

"You aren't blushing are you ?" He eyes me , after noticing I was staring .
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this is pretty much a filler . pardon me .
i would really love feedbacks & comments ! thank you .