Green Day and My Chemical Romance North American tour '04!

Green Day and My Chemical Romance go on tour. They're going to film the whole thing and make a documentary. But there's one problem. MCR's record company didn't have enough money to get a tour bus. So now its 10 guys on tour (can’t forget the two Jasons) in a 6 bed bus. No shower and the smallest kitchen ever. This is going to be hectic. Not to mention one more person. Kaile. The camera girl for the documentary. She's the kid who always shows the boys a good time but soon tragedies strike and could send the 2 bands straight down the toilet.

Thanks to Noelle (Clickity-Clack) for co-writing with me. I love the chapter!!!
  1. "Hey, Emo, I like your new nickname."
    Tre comes up with a plan. Written by Noelle.
  2. Captain Condom
    Written By Bronx.
  3. Green Day Says Bye.
    Written by Noelle.
  4. My Chemical Romance Says Bye.
    Written by Bronx.
  5. Bribury is the Best.
    Written by Noelle.